About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140417 English Study at Day-KEC, then Sightseeing in Kamakura(Day-KECと鎌倉観光가마쿠라 관광)

140417 English Study at Day-KEC, then Sightseeing in Kamakura

Dare: April 17, 2014 (Thu) Fine

Course: Kamakura Life-long Study Center – Itarian Restaurant “Kura” – Sasuke Inari Shrine – Zeniarai Shrine – Kuzuharagaoka – Great Buddha – Hase Kannon – Hase Station – Kamakura Station

Day KEC is an English Speaking Society established by Kikko, my wife about three decades ago, after I established KEC (Kamakura English Club) in the middle of 1970s.

Hiroko has been the leader of this group, and about a dozen of English lovers get together every Thursday in Kamakura.

[Hiroko at Kamakura Station, 鎌倉駅にて、가마쿠라 역에서]

That day, Hiroko invited a special guest, Dick from Minnesota. It was his 2nd visit, but his first visit at Kamakura Life-Long Study Center.

[In front of Kamakura Station, 鎌倉駅前にて、가마쿠라 역앞에서]

Last time when Dick visited us, we had a meeting at Ofuna, so he mistook the meeting place.

Hiroko had been waiting for her at Kamakura Station until Dick realized his mistake for about one hour.

I left Hiroko at Kamakura station and visited a temple called “Daigyoji” to take pictures of flowers at the garden.

The temple is famous for “Safe-Labor Birth Prayer” and nick-named “Onmesama.”

[The entrance of Daikouji, 大巧寺入口、대흥사(大巧寺) 입구]

I personally like the flowers of the garden, so when I arrive at the hall before the time, I visit the temple and take pictures of the flowers.

[At the garden of the temple, 寺の庭にて、사원의 정원에서]

[At the garden of the temple, 寺の庭にて、사원의 정원에서]

[At the garden of the temple, 寺の庭にて、사원의 정원에서]

After taking pictures of flower, I hurried to the study room and joined Day KEC members.

We began studying the regular English text at 9:30 and kept it until Dick and Hiroko joined us at 10:30.

Dick is a dynamic lecturer and an enthusiastic speaker of Minnesota. He introduced things of his state in US including public broadcasting urls on the net, and talked about summer camps at Minnesota.

[Dick has arrived, ディックが到着、딕 도착]

He also introduced Universal Unitarian church activities. When I visited USA last year, my good friend, Alan took me to a party sponsored by the church, so I knew the church a little bit.

[Dick at Day-KEC, ディックがレクチャー中、]딕 강의 중

After the study, we went to an Italian restaurant named “Kura” in front of Enoden Kamakura station and had lunch together.

[Dick at Kura, レストラン『Kura』にて、레스토랑 "Kura」에서]

[The main dish, メイン・ディッシュ、메인 디쉬]

Then we took Dick for sightseeing of Kamakura.

[We began sightseeing, 鎌倉観光へ出発、가마쿠라 관광 출발]

Micky-san led us all to Sasuke Inari Shrine. Inari shrines guardians are “fox” therefore there were many fox statues along the shrine path together with many red shrine gates; “torii”.

[At the entrance of the shrine, 佐助稲荷神社入口、사스케이나리 신사 입구]

Sasuke Inari is located in the middle of the mountain so we had to climb up the stone steps.

[At Sasukeinari Shrine, 佐助稲荷神社にて、사스케이나 리 신사에서]

It must be very interesting to Dick. He took many pictures just like me.

[Dick at Sasukeinari Shrine, 佐助稲荷神社のディック、사스케이나리 신사에서 딕]

[Foxes at the shrine, 佐助稲荷神社にて、사스케이나리 신사에서]

There was a notice saying do not feed wild animals, esp. those which came from abroad, such as Taiwan squirrels and raccoon.

["Callosciurinae" or "Taiwan squirrel",台湾リス、대만 다람쥐]

I saw Taiwan squirrels digging the ground behind the shrines. A dove was also picking up the ground. I wonder they were eating worms under the fallen leaves.

[Oriental turtle dove,キジバト、멧비둘기]

After having sightseeing at Sasuke Inari Shrine, Mikky-san led us over the hill to Zeniarai Benten (銭洗い) Shrine.

According to Wikipedia, Benzaiten (弁才天, 弁財天) is a Japanese Buddhist goddess, who originated from the Hindu goddess Saraswati.

[At Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine, 銭洗弁財天宇賀福神社にて、제니아라이 변재천 우가복 신사에서]

There are two famous Benzaiten in Kamakura. One is Benzaiten in Enoshima, and the other is this “Zeniarai Benten.”

[Dick at the entrance of the Shrine, ディック、神社の入口にて、신사의 입구에서 딕]

It is a folk belief that if you wash money at the spring water in the cave, and use the money, you may gain more money and become rich.

So many sightseers who visit this shrine, wash money, mostly 10,000 yen bills, with the water in the cave.

After visiting Zeniaraibenten, we walkd to “Kuzuharagaoka” Park. The park is famous for its big cherry trees. I often visited this park with KEC members some decades ago.

[At Kuzuharagaoka Park, 葛原が岡公園にて、크즈하라가오카 공원에서]

From the park we walked along the ridge toward Hase direction. The trail was good for leisure walk, but down slope was a bit steep.

[The guidepost on the trail, 登山路の里程標、등산로의 이정표]

We came down to the paved road near Daibutu or Great Buddha of Kamakura.

[In front of Kōtoku-in Temple, 高徳院の前にて、고토쿠인(高徳院)앞에서]

It was at 3:10 pm, so we already spent two hours. Mikky-san and some other members finished their trip and went home, while 4 members including myself, kept guiding Dick for Kamakura-sightseeing.

[Kongōrikishi or Niō, 金剛力士(仁王)像、금강역사]

[At Kōtoku-in Temple, 高徳院にて、고토쿠인에서]

We went to Daibutsu or the Great Buddha of Kamakura. I noticed that they renew Nio statutes at the gate.

[In front of the Great Buddha, 大仏像の前にて、대불상 앞에서]

There was a group of foreigners wearing Karata uniforms. They were Kyokushin Karate group. They posed themselves in front of the Great Buddha.

[The Great Buddha of Kamakura, 鎌倉の大仏、가마쿠라의 대불]

Then we went to the final spot of the day sightseeing; Hase-Kannon.

[In front of Hase-dera, 長谷寺の山門前にて、하세데라 산문 앞에서]

Hase-Kannon is my favorite spot for sightseeing guide, because the beauty of the garden.

[At the garden of Hasedera, 長谷寺の庭園にて、하세데라 정원에서]

We enjoyed seeing many flowers in the garden, and took Dick to the carve first.

[At the garden of Hasedera, 長谷寺の庭園にて、하세데라 정원에서]

[Inside of the cave, 長谷寺の洞窟内にて、하세데라 동굴내에서]

[At the garden of Hasedera, 長谷寺の庭園にて、하세데라 정원에서]

[At the garden of Hasedera, 長谷寺の庭園にて、하세데라 정원에서]

Then we took him to the big hall where the golden Kannon statue is put. To my regret, taking photograph of the statute is prohibited.

[In front of the main hall, 観音堂前にて、관음당 앞에서]

We took a group picture at the observation deck, then went to Enoden Hase Station.

[A view of Kamakura from the observatory,展望台から見た鎌倉、전망대에서 본 가마쿠라]

It was at 5 pm, and we took the Enoden tram to JR Kamakura Station.

[At Hase Station of Enoden, 江ノ電『長谷』駅にて、에노덴 "하세"역에서]

It was a nice sightseeing trip of Kamakura with our honorable guest, Dick from Minnesota with Day KEC members.


Day KEC定例会と鎌倉観光:佐助稲荷-銭洗い弁天-葛原が岡-長谷の大仏-長谷観音)

Date: 2014年4月17日(木)晴れ

観光コース:生涯学習センター(雪ノ下)-イタリアレストラン「Kura」- 佐助稲荷 - 銭洗い弁天 – 葛原が岡 - 長谷の大仏 – 長谷観音 – 江ノ電長谷駅 - JR鎌倉駅

Day KECは英語自主学習サークルで、妻が30年以上前に創設した。現在は、フルート奏者のHYさんが主宰し、毎週10人から20人の主婦や退職者が集うかなり高度なESS(English Speaking Society)だ。

この会の元となったKEC(Kamakura English Club)は1975年に私が創設したESSで、今年は創設40年になる。


特にDay KECは主婦が中心のESSだが、総じて全体のレベルが高く、毎回、心地よい緊張感を持って参加する。



[Hiroko at Kamakura Station, 鎌倉駅にて、가마쿠라 역에서]


[In front of Kamakura Station, 鎌倉駅前にて、가마쿠라 역앞에서]


[The entrance of Daikouji, 大巧寺入口、대흥사(大巧寺) 입구]

[Explanation of the temple, 大功寺の説明、대흥사(大功寺) 설명]

[At the garden of the temple, 寺の庭にて、사원의 정원에서]

[At the garden of the temple, 寺の庭にて、사원의 정원에서]

[At the garden of the temple, 寺の庭にて、사원의 정원에서]

「おんめさま」の庭の花の写真を撮った後、私はDay KECの会場へ9:30に到着、他のメンバーと共に予定通り学習を始めた。


[Dick has arrived, ディックが到着、딕 도착]


[Dick at Day-KEC, ディックがレクチャー中、]딕 강의 중





[Dick brought presents, ディックはプレゼントを持ってきた、딕은 선물을 가져왔다.]

勉強は予定通り12時に終了し、お昼は鎌倉駅の地下道をくぐって江ノ電側の店「Kura, Bistrot a Vin」というイタリア料理店へ入った。

[Restaurant "Kura", レストラン『Kura』、레스토랑 "Kura"]


[The main dish, メイン・ディッシュ、메인 디쉬]




[We began sightseeing, 鎌倉観光へ出発、가마쿠라 관광 출발]


[At Sasukeinari Shrine, 佐助稲荷神社にて、사스케이나 리 신사에서]


[The steep steps of the shrine, 佐助稲荷の急階段、사스케이나리의 가파른 계단]


["Ema" at the shrine, 佐助稲荷神社の絵馬、사스케이나 리 신사의 "에마"]

[Foxes at the shrine, 佐助稲荷神社にて、사스케이나리 신사에서]


["Callosciurinae" or "Taiwan squirrel",台湾リス、대만 다람쥐]


[Oriental turtle dove,キジバト、멧비둘기]


[At Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine, 銭洗弁財天宇賀福神社にて、제니아라이 변재천 우가복 신사에서]


[At Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine, 銭洗弁財天宇賀福神社にて、제니아라이 변재천 우가복 신사에서]



[At Kuzuharagaoka Park, 葛原が岡公園にて、크즈하라가오카 공원에서]

br />

[The trail near Great Buddha, 大仏の近くの山道、대불 인근의 산길]


[Kōtoku-in Sanmon, 高徳院の山門、고토쿠인 산문]


[Kongōrikishi or Niō, 金剛力士(仁王)像、금강역사]

[At Kōtoku-in Temple, 高徳院にて、고토쿠인에서]


[Karate players, 外国人空手選手たち、외국인 가라테 선수들]

[The head of the Great Buddha, 大仏頭部、대불 머리]


[At the garden of Hasedera, 長谷寺の庭園にて、하세데라 정원에서]

[At the garden of Hasedera, 長谷寺の庭園にて、하세데라 정원에서]

[Inside of the cave, 長谷寺の洞窟内にて、하세데라 동굴내에서]

[At the garden of Hasedera, 長谷寺の庭園にて、하세데라 정원에서]

[At the garden of Hasedera, 長谷寺の庭園にて、하세데라 정원에서]

[The main hall, 観音堂、관음당]


[At the observatory, 展望台にて、전망대에서]


[On the Enoden, 江ノ電車内にて、에노덴 전차 내에서]

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