About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130111 Amagisan (天城山아마기산1,405m), Kanto(関東), Japan

Hiking Date: Jan. 11 (Fri) Fine

Destination (mountain): Amagisan (Mt. Manjirodake & Mt. Manzaburodake)

Hiking course: Amagikogen Golf Course Bus-stop – Yotsuji – Mt. Manjirodake (1,299m) – Mt. Manzaburodake (1,405m) – Yotsuji – Bus-stop

Partner: None.

"Amagisan" is one of 100 best mountains in Japan.

Mt. Amagi:

I climbed Amagisan twice before. When I climbed this mountain for the first time, it was May in 1967. I traversed the mountains alone.

I climbed this mountain again 4 or 5 years ago. That time, similar to this time, during the winter and I was alone.

This was my third time, and again, there was no partner, but I kept this record for my hiking blog.

I took the 6:04 am train of Tokaido Line and changed trains at Atami. I saw a beautiful sunrise from the Pacific Ocean on my way.

[The sunrise from the Pacific Ocean near Oizo, 大磯付近の日の出、오이소 부근의 일출]

From Atami to Ito, I took an Ito Line train. I arrived at Ito Station at 7:45 am.

The sattle bus between Ito Station and Amagikogen Golf Course left at 7:55 at Bus-Stop Number Three. It was a big bus but there were only two passengers including me.

[A few passengers on the shuttle bus, シャトルバスの乗客は少なかった。셔틀 버스의 승객은 적었다.]

The fee was 500 yen and it took about 50 minutes. So I think it was very reasonable price. I was just afraid that the bus company would abandon this business.

There were only 6 buses available during the day. So, I checked the bus schedule on my way back to Ito Station.

[The time table for the bus service, バスの時刻表、버스 시간표]

The entrance of the trail was obvious with a nice sign plate. There are two courses, one is to travers Amagisan mountains, the other course is a loop course to climb two hightest peaks of Amagisan. I took the latter one.

[The entrance of the trail, 天城山縦走登山路入口、아마기산 종주 등산로 입구]

[The guide-map for "Shakunage Course", 『しゃくなげコース』の案内図、"석남 코스"의 안내도]

The fork point called Yotsuji was about 30 minute walk from the entrance. Then I turned left and walked toward Mt. Manjiro, first.

It was a gentle slope but as I approached to the top of the mountain, I could see “Juso” or frost on trees here and there.

[The frost on trees near the top of Manjirodake, 万次郎岳頂上付近の樹霜、만지로다케 정상 부근의 상고대]

I arrived at the top of Manjiro at 10:24 am. After having a short break, I kept going along the ridge to Manzaburo.

[At the top of Manjirodake, 万次郎岳頂上にて、만지로다케 정상에서]

[Manzaburodake seen from Manjirodake, 万次郎岳からみた万三郎岳、만지로다케에서 본 만자브로다케]

I walked through “Umanose” and “Hanadate”, then came to the tunnel of “Asebi.”Asebi is “Pieris japonica” (Japanese andromeda) and written as “Drunken Horse Tree馬酔木” in Chinese characters because the leaves of this tree contains poisons and if horses ate them, they would suffer.

[The tunnel of Japanese andromeda, アセビ(馬酔木)のトンネル、아세비 (마취목)의 터널]


[The explanation of "Asebi", アセビの英文説明、아세비 (마취목 )의 영문 설명]

[The guidepost at Hanadate、石楠立(はなだて)の里程標、하나다테의 이정표]

[The frost on the trees near Manzaburodake, 万三郎岳付近の樹霜、만자브로다케 부근의 상고대]

[The sea of Izu from Manzaburodake, 万三郎岳から見た伊豆の海、만자브로다케에서 본 이즈 앞바다]

I arrived at the top of Manzaburo at 11:54. There I saw a couple hikers taking pictures. I took pictures of them and I asked them to take my picture.

[At the top of Manzaburodake, 万三郎岳頂上にて、만자브로다케 정상에서]

[The frost on the trees at the top of Manzaburodake, 万三郎岳頂上付近の樹霜、만자브로다케 정상 부근의 상고대]

The “Juso” or frost on the trees were beautiful here and moreover, I could see Mt. Fuji clearly.

[Mt. Fuji from the top fo Manzaburodake,万三郎岳頂上から見た富士山、만자브로다케 정상에서 본 후지산]

[The frost on the trees at the top of Manzaburodake, 万三郎岳頂上付近の樹霜、만자브로다케 정상 부근의 상고대]

I ate lunch here and began decending the mountain.

[The frost on the trees on the way of descending, 下山路の樹霜、하산 길의 상고대]

[On the way to descend the mountain, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

[On the way to descend the mountain, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]

I arrived at Yotsuji at 2:07 pm and came back to the bus stop before three o’clock and I took the 3:10 bus to Ito Station.

[The sign says "Welcome back!" 『おつかれさまでした。』"수고하셨습니다. "]

There were a few passengers both on the bus and the Ito line train.

There was a little trouble on Tokaido Line, but I came back to Ofuna at 6 p.m.

This was my 2nd hike of the year 2013.













[There were only two passengers on the bus, バスの乗客は二人だけ。버스 승객은 둘만.]



。 登山口はバス停から伊東駅方面へ約50メートルほど戻った左側で、向かいの駐車場はハイカー用のもので無料。

`[The guide map of the trails for Amagisan traverse, 天城山縦走路案内板、아마기산 종주로 안내판]



[The notice written in 4 languages, 四か国語で書かれた注意書き、네 가지 언어로 쓰여진주의 사항]




[The trail to Manjirodake, 万次郎岳への登山路、만지로다케에 가는 등산로]


[A big tree of "Himeshara" or "Stewartia monadelpha", ヒメシャラ(姫沙羅)の大木、히메샤라 (공주 사라)의 거목]


[The frost on trees near the top of Manjirodake, 万次郎岳頂上付近の樹霜、만지로다케 정상 부근의 상고대]

[At the top of Manjirodake, 万次郎岳頂上にて、만지로다케 정상에서]

[Manzaburodake seen from Manjirodake, 万次郎岳からみた万三郎岳、만지로다케에서 본 만자브로다케]


[The sign board saying "Umanose", 『馬の背』と書かれた標識、"말등"라고 적힌 표지판]

[The tunnel of Japanese andromeda, アセビ(馬酔木)のトンネル、아세비 (마취목)의 터널]

[The frost on the trees near Manzaburodake, 万三郎岳付近の樹霜、만자브로다케 부근의 상고대]


[At the top of Manzaburodake, 万三郎岳頂上にて、만자브로다케 정상에서]


[Mt. Fuji from the top fo Manzaburodake,万三郎岳頂上から見た富士山、만자브로다케 정상에서 본 후지산]

[The frost on the trees at the top of Manzaburodake, 万三郎岳頂上付近の樹霜、만자브로다케 정상 부근의 상고대]


[The sea of Izu from Manzaburodake, 万三郎岳から見た伊豆の海、만자브로다케에서 본 이즈 앞바다]


[On the way to descend the mountain, 下山路にて、하산 길에서]


[The guide-post at Yotsuji, 四辻の道標、여쓰지의 이정표]




[The train of Ito Line on the way home, 帰りの伊東線の電車、돌아 오는 길의 이도선 전철]



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