About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


121003 WooSanBong (雨傘峰우산봉573m), in Yusong (儒城유성/大田대전) and in GongJu (公州공주)

Hiking Date: Oct. 3 (Wed), 2012 Fine

Destination (mountain): WooSanBong1(573m), Daejeon/Gongju

Hiking course: BanSeok #7 Apart – Entrance - #1 Gazebo - #2 Gazebo – Top of WooSanBong - #1 Gazebo – Observatory – BeomSeongAm Temple - BanSeok #7 Apart (About 7 km, 4.5 hours)

Participants: 4 Korean, 5 foreigners from Bulgaria, France, UAE, China and Japan

Two Koreans, JongMoo and WonJeong drove their cars so we had enough seats.

Alex came all the way from Daegu. He said he left Daegu at 5 am in the morning.

[Taejonhikers gathered at KAIST parking lot. KAIST駐車場にて、KAIST주차장에서]

Since JongMoo moved to Sejong City (established in July 2012), he had been away from Taejonhikers activities for a month.

Now he has come back, and planned a nice hike for us, foreigners. He came with his second son this day.

We had a newcomer, Mohamed, from UAE. I met him at KAIST. He is studying nuclear science at KAIST now.

Eric joined me again. It was his 3rd hike within 2 weeks. And Michael, a French man, joined us again after Wol-I-San on Aug. 18.

We gathered at KAIST at 10 am and arrived at BanSeok Apt #7 at 10:25. It is in Yuseong-gu in Daejeon.

[At BanSeok Number 7 Apartment, 盤石第7団地にて、반석7단지에서]

We soon began hiking. There were many "Impatiens textorii" or "Mul BongSeon(Water-jewelweed)" in clusters at the entrance of the trail.

["Impatiens textorii" or "Mul BongSeon(Water-jewelweed)" in Korean, 「水鳳仙花(和名:『ツリフネソウ』)」、물봉선]

There was a bit steep slope and we came to the ridge within 30 minutes. I saw a new gazebo under constructions on the ridge.

[A trail from the entrance to the 1st gazebo, 登山路入口から第1亭子までの道、등산로 입구에서 제 1 정자까지의 길]

We walked along the gentle ridge for a while then we came to a steeper slope than the 1st one. There was handrails made of rope along the trail.

Then we came to the 2nd gazebo at 11:40. We could see the view of Yuseong (a part of Daejeon) well from this gazebo. So we decided to have lunch there.

[A view from the 2nd gazebo, 第2亭子からの眺望、제 2 정자에서 조망]

[At the 2nd gazebo after lunch, 昼食後、第2亭子の前で、점심 후, 제 2 정자 앞에서]

Having lunch style with Taejonhikers is different from the one with AhToSan. Unlike AhToSan luch, it is quite personal matter to have lunch with Taejonhikers. It must be cultural difference.

After having lunch, we began afternoon trekking at 12:08.

It was about an hour walk from the 2nd gazebo to the top of WooSanBong. We walked rather steep rocky ridge to the top.

[On the ridge toward the top of WooSanBong, 雨傘峰へ向かう稜線にて、우산봉으로 향하는 능선에서]

We arrived at the top of WooSanBong at 13:06. It was a fine day and we could see the peaks of GyeRyongSan well from there.

[At the top of WooSanBong, 雨傘峰の頂上にて、우산봉 정상에서]

We discussed the route of descending hike. We could go on toward GapPaSan but drivers had to go back to the cars and bring them to the foot of GapPaSan. I thought it was too much for the drivers. So we decided to go back to the original place.

[On the way to go back to BanSeok #7 Apt, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

We did go to the different routes to go down. We went to another observatory, and came down to the temple called “BeomSeongAm.”

[A trail leading to“BeomSeongAm”temple, 「ポムソン庵」へ向かう下山路、"범성암"으로 향하는 하산로]

[At "BeomSeongAm Temple" on the foot of the mountain,「ボムソンアム」という名の寺にて、"범성암"에서]

It seemed like an unique combination of Buddhism and Confucianism.

[Poetic tablet "Return" in front of the temple, ボムソン庵の前の詩碑『回帰』、범성암 앞에 있던 시비 "회귀"]

[Siberian chrysanthemum or "Gujeolcho" in Korean, イワギク(岩菊)orノジギク(野路菊), 구절초]

We came down to the car at BanSeok Apt. #7 at 15:00. So, it was about 4 hours and half hike.

WongJeong proposed to have a light supper. Some agreed and not others. So we separated into two groups; one went home directly and others went to a restaurant to have a light supper.

[The nameborad of "OhMoRi Bajirak" Noodle Shop, 「オモリ」アサリ入り『手造りうどん』店の看板、오모리 바지락 손 칼국수 식당]

[Live short-necked clams in an aquarium、水槽の中のアサリ、수조 속의 바지락 조개]

[Ayla taking the noodle into her bowl, アエラがアサリうどんをよそっている、아에라가 바지락 칼국수를 담고있다.]

[A bowl of "Bajirak" noodle, アサリ手造りうどん、바지각 손 칼국수]

I joined WongJeong’s group and 5 of us went to a local restaurant specialized “Kalguksu” or “chopped noodles” with “bajirak” or “short-necked clams.”

[On the table of the restaurant, 食堂のテーブルの上に並べられたうどんとキムチとマンドゥ、식당 테이블에 정렬 된 바지락 칼국수와 김치와 만두]

The volum of “Kalguksu”was plenty. We ordered meals for 4 person and two dishes of “mulmando” or “stuffed dumpling.”

We all enjoyed the meals and went back to KAIST at 4:30.

This was my 50th hike for this year.









[Taejonhikers gathered at KAIST parking lot. KAIST駐車場にて、KAIST주차장에서]



そのほか、アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)のモハメッドが初めて参加した。彼はKAISTで原子力を学んでいると言う。 また、月伊山に続いて、核融合研究所に勤めるフランス人のマイケルとKAISTの修士課程で学ぶ中国人エリック、それに韓国人のアエらが参加した。



[Near the entrance of the trail at BanSeok, 盤石団地の雨傘峰登山口付近にて、반석 단지 우산봉 등산로 입구 부근에서]


[A trail from the entrance to the 1st gazebo, 登山路入口から第1亭子までの道、등산로 입구에서 제 1 정자까지의 길]


[They were building a new gazebo, 新しい亭子を建設中、새로운 정자를 건설 중]


[A view from the 2nd gazebo, 第2亭子からの眺望、제 2 정자에서 조망]



[On the ridge toward the top of WooSanBong, 雨傘峰へ向かう稜線にて、우산봉으로 향하는 능선에서]


[At the top of WooSanBong, 雨傘峰の頂上にて、우산봉 정상에서]



[At "BeomSeongAm Temple" on the foot of the mountain,「ボムソンアム」という名の寺にて、"범성암"에서]

[A butterfly on a flower of Siberian chrysanthemum, イワギクの花にとまった蝶、구절초 꽃에 앉은 나비]



[At the noodle restaurant, アサリ手造りうどん食堂にて、바지락 손 칼국수 식당에서]

[A bowl of "Bajirak" noodle, アサリ手造りうどん、바지락 칼국수]


[At the restaurant, アサリ手造りうどん食堂にて、오모리 바지락 손 칼국수 식당에서]




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