About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


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140725 Climbing Mt. Fuji from the Umagaeshi (吉田口馬返しからの富士登山初日) #1

140725 Climbing Mt. Fuji from the Umagaeshi (Yoshidaguchi Route) #1

Date: July 25 (Fri) 2014, Cloudy, then fine

Access: Ofuna – Shinjuku (JR) – Fujisan Station (High Way Bus) – Umagaeshi (Taxi)

Hiking Route: Umagaeshi – 1st Station – 2nd Station -3rd Station -4th Station -5th Station – 6th Station – 7th Station – 8th Station (Taishikan)

Partner: None

I was going to guide some people from Korea to Mt. Fuji this year. So, I felt the necessity to check the route before they come. So, I decided to climb the mountain before I guide them.

I took a train at 7:22 at Ofuna Station to Shinjuku. I went to High Way Bus Terminal of West Exit.

[Shinjuku Express Bus Terminal,新宿高速バスターミナル、신주쿠 고속 버스 터미널]

There were many people at the terminal, but I could buy 8:10 bus bound for Lake Yamanaka/Asahigaoka #1. My seat number was 3C, so, there might be a cancel seat.

A young man sat by me, and we began to talk. He was a freshman of a certain university and was to coach tennis for high school students of which he graduated from at Oshino-hakkai.

[Fuji-Q Highland,富士急ハイランド、후지큐 하이랜드]

The bus arrived at Fujisan Station at 10 am. After using a toilet, when I tried to ride a shuttle bus to Umagaeshi, I found out that there was no bus service because of Fujisan Marathon!

[Arriving "Umagaeshi", 『馬返し』に到着、"우마가에시"에 도착]

[Fuji Marathon banne,富士山マラソンの横断幕、후지산 마라톤 현수막]

The only alternative was to use a taxi. So, I had to hire a taxi from Fujisan Station to Umagaeshi. It cost 3700 yen.

[Explanation about Umagaeshi, 馬返しの説明、우마가에시 설명]

When I arrived at Umagaeshi, there were many “volunteers” for the marathon event. They were providing water, banana, “umeboshi”, etc, to runners.

[Fuji Marathon Volunteers, 富士マラソンボランティア、후지 마라톤 자원 봉사자들]

There was a guide plate on which the meaning of Umagaeshi was written. According to the explanation, in the old days, the trail to Mt. Fuji was separated into three.

Kusayama (草山Grass Mountain): From the bottom to Umagaeshi.

Kiyama (木山Tree Mountain): From Umagaeshi to the 5th Station. Yakeyaa (焼山 The Burned Mountain): From the 5th Station to the summit.

So, I used to climb only the Burned Mountain and I was to climb from “Tree Mountain.”

[At the 1st Station, 一合目付近にて、이치고매 부근에서]

Along the trail, I saw many people carrying AEDs. They were the students of Kokkushikan University. They were volunteer supporters for the marathon event.

I arrived at the 1st Statin (1520m) at 10:52. It took me about 20 minutes from Umagaeshi.

[The guidepost of 1st Station, 一合目の標識、이치고매 표지판]

[At the 1st Station, 一合目付近にて、이치고매 부근에서]

[At the 1st Station, 一合目付近にて、이치고매 부근에서]

[Wild flower at the 1st Station, 一合目付近の野生花、이치고매 부근의 야생화]

Then I came to 1.5th Station called “Rekkisu.” There used to be a lodge caleed “Rekkisu” where they sold a beverage named “Rekkisu.” “Rekkisu” was like “Calpis” of nowadays. I happened to see a young Western girl, taking a rest at this point. She is German and came to Mt. Fuji with her friend. She looked like a good hiker.

[A German hiker, ドイツ人の登山者、독일인 등산객]

I came to the 2nd Station at around 11:30. There was a shrine named “Fuji Omuro Sengen Shrine.”

[At the guidepost of 2nd Station, 二合目の標識にて、니고매 표지판에서]

[The shrine at the 2nd station, 二合目の神社、니고메의 신사]

[The trail near the 2nd ST, 二合目付近の登山路、니고메 부근의 등산로]

[Hydrangea serrata,ヤマアジサイ、산 수국]

The 3rd station was a service point of the marathon. So there were many volunteers to support the runners. I arrived at the landmark of the 3rd Station (1840m) at 11:52. So, it took me just one hour from Umagaeshi to the 3rd Station.

[Marathon check point, マラソンチェックポイント、마라톤 체크 포인트]

[Explanation of Miharashi-chaya, 見晴し茶屋の説明、미하라시 찻집의 설명]

[The guidepost of 3rd St., 三合目の標識、산고매 표지판]

[Around the 3rd St., a moth, 三合目付近にて蛾、산고매 부근에서 나방

I arrived at the 4th Station at 12:13. There used to be a lodge named “Daikokuten.”

[The explanation of "Daikokuten," 大黒天の説明、"다이코쿠텐" 설명]

[Rosa pendulina or Alpine rose, シャクナゲ、석남 꽃]

[Longhorn beetle、カミキリムシ、하늘소]

I arrived at the 5th Station of “Chugu” at 12:30. Actually, I need to walk more until the landmark of the 5th Station (2,350m). There was a “live” lodge named “Satogoya.” So it took me a little more than 2 hours from Umagaeshi to “Satogoya.”

[Near the 5th St. 五合目付近、고고메 부근]

[Potentilla fragarioides、キジムシロ、양지꽃]

If you take a bus from Shinjuku to the 5th Station of Mt. Fuji, they use “Subaru-Line” and take you to the terminal next to “Omitake Shrine.”

The trail which connects Satogoya and Omitake Shrine used to be called “Omitake-do.” Now this Yoshida Route is connected with Subaru Line Trail above the 6th Station.

[The guidepost of 5th Station, 五合目の標識、고고매 표지판]

[Satogoya at 5th St.,五合目の佐藤小屋、고고메 "사토 고야(산장)"]

FrI om Umagaeshi, I came to the 5.5 Station called “Kyogatake経ヶ岳.” There was a great Japanese monk called “Nihiren (1222-1282) and he came to this mountain and copied “Hokkekyo法華経” and buried it there. That is way it is called “Kyogatake.”


[At "Kyogatake"、経ヶ岳にて、"교가타케"에서]

[At "Kyogatake"、経ヶ岳にて、"교가타케"에서]

[Rosa rugosa(Japanese rose or Roman rose), ハマナス、해당화]

[Alpine flora, "Ontade", 高山植物『オンタデ』、고산 식물 "온타데"]

Anyhow, at the joint of two routes, Umagaeshi Route and Subaru Route, a man sitting under the tent, and asking 1000 yen donation to keep the better condition of Mt. Fuji environment (which started since 2013 after Mt Fuji was designated as World Heritage.)

[The milestone at 6th St. 六合目の里程標、럭고매 이정표]

From this joint to the summit of Mt. Fuji, the route was exactly the same from Subaru Line route.

[A hiker from Taiwan, 中国人登山客、중국인 등산객]

[Hikers at 6th St. 六合目の登山客、럭고매 등산객]

[Aline flora "Fujihatazao",高山植物『フジハタザオ』、고산 식물 "후지하타자오"]

[At around 7th St. 七合目付近にて、나나고매 부근에서]

[At around 7th St. 七合目付近にて、나나고매 부근에서]

[Alpine flora at 7th St., 七合目付近の高山植物、나나고매 부근의 고산 식물]

[Alpine flora at 7th St., 七合目付近の高山植物、나나고매 부근의 고산 식물]

I arrived at Taishikan which is one of the lowest point of the 8th Station (Hachigome). It was my first time to stay at Taijikan, but I liked it very much because of the larger space between the floor and the ceiling.

[Arriving at Taishikan, 太子館に到着、타이시 관에 도착]

Fortunately, there were not too many hikers that day. I shared a section with a young couple and we slept in sleeping bags.

[A couple who shared the room, 相部屋の二人、같은 방에 두 사람]>

The cost was 7000 yen without any meal.

[Next morning, the start to the summit, 翌朝午前0時出発다음날 아침, 한밤중에 출발]



月日:2014年7月25日(金) 曇りのち晴れ。


登山ルート:吉田口馬返し(1450m10:40)~一合目(1520m11:00)、二合目(1700m11:30)~三合目(1840m11:52)~四合目(大黒屋12:13) ~五合目(佐藤小屋13:08)~六合目スバルライン合流地点(2386m14:00)~八合目「太子館」(3100m17:30)


にわかに思い立って富士山単独下見登山実施。大I船7:22→新宿8:15 新宿からは中央高速バスで富士山駅へ向かう。



[Shinjuku Express Bus Terminal,新宿高速バスターミナル、신주쿠 고속 버스 터미널]


[Fuji-Q Highland,富士急ハイランド、후지큐 하이랜드]


[Fuji Marathon banne,富士山マラソンの横断幕、후지산 마라톤 현수막]


[Explanation about Umagaeshi, 馬返しの説明、우마가에시 설명]


[Fuji Marathon Volunteers, 富士マラソンボランティア、후지 마라톤 자원 봉사자들]


[The shrine gate near 1st Station, 一合目付近の鳥居、이치고매 부근의 도리이]


[At the 1st Station, 一合目付近にて、이치고매 부근에서]

[At the 1st Station, 一合目付近にて、이치고매 부근에서]


[Explanation about "Rekkisu", 『レッキス』の説明、"렛 키스 "에 대한 설명]


[At "Rekkusu", 『レックス』跡にて、"렉스"유적에서]


[The shrine at the 2nd station, 二合目の神社、니고메의 신사]


[Explanation of Sangen-jaya, 三軒茶屋の説明、산겐 자야의 설명]

[Around the 3rd St., hikers, 三合目付近にて登山者、산고매 부근에서 등산객들]


[Explanation of "Gzaishi," 『御座石』の説明、"고자이시" 설명]

[Rosa pendulina or Alpine rose, シャクナゲ、석남 꽃]

[Near the 5th St. 五合目付近、고고메 부근]

[Potentilla fragarioides、キジムシロ、양지꽃]


[At the guidepost of 5th St, 五合目の標識にて、고고매 표지판에서]

[Aquilegia (Granny's Bonnet or columbine), オダマキ、매발톱꽃]



[The Statute of "Nichiren"、日蓮上人の銅像、니치렌 고승의 동상]

[At "Kyogatake"、経ヶ岳にて、"교가타케"에서]

[At "Kyogatake"、経ヶ岳にて、"교가타케"에서]

[Rosa rugosa(Japanese rose or Roman rose), ハマナス、해당화]

[Alpine flora, "Ontade", 高山植物『オンタデ』、고산 식물 "온타데"]


[Hikers at 6th St. 六合目の登山客、럭고매 등산객]


[At around 7th St. 七合目付近にて、나나고매 부근에서]


[Alpine flora at 7th St., 七合目付近の高山植物、나나고매 부근의 고산 식물]


[Arriving at Taishikan, 太子館に到着、타이시 관에 도착]


[Sleeping bags at Taishikan, 太子館の寝袋、타이시 관 슬리핑 백]

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