About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


101023 Mt. WolChulSan (808m), YongAm, JeonNam, 月出山(全南・霊岩)

Date: Oct 23 (Sat) 2010 Cloudy

Place: Mt. WolChulSan (808m), in YongAm, JeonNam Province

Course: CheonWangSa – Crossover (The Cloud Bridge) – CheonWangBong – GuJeongBong – HyangNoBong – MiOkJae – DoGapSa (Temple)

Partners: 42 members including Bernardo (Mexican) and Po (Thai)

This is my 4th hike to climb WolChulSan. My first hike with AhToSan was this mountain back in November 2004. So, I climb this mountain almost every 2 years since then.

This is my 49th hike this year. I set my target of frequency of hiking as 60 times a year. So it is supposed to be my best year in past 8 years. Yet, what I felt was “I became old” though I hate to admit this.

Anyway, I got up at 4 a.m. and prepared for the hike. The bus left at 6 a.m. with 43 participants including myself and Bernardo and Po (3 non-Koreans.)

A good photographer, “Superman” also joined this hike. Superman is one of the few members who joined AhToSan before I did. Since he moved to Seoul a few years ago, he could not join us often. But according to Bernerdo, he recently came back to Deajeon, or at least, near to Daejeon. It is good news for AhToSan since he contributes AhToSan by uploading wonderful pictures of hiking.

[A group picture before hiking, 登山開始前の団体写真、등산 시작전 단체사진]

It took about 3.5 hours to arrive at the CheonWangSa. We began hiking at about 9:50 a.m.

The first 30 minutes is always tough for me. Yet I was not too late to arrive the famous bridge. I could take pictures of other members, and they also took my pictures there.

[The bride of "cloud"、「雲の橋」월출산의 구름 다리]
[Autumn color of the mountain,月出山の紅葉、월출산 단풍]

At the first peak after the bridge, I offered fruits and Makgeoli wine for others. It is called “JeongSangJu” or “Wine on the summit.”

At that time, I was with the top group people. But while I was offering fruits and wine, some of them, including Bernardo and Po, went ahead of me.

["JeongSanJu" or "Wine on the peak"、マッコリの「頂上酒」、막걸리 정상주]

Well, after the first peak, we had to go down for about several 50 to 100 meters in the steep slope. Then we had to climb up to the steep slope again to reach CheonWangBong.
[At ChonWangBong, 天皇峰にて、천황봉세서]
[Near the peak、頂上付近にて、정상부근에서]

I had lunch with most of the top group people there. I saw Bernardo and Po there, but they kept going farther, and I could never catch up with them in the rest of the hike.

[Lunch near the peak,頂上付近で昼食、정상부근에서 점심]
[Autumn color of the mountain,月出山の紅葉、월출산 단풍]

The mountain is full of nice spots to take pictures. So, people were busy taking pictures. Especially those popular cameramen such as Superman were busy taking pictures. They are also good hikers. So, after taking pictures of slow hikers, they could go fast, and easily pass me. 

[The Rock of General, 将軍岩、 장군바위]

[Along the ridge,稜線にて、능선에서]

[At the field of silver grasses with AhToSan members, ススキの原で、억새밭에서]

They greeted me when they pass me, yet I felt rather lonely because I realized that I had no power to catch up with them. After taking some pictures at silver grass field with other members, I walked down from the mountain almost alone.

While walking along, I found several beautiful flowers called "rindo" in Japanese. According to wikipedia, it is called "Gentiana scabra" in English. I saw many of them in Shikoku when I climbed Mt. Tsurugi and Mt. Ishizuchi, but it is rare for me to see them in Korea.

[Gentiana scabra("rindo" in Japanese), リンドウの花、용담 꽃]

Anyway, I came out to a temple named “DoGapSa” where there were many people sitting in front of the big hall. It seems some big event going on there.

[A gathering at a temple,道岬寺での集い、도갑사에서 모임]

Finally at around 4:30 p.m., I arrived at the parking lot where they were having “Tippuri” party.

The menue of “Tippuri” was rather simple: Tofu and kimchi and Deodeok makgeolli.

We finished “Tippuri” at around 5 and came back to Daejeon at 8:30 p.m.

This was my 49th hike for this year and my 216th hike with AhToSan.

日時:2010年10月23日(土) 曇り










[The bride of "cloud"、「雲の橋」월출산의 구름 다리]

[Autumn color of the mountain,月出山の紅葉、월출산 단풍]



[Bernardo at ChonWangBong、天皇峰のベルナルド、천황봉에서, 벨날드]
[Lunch near the peak,頂上付近で昼食、정상부근에서 점심]


[Along the ridge,稜線にて、능선에서]


[Gentiana scabra("rindo" in Japanese), リンドウの花、용담 꽃]


[At the field of silver grasses with AhToSan members, ススキの原で、억새밭에서]
[A cave of trange shape,不思議な形をした洞窟、이상한 모습의 동굴]




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