About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120908 SikJangSan (食蔵山식장산598m), Daejeon (大田市内 대전 시내)

Hiking Date: Sep. 8, 2012 (Sat) Fine

Destination (mountain): SikJangSan (食蔵山식장산598m)

Hiking course: GoSanSa (고산사) Temple – The top of Mt. SikJangSan (Piston travel)

Partner: Mr. & Mrs. George Furst and Jim

This day (9/8) AhToSan originally planned to have a big hike of 33 km, 13 hour to Mt. Jiri. So I cancelled my application. (It’s too much for me.) However, because of the bad weather, all trails of JiRiSan were closed. Therefore, AhToSan changed the destination to Mt. SoRakSan, another mountain of difficulties. Anyway, I joined Taejonhikers’ easier hike.

[Taejonhikers at KAIST parking lot, KAIST駐車場にて、KAIST주차장에서]

We met at 11 am at KAIST. Only Mr. & Mrs. George Furst and their pet dog, “Beebee” and Jim Katan came.

[We parked near GoSanSa Temple,高山寺近くに駐車した、고산사 가까이에 주차했다.]

We headed for “GoSanSa” temple which is located on the other side of Secheon Park, Mt. SikJangSan.

[Plumed cockscomb at GoSanSa, 高山寺のケイトウの花、고산사의 맨드라미 꽃]

[Orchid flowers at GoSanSa Temple, 高山寺のラン(蘭)の花、고산사의 난초 꽃]

Since the trail from GoSanSa Temple is new to me, I was very happy.

[The explanation of "Daeungjeon" 高山寺の大雄殿の説明、고산사 대웅전의 설명]

The location of the mountain is in the south of Daejeon, so we drove along the Daejeon River and headed for the temple.

[Taejonhikers, seeing inside of "Daeungjeon", 大雄殿内部を見学するテジョンハイカーズたち、대웅전 내부를 견학하는 대전하이카즈들]

The river bed were covered with cosmos flowers and we passed by an uniquely shaped bridge. Mrs. Furst told me that this part of the river used to be blind ditch, but just like the CheonGeCheon River in Seoul, they removed all buildings on the river and opened it up. I think it’s a good idea. Now citizens can enjoy the nature much better than before.

[One of the main building of GoSanSa Temple, 高山寺の主要な建物の1つ、고산사의 주요한 건물]

George parked his car near the temple, and we walked to the temple first. It was 11:45. Since Jim is interested in Budhism, we looked around the temple.

[Taejonhikers at the temple before the hike, 出発前に高山寺にて、출발전에 고산사에서]

It was not a grand scale temple, but it did have “Daeungjeon” or “Grand Hall for statutes of Honzon,” “Bell Tower” and “SamSeongGak” or “The shrine of three sacred folk ancestors.”

[The trail on the ridge, 稜線の登山路、능선의 등산로]

There was also a four-story pagoda in the garden.

After sightseeing the temple, we began climbing the mountain from the garden of the temple.

[Short break on the slope, 傾斜面の途中で小休止、경사면의 도중에 조금 휴식]

We could find the trail along the ridge behind the temple. We passed a gazebo and bench, then we came to a steep slope.

[Jim sitting at the gazebo, 亭子で休むジム、정자에서 쉬고 있는 짐]

We had a short rest in the middle of the slop. I offered grapes and small tomatoes and they enjoyed eating them.

[At the observatory in front of the gazebo, 亭子の前の展望台にて、 정자 앞의 전망 대에서]

After the short break, we arrived at the observation deck with a gazebo at 1:11 pm. From this gazebo, we could see downtown Daejeon and the Daejeon River well. We had lunch at this gazebo.

[The central part of Daejeon near Daejeon Station, 大田駅付近の建物、대전역부근의 건물]

Smelling sweet smells of apple, some bees came to the apple Ms. Furst was eating. She was afraid of being stinged, she abandoned the apple.

[Jim on the top of Mt. SikJangSan, 食蔵山頂上に立つジム、식장산 정상 위에 서 있는 짐]

After having lunch, we went upward a little more. Then we came to the top of the mountain. There were communication antenas for military use around the top of the mountain. It was off-limit area and surrounded by barbed wire fence.

[Mr. & Mrs. George Furst and their pet, "Beebee", ジョージ夫妻と愛犬ピピ、조지 부처와 애견 비비 ]

In front of the military facilities, there was a rock with a steel stick, on which a flag was attached. We could see the town of Daejeon very well from the rock. It was “Sun-Rise Observatory” and we turned back from this point to the temple.

We went back the same trail to the temple and arrived at the temple at 3 pm.

[At the temple after the hike, 下山後、高山寺にて、하산후, 고산사에서]

A gentleman who visited the temple by car, spoke to Jim and George Furst. When he found that George was an American, he told them about an epsode of Korean War, and William Frishe Dean, Sr.

[A man talking about General Dean at the temple, 朝鮮戦争の時のディーン少将の話をする紳士、신사께서 6.25전쟁때의 딘 장군에 대해서 이야기를 하고 있다.]


The T-34 knocked out by Dean on July 20, 1950(from Wikipedia)

He spoke about the battle of Daejeon during Korean War and how American solders were killed by communist forces in Daejeon. He expressed gratitude to George Furst and even cried. Jim hugged him and comforted him.

He did not look so old, but obviously over 75 since he knew the battle.

We left the temple at 3:30 pm. George drove us to his house in Mok-dong. He invited Jim and me to his garden. It was surrouned bumboo trees and his study room looked like Oriental reading room.

[Mr. & Mrs. George Furst at their home, ジョージ・ファースト夫妻、조지·퍼스트 부부]

He left his wife and Beebee at his house and drove Jim and me to KAIST.

We came back to KAIST at 4:30 pm. It was just an appropriate hiking. It was my 46th hike for this year.













車内の話題は先週死去した文鮮明(ぶん せんめい、韓国語: 문선명、ムン・ソンミョン)の話になったが深入りはしなかった。


{"Daeungjeon" in GoSanSa Temple, 高山寺の大雄殿、고산사의 대웅전}


[Orchid flowers at GoSanSa Temple, 高山寺のラン(蘭)の花、고산사의 난초 꽃]

[“SamSeongGak” or “The shrine of three sacred folk ancestors.”「三聖閣」、「삼성각」 ]


[In the garden of GoSanSa Temple, 高山寺の境内にて、고산사의 경내에서]



この寺でまず認証写真を撮ってから寺の庭の右側の細い道から登山路に入った。認証写真の時刻は12:02だ。 寺の後ろの薮道は10分ほど上がれば尾根になり、しっかりした登山路になっていた。途中の林の中に「改心寺」へゆく分岐点があり、亭子とベンチがあった。

[The trees behind the temple, 寺の裏山の樹木、고산사 뒷 산의 수목]

[A guidepost near the ridge, 稜線近くの里程標、능선 가까이의 이정표]


[Short break on the slope, 傾斜面の途中で小休止、경사면의 도중에 조금 휴식]


[George Furst and his wife on the way, 登山路のジョージ・フェースとヨンスク]、등산로의 조지·페이스와 영숙]


[The central part of Daejeon, 大田市内の建物、대전 시내의 건물]


[Bees eating the apple, ヨンスクのリンゴに止まった蜂たち、영숙의 사과에 앉아 있는 벌들]




[At the "Sun-Rise-Observatory",「日の出展望台」にて、해돋이 전망대에서]



[At the temple after the hike, 下山後、高山寺にて、하산후, 고산사에서]


[A man talking about General Dean at the temple, 朝鮮戦争の時のディーン少将の話をする紳士、신사께서 6.25전쟁때의 딘 장군에 대해서 이야기를 하고 있다.]




[The reading room of George, ジョージ・ファーストの書斎、조지·퍼스트의 서재]




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