About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


101025 Mt. GyeRyongSan, in Gongju, ChungNam 鶏龍山(忠南、公州)

Date: Oct 25 (Mon) 2010 Cloudy in the morning, then fine

Place: Mt. GyeRyongSan (808m), in GongJu, ChungNam Province

Course: DongHakSa Bus Stop – Seoul Restaurant – MunGol –KeunBaeJae – NamMaeTap – SamBulBong – JayongNeunSong - GwanEumBong – DongHakSa Temple – Seoul Restaurant –Bus Stop

Partners: None

Since it was middle-term exam day, there was no class at school. So I decided to have extra-hiking by myself.

I took a bus at ShinSongDong at 8 p.m. and went to Yusong, first. Then changed buses to DongHakSa. I began hiking at 9 a.m.

This is my 3rd or 4th hike on the same mountain this year. Yet I can enjoy whenever I climb this mountain. I enjoyed autumnal color of leaves this time.

The course from Seoul Restaurant to NamMeTap is gentle and easy trail. Since it was a weekday, I saw only a few hikers during the hike.

[Big yellow flowers in front of Seoul Restaurant,ソウル食堂の前の大きな黄色い花、서울 식당 앞의 큰 노란 꽃]
[Seoul Restaurant,ソウル食堂、서울식당]

It was cloudy and a bit windy in the morning, but while climbing the mountain, the weather turned to be fine. I arrived at NamMaeTap at around 11 a.m., and decided to walk the full course.

[Fresh water along the trail、登山路の脇にある水飲み場、등산로 옆에 있는 물 마시는 장소]
[Autumnal leaves in GyeRyongSan、鶏龍山の紅葉、계룡산의 단풍]
[A nun carring goods on her back、荷物を背負って男妹塔方面へ向かう修道尼、짐을 업어서 남매탑방면에 향하는 수도 비구니]
[NamMaeTap and autumnal color, 男妹塔と紅葉、남매탑과 단풍]

I reached at SamBulBong, the first peak at 11:14. A man was selling “Wine on the peak” but it did not look a good day for his business.

[SamBulBong, 三仏峰、삼불봉]
[GyeRyongSan Ridges from SamBulBong, 三仏峰から見た鶏龍山の峰々、삼불봉부터 본 계룡산 봉우리들]

From SamBulBong to GwanEumBong, it is a bit thrilling ridge hike. The trail is narrow and sometime, it was a bit sharp slope. I had a lunch at the ridge of a cliff where I could see DongHakSa temple at around 12:30.

I arrived at GwanEumBong at 1:10 p.m. There were some hikers at the stone mark of the peak, so I quickly took the picture of the mark with such hikers, and began decending the mountain.


While climbing the mountain alone, I enjoy listening the radio program called “Morining Special” from 8 to 10 a.m. This is on EBS (Education Broadcasting Station) and all in English (explained in Korean.) Then I enjoyed recorded programs with my MP3 recorders.

I like this kind of alone hiking. I do not need to hurry up but I can walk by my own pace.

I always enjoy beautiful flowers at DongHakSa Temple. This time, I saw some big red and yellow flowers in the garden. I also found gentiana scabra (“rindou” in Japanese.) I saw many of this kind of flower in high Japanese mountains, but it is rare in Korea.

[Dahlia in front of DongHakSa Temple, 東鶴寺のダリア、동학절의 다알리아]
[Gentiana scabla、リンドウの花、용담 꽃]

Anyway, I came back to Seoul Restaurant at 2:45 p.m., and took 3 o’clock bus to Yusong. I came back to my studio apartment before 4 p.m. It was my 50th hike for this year.

日時:2010年10月25日(月) 曇りのち晴れ









[NamNaeTap and autumnal color, 男妹塔と紅葉、남매탑과 단풍]


[GyeRyongSan Ridges from SamBulBong, 三仏峰から見た鶏龍山の峰々、삼불봉부터 본 계룡산 봉우리들]


[Alone lunch at Natural Table, 天然の岩テーブルで昼食、자연 바위 테이블로 점심 ]





[EunSeong Waterfall without water, 水の無い隠仙瀑布、물이 없는 은성폭포]



[Gorgeous gentiana scabra、みごとなリンドウの花、훌륭한 용담의 꽃]



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