About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120929 CheonTaeSan (715m) Yongdong/Geumsan[天台山천태산, 永同영동/錦山금산]

Hiking Date: Sep. 29, 2012 (Sat)Cloudy, then fine

Destination (mountain): CheonTaeSan (715m) Yongdong/Geumsan[天台山천태산, 永同영동/錦山금산]

Hiking course: Parking Lot – Water Fall – Huge Ginkgo Tree – A course – CheonTaeSan – D course – YongGukSa Temple – Parking Lot

Participants: 2 USA, 3 Germans, 2 Japanese, 1 Chinese, 2 Koreans and Beebee (a dog)

In Korea this year, Chuseok holiday season starts on Sep. 29, and ends on Oct. 1. Therefore there is no hiking planned by AhToSan.

[A group picture at KAIST, 出発前にKAISTで集合写真、출발 전에 KAIST에서 단체 사진]

I asked George Furst to go hiking to Mt. CheonTaeSan as Taejonhikers. There were 10 participants and George provided two of his three cars.

[Tina and Yongsuk with Beebee, ティナと『ピピ』を抱えたヨンスク、티나와 '피피'를 안은 영숙]

George himself drove one car and Tina’s husband drove another. We left KAIST at 10 am, but we were caught by traffic jam.

We arrived at the parking lot of CheonTaeSan at 11:45. It was almost noon. Anyway, we left our cars at the parking lot and began hiking.

[We arrived at the parking lot of CheonTaeSan at almost noon, 我々は天台山の駐車場に昼前に着いた、우리는 천태산 주차장에 점심 전에 도착했다.]

[A trail to CheonTaeSan from the parking lot, 駐車場から天台山へ続く道、주차장에서 턴태산로 이어지는 길]

There was a nice trail from the parking lot to the huge ginkgo tree. There was a triple step waterfall along the way.

[At the "Triple Step Waterfall", 『三段の滝』の前で、"삼단 폭포"앞에서]

Lewis, a young American, ran to the water fall and climbed to the middle level. We took a group picture there.

[Lewis on the 2nd step of the waterfall, 『三段の滝』の2段目に登ったルイス、"삼단 폭포"의 2 단에 오른 루이스]

When we came to the hugh ginkgo tree, local people were having a cultural event in front of the tree.

[At a ticket gate (two "George" were free of charge)、切符売り場にて(二人のジョージは無料)、매표소에서 (두 사람의 조지는 무료)]

We took another group picture in front of this huge tree. (The tree must be 1000 years old or older.)

[In front of the huge ginkgo tee which might be over 1000 years old, 樹齢千年余の銀杏の巨木の前で、수령 천 여년의 은행 거목 앞에서]

We climbed up to an observatory deck. It was almost 1 pm.. So we had lunch there. Lewis brought several apples, and I offered mini-tomatoes and grapes. It is a bit different from AhToSan style, though, we enjoyed our lunch.

[Lunch on the observation rock, 展望岩の上で昼食、전망 바위에서 점심]

[At the "Observation Rock" 展望岩にて、전망 바위에서]

We began after-lunch hike at 1:30 pm. Then we faced a steep rock climbing. There was an easier way to go around the wall, but 8 people including myself, challenged this rock climbing.

George Furst, put Beepee on his back and climbed the cliff, using a rope. Lewis kept accompany, but without using the rope. That’s really amazing. He looked like “Spiderman.”

[George Furst and "Beebee", ジョージ・ファーストと『ピピ』、조지 파스토와 "피피"]

[George is climbing the cliff while carrying "Beebee" on his back, 『ピピ』をリュックに背負って絶壁を登るジョージ、"피피"을 배낭에 넣어 절벽을 오르는 조지]

We all reached at the top of CheonTaeSan at 3 pm. There was a nice stone mark on the mountain. We took several pictures each other, then began descending the mountain.

[A group picture at the top of CheonTaeSan, 天台山頂上にて集合写真、천태산 정상에서 단체 사진]

We took D course, the longest and safest descending trail. On the way down to the temple, we came to a helicopter port. There was another observatory deck nearby.

[A group picture at a heliport,ヘリポートにて集合写真、헬기장에서 단체 사진]

[At an observatory along D course, 『小休止展望台』にて、전망석(잠시쉽터)에서]

[Eric and Ayla on the way down to the temple, 下山路にてエリックとアエラ、하산 길에서 에릭과 아에라]

We came down through zigzag trail to the temple called “YongGukSa.” It was a beautiful temple and there were a lot of small “monk” dolls.

[We came down to YongGukSa Temple, 我々は寧国寺へ下った、우리는 영국사에 내렸다.]

[A lotus flower at YongGukSa Temple, 寧国寺の庭のハスの花、영국사 정원의 연꽃]

[A lotus flower at YongGukSa Temple by Lewis, 寧国寺の庭のハスの花、영국사 정원의 연꽃]

[Siberian chriysanthemum, イワギク(岩菊), 구절초(九節草)]

[Figures of small monks at YongGukSa, 寧国寺の庭に置いてあった小坊主の人形たち、영국사 정원에 놓여져 있던 어린중 인형들]

<[Cosmos at the garden of YongGukSa Temple, 寧国寺の庭のコスモス、영국사 정원의 코스모스]

YongSuk, a wife of George Furst seemed exhausted, and slow. The rest of us had to wait for her.

While waiting for her, I took a close look to the temle. I found some beautiful lotus flowers.

We came back to the parking lot at 6 pm. George proposed to have dinner on the way back to Daejeon.

Since it was Chuseok holiday, it was difficult to find a restaurant open. But soon after we left the parking lot, we found a local restaurant which was open.

[In front of the local restaurant、地元の食堂の前で、지역 식당 앞에서]

It was a family-run restaurant, and they usually serve chicken dishes. They have chicken/duck farm, but it would take too much time to cook one of them. In stead, we ordered mushroom soup.

[Spicy mushroom soup, 辛い『キノコのチゲ』、매운 버섯 찌개]

["Korean pizza" called "Buchimgae", チヂミ(プッチムゲ)、부침개]

The mushroom soup came with a lot of sidedishes. We also ordered two “Pajeon” or Korean pizza. We were all hungry and ate a lot. We paid 7000 won each, except the driver.

We came back to KAIST at 9 pm. It was my 49th hike with a wonderful dinner.

(Note: The time display in the photo is incorrect, it is 9 hours earlier than true time.)











[We arrived at the parking lot of CheonTaeSan at almost noon, 我々は天台山の駐車場に昼前に着いた、우리는 천태산 주차장에 점심 전에 도착했다.]

[A group picture in front of the map of CheonTaeSan, 天台山の地図の前で集合写真、천태산 지도 앞에서 단체 사진]


[A guidepost showing the distance to YongGukSa, 寧国寺までの距離を示す里程標、영국사까지의 거리를 나타내는 이정표]


[Lewis and George on a trail along the river, 登山路にてルイスとジョージ、등산로에서 루이스와 조지]


[At a ticket gate (two "George" were free of charge)、切符売り場にて(二人のジョージは無料)、매표소에서 (두 사람의 조지는 무료)]


[Siberian chriysanthemum, イワギク(岩菊), 구절초(九節草)]


[The huge ginkgo tee which might be over 1000 years old, 樹齢千年余の銀杏の巨木、수령 천 여년의 은행 거목]


[Lunch on the observation rock, 展望岩の上で昼食、전망 바위에서 점심]




[George is climbing the cliff while carrying "Beebee" on his back, 『ピピ』をリュックに背負って絶壁を登るジョージ、"피피"을 배낭에 넣어 절벽을 오르는 조지]

[I also challenged "rock-climbing", 私も岩壁登りに挑戦した、나도 암벽 등반에 도전했다.]


[Lewis climbed the cliff like "Spiderman" ルイスは岩壁を『スパイダーマン』のように登った、루이스는 암벽을 "스파이더 맨"과 같이 올랐다.]


[A group picture at the top of CheonTaeSan, 天台山頂上にて集合写真、천태산 정상에서 단체 사진]


[A group picture at a heliport,ヘリポートにて集合写真、헬기장에서 단체 사진]

[At an observatory along D course, 『小休止展望台』にて、전망석(잠시쉽터)에서]



[A lotus flower at YongGukSa Temple, 寧国寺の庭のハスの花、영국사 정원의 연꽃]

[A lotus flower at YongGukSa Temple by Lewis, 寧国寺の庭のハスの花、영국사 정원의 연꽃]

[In the garden of YongGukSa Temple, 寧国寺の庭にて、영국사 정원에서]



[Spicy mushroom soup, 辛い『キノコのチゲ』、매운 버섯 찌개]

["Korean pizza" called "Buchimgae", チヂミ(プッチムゲ)、부침개]



[The full moon on Chuseok Day, 秋夕の満月、추석 보름달]



注:写真の時刻表示は誤っており、9時間早くなっています。 참고 : 사진의 시간 표시는 잘못하고, 9 시간 빨라지고 있습니다.

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