About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140415 Traverse of Tanzawa Mountains(丹沢山地表尾根縦走탄자와 산지 능선 종주)

140415 Traverse of Tanzawa Mountains(丹沢山地表尾根縦走탄자와 산지 능선 종주)

Date: April 15 (Wed) 2014 (Fine)

Mountain: Mt. Tanzawa (Main peak is Mount Tō (塔ノ岳 Tō-no-dake) 1,490.9 m (4,891 ft)

Course and time record: Yabitsu Pass (9:06) – Fujimibashi (9:26/9:50) – Ninoto (10:47) – Sannoto (11:14) – Gyoshadake (12:02) – Shindainichi (12:30/12:50) – Tonotake (1490m) at 13:38 – Hanadate (14:06) – Horiyama (14:39) – Tomagome (14:59) – Ohkura Bus Stop (16:33/16:52)

I left home at 6:10 am and took a JR train at Ofuna St. at 6:30. I changed trains at Fujisawa to Odakyu Line, and arrived at Hadano St. at 7:50.

The bus left at 8:18, but there was already a long line of hikers waiting for the bus.

[The bus stop at Hadano, 秦野駅前のバス停、하다노 역 앞의 버스 정류장]

All seats were occupied just before me, so I had to keep standing all the way to Yabitsu Pass for about 40 minutes.

But the bus company operated the extra-bus so, most of the people behind me could take seats. I felt that as if I lost the money of bus fee!

The bus arrived at Yabitsu bus stop at 9:06. There were Mamezakura (tiny cherry) blossoms and Asebi (Japanese Andromeda) in full bloom.

“Asebi” in Kanji is 馬酔木, the same as Chinese and Korean language (마취목). It is known as a plant with anesthetic effect. So if horses ate this leaves or flowers, they become drunk.

[Japanese adnromeda at Yabitsu, ヤビツ峠のアセビ、야비쯔 고개 마취목]

[Prunus incisa, the Fuji cherry,マメザクラ(豆桜),마메자쿠라]

[Stachyurus praecox,キフジ(キブシ)、통조화]

I walked the paved road for 1.6 km until Fujimibashi. I arrived at 9:26. There is nice toilet facility there. I took a rest and made a cup of brown rice porridge from brown rice power by adding hot water. It was my 2nd breakfast.

[Fujimibashi, 富士見橋、후지미 다리]

I left Fujimibashi toward the main ridge of Mount Tanzawa, starting from Ninoto (1,142m.)

[Mt. Ohyama from Ninoto, ニノ塔付近から見た大山、니노토우 부근에서 본 오오야마]

[Information Board, 『自然情報発信中』、"자연 정보 발신 중"]

[Lindera obtusiloba,ダンコウバイ、생강나무]

Once you reach on the top of Ninoto, then it’s a ridge hike from one peak to another until the highest peak of Tonotake (1490m), so it is not too hard.

[Mt. Fuji from Ninotou, ニノ塔からみた富士山、니노 토우에서 본 후지산]

I arrived at Ninoto at 10:47. I could see Mt. Fuji and Mount Hakone very well.

[Sannotou from Ninotou, ニノ塔から見た三ノ塔、니노토우에서 본 산노토우]

There was huge amount of snow remaining on the trail before Sannoto (1204.8m), but I did not see any snow besides that part.

[At Sannotou, 三ノ塔にて、산노토우에서]

From the slope between Ninoto and Sannoto, I could see Mt. Ohyma and the Sagami Bay very well.

[Info Board on "Maple", 『カエデ』の情報発信版、"단풍"의 정보 발신 판]

[Tounotake from the ridge, 稜線からみた塔ノ岳、능선에서 본 토우노타케]

[Jizo Bodhisattva of the ridge,稜線の地蔵さん、능선의 지장 보살]

When I passed Karasuo Lodge and reached at Gyoshadake, it was noon. But I kept walking until Shindainichi where there are several benches and tables. It was 12:38 and I had the lunch of brown rice porridge there.

[The trail near "Gyoshadake", 『行者岳』付近の登山路、"겨자 다케"부근의 등산로]

[The ridges of Tanzawa, 丹沢の稜線、탄자와의 능선]

[Karasuo Lodge, 烏尾山荘、카라스오 산장]

[At Karasuo Lodge, 烏尾山荘にて、카라스오 산장에서]

[Gyoshadake Guidepost, 行者岳の里程標、겨자다케 이정표]

[At Gyoshadake, 行者岳にて、겨자다케에서]

[A lodge at Shindainichi, 『新大日茶屋』、"신다이니치" 산장]

In order to make brown rice porridge, I needed hot water. Since it was about 20 degree centigrade, my 500 cc Zojirusi thermos bottle worked well, but it might be difficult to keep the water hot during the winter season.

A hiker sat next table used 1 litter thermos bottle. I may need such a large bottle during the winter, I thought.

[Sonbul Sansou on Tounotake, 塔ノ岳の尊仏山荘、토우노타케의 종불 산장]

I arrived at the highest peak of the day course, Tonotake (1490 m) at 13:38.

[At the top of Tounotake, 塔ノ岳頂上にて、토우노타케 정상에서]

[At the top of Tounotake, 塔ノ岳頂上にて、토우노타케 정상에서]

[The sundial on the summit, 頂上の日時計、정상의 해시계]

Since I already had lunch, I just took several pictures, including the picture of myself, and began descending the mountain, soon.

I overheard a conversation among female hikers, and surprised that she smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day! Wow she is a heavy smoker! I enjoy cool cans of beer, but never cigarette.

Well, I am good at walking down trails. I could enjoy descending Ookura Ridge, a bit steep and long downhill.

I saw two deer; one male (stag) and one female deer (doe). The are regarded as destructive animals in Konto area, because they eat young leaves and barks of threes too much.

[A doe eating grass,草をはむ雌鹿、 풀을 뜯는 암사슴]

[A stag eating grass,草をはむ牡鹿、 풀을 뜯는 수사슴]

[A trail near the summit, 山頂付近の登山路、정상 부근의 등산로]

There are many Japanese andromeda trees along the ridge, because deer do not like eating this plants, but others. They already ate all other trees but Japanese andromeda.

[A big Japanese andromeda, アセビの巨木、커다란 마취목]

[Hanadachi Lodge, 花立小屋、하나다테 산장]

[A butterbur sprout, フキの薹(トウ),머위 꽃대]

[Fuji cherry blossoms, マメザクラ、마메자쿠라]

[A lodge on the down trail, 下山路の山荘、하산 길의 산장]

[Fuji cherry blossoms, マメザクラ、마메자쿠라]

[Oriental Paperbush, Mitsumata,ミツマタ、삼지닥나무]

When I was having brown rice porridge at Komagome Lodge near the foot of the mountain, the hiker I met at Shindainichi came and took a rest.

[At a table near the foot of the mountain, 麓の山荘の前で、산기슭의 산장 앞에서]

[At a table near the foot of the mountain, 麓の山荘の前で、산기슭의 산장 앞에서]

[A lodge near the foot of the mountain, 麓の山荘、산기슭의 산장]

[Flowers of violet, 菫の花、제비꽃]

["Miharashi-chaya" a lodge near the foot of the mountain, 麓近くの『見晴し茶屋』、산기슭 근처의 산장]

We walked together until the fork point of the trails. One went into the woods and the other went through the observatory point. He took the woods course and I took the observatory course.



[The gate of "Hadano", 秦野の門、하다노의 문]

There were plenty of different kind of flowers at the observatory course. I enjoyed seeing them.

[Flowers of camellia,ツバキの花、동백 꽃]

[Arisaema thunbergii subsp. urashima, ウラシマソウ、우라시마소우]

[A kind of wild flower, 野草の一種、야생화]

[Arisaema thunbergii subsp. urashima, ウラシマソウ、우라시마소우]

[Flowers of violet, 菫の花、제비꽃]

[A kind of wild flower, 野草の一種、야생화]

[A kind of wild flower, 野草の一種、야생화]

[Rhododendron dilatatum, ミツバツツジ、미쯔바쯔쯔지]

[At the foot of the mountain, 大倉尾根麓にて、오오쿠라 능선 기슭에서]

[Kerria japonica,ヤマブキの花、황매화 나무의 꽃]

[Flowers of field mustard, 菜の花、유채꽃]

I arrived at the bus-stop at 4:32, but it was just after the bus left. The next bus left at 4:52, so I had to wait for more than 15 minutes.

[Ohkura Bus Stop, 大倉バス停、오오쿠라 버스 정류장]

But there were again many different flowers like double peddle cherries, and tulips and azaleas.

[Tulips, チューリップ、튤립]

[Tulips, チューリップ、튤립]

[Yamazakura, 八重桜、천엽벚나무]

[Yamazakura, 八重桜、천엽벚나무]

[Yamazakura, 八重桜、천엽벚나무]

[Flowers near the bus stop, バス停周辺の花々、버스 정류장 주변의 꽃들]

I really enjoyed these beautiful flowers and I was blessed with the fine weather.

I only missed my good friends of hikers such as AhToSan people in Korea.











[At Yabitsu Bus Stop, ヤビツ峠に到着、야비쯔 고개에 도착]


[Japanese adnromeda at Yabitsu, ヤビツ峠のアセビ、야비쯔 고개 마취목]

[Prunus incisa, the Fuji cherry,マメザクラ(豆桜),마메자쿠라]

[Prunus incisa, the Fuji cherry,マメザクラ(豆桜),마메자쿠라]


[A guidepost at Fujimibashi, 富士見橋の里程標、후지미 다리의 이정표]



[Mt. Ohyama from Ninoto, ニノ塔付近から見た大山、니노토우 부근에서 본 오오야마]


[Much snow left on the trail, 登山路に残った大量の雪、등산로에 남은 많은 눈]


[The summit of Ninotou, ニノ塔の頂上、니노토우의 정상]


[Mt. Tounotake, 塔ノ岳と表尾根、토우노타케와 오모테오네]


[Sannotou Lodge, 三ノ塔山荘、산노토우 산장]

[Mt. Fuji from the ridge, 稜線から見た富士山、능선에서 본 후지산]

[Mt. Fuji and guidepost, 富士山と里程標、후지산과 이정표]

[Andormeda on the ridge, 稜線のアセビ、능선 마취목]

[The trail on Karasuo ridge, 烏尾尾根の登山路、카라스오 능산의 등산로]

[Near Karasuo ridge, 烏尾尾根にて、카라스오 능산에서]

[At Karasuo Lodge, 烏尾山荘にて、카라스오 산장에서]

[At Gyoshadake, 行者岳にて、겨자다케에서]


[At Shindainichi, 新大日にて、신다이니치에서]


[At Shindainichi, 新大日にて、신다이니치에서]

新大日で隣のテーブルで休んでいた人が使っていた「サーモス」社の1リットル瓶が保温機能が高いそうで、これを冬場までに用意しようと思った。 今回の縦走コースの最高峰である塔ノ岳に着いたのは13:38だった。


[At the top of Tounotake, 塔ノ岳頂上にて、토우노타케 정상에서]


[Sonbul Sansou on Tounotake, 塔ノ岳の尊仏山荘、토우노타케의 종불 산장]



[A doe eating grass,草をはむ雌鹿、 풀을 뜯는 암사슴]


[A butterfly on the trail, 登山路の蝶々、등산로의 나비]

[A public toilet at Hanadachi Lodge, 花立小屋の公衆トイレ、하나다테 산장의 공중 화장실]

[A trail near the foot of the mountain, 麓の登山路、산기슭의 등산로]

[Fuji cherry blossoms, マメザクラ、마메자쿠라]

[Fuji cherry blossoms, マメザクラ、마메자쿠라]

[Oriental Paperbush, Mitsumata,ミツマタ、삼지닥나무]

[At a table near the foot of the mountain, 麓の山荘の前で、산기슭의 산장 앞에서]

[Flowers of violet, 菫の花、제비꽃]


["Miharashi-chaya" a lodge near the foot of the mountain, 麓近くの『見晴し茶屋』、산기슭 근처의 산장]




[Prunus incisa, the Fuji cherry,マメザクラ(豆桜),마메자쿠라]

[The gate of Tanzawa, 丹沢の門、탄자와의 문]

[Flowers of camellia,ツバキの花、동백 꽃]

[Arisaema thunbergii subsp. urashima, ウラシマソウ、우라시마소우]

[A kind of wild flower, 野草の一種、야생화]

[Arisaema thunbergii subsp. urashima, ウラシマソウ、우라시마소우]

[The downhill trail,下山路、하산로]

[A kind of wild flower, 野草の一種、야생화]

[Tanzawa Mountains, 丹沢山塊、탄자와의 봉우리]

[A kind of wild flower, 野草の一種、야생화]

[At the foot of the mountain, 大倉尾根麓にて、오오쿠라 능선 기슭에서]

[Rhododendron dilatatum, ミツバツツジ、미쯔바쯔쯔지]

[Kerria japonica,ヤマブキの花、황매화 나무의 꽃]


[Kerria japonica,ヤマブキの花、황매화 나무의 꽃]


[The bus time table at Ohkura Bus Stop, 大倉バス停時刻表、오오쿠라 버스 시간표]


[Tulips, チューリップ、튤립]

[Yamazakura, 八重桜、천엽벚나무]

[Yamazakura, 八重桜、천엽벚나무]

[Yamazakura, 八重桜、천엽벚나무]

[Flowers near the bus stop, バス停周辺の花々、버스 정류장 주변의 꽃들]

[The stone bridge near the bus stop, バス停付近の石橋、버스 정류장 부근의 돌다리]


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