About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


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140726 Climbing Mt. Fuji from Umagaeshi #2 (吉田口馬返しから富士登山二日目:下山)

140726 Climbing Mt. Fuji from Umagaeshi #2 (吉田口馬返しから富士登山二日目:下山)

Date: July 26 (Sat) 2014, Fine

Rute: Taishikan (8th St.) – Yamaguchiya (Summit) – Kengamine (3,776m) – Down Trail – The 5th Station (Subaru Route)

Transportation: The 5th Station - (Bus) – Kawaguchiko – (Fuji Tozan Train) – Otsuki – (Chuo Line) – Shinjuku – (Shonan Shinjuku Line) – Ofuna

Partner: None

During the peak season (July – August) there are many hikers climb Mt. Fuji. The trails near the summit are always very crowded.

[Lights of the hikers, 夜間登山者のライト、야간 등산객 플래시 라이트]

It may take a couple of hours from 8th Station to the summit if there were a few hikers. Because of so many hikers it may take more than 3 hours.

[At the 8th St. 八合目にて、하치고메에서]

So many hikers left Taishikan, including the couple in the same room, before the midnight.

[The guidepost of the 9th St.. 九合目の標識、 규고메 표지판]

I got up a little before the midnight and left the lodge at midnight. I could reach at the summit at 3:40 am.

[One of the lodges on the top, 頂上の山荘の一つ、정상 산장의 하나]

[Arriving at the summit, 富士山頂上に到着、후지산 정상에 도착]

[Sign of dawn, 夜明けの気配、새벽의 기운]

It was a good timining because “Yamaguchiya” a lodge with restaurant, opened its shop at 3:45 am. I entered the lodge as soon as it opened and ordered “ramen.”

[At Yamaguchiya, 山口屋にて、야마구치야에서]

It is rather cold on the summit of Mt. Fuji, so hot noodle was very popular among hikers. It costs 900 yen, a bit expensive, comparing those restaurant in regular towns. But it worth paying that much. I liked the ramen very much.

After having ramen, I went to the place where you could get good views of the sun rise.

[At the summit before sunrise, 山頂にて日の出前、정상에서 일출 전에]

[At the summit before sunrise, 山頂にて日の出前、정상에서 일출 전에]

It was rather clear day, but the sun came out among clouds, yet it was beautiful.

[Hikers waiting for sunrise, 日の出を待つ人々、일출을 기다리는 등산객들]

[The sunrise of Mt. Fuji、富士山の日の出、후지산의 일출]

[The sunrise of Mt. Fuji、富士山の日の出、후지산의 일출]

["Banzai" at the summit, 日の出をみて『ばんざい』する人々、일출을 보고 "만세"하는 사람들]

Then I soon started to walk around the crater. It is called “Ohachi-meguri” and it takes about 70 minutes to walk around the crater.

[The crater of Mt. Fuji, 富士山の火口、후지산의 분화구]

There was a temporary post office on Shizuoka-ken side. Then I had to climb a steep slope to reach the real summit of Mt. Fuji called “Kengamine.”

[The post office on the summit, 富士山頂の臨時郵便局、후지산 정상의 임시 우체국]

[A view of Kengamine from the post office, 臨時郵便局前からみた剣ヶ峰、임시 우체국 앞에서 본 켄가미네]

[The shadow of Mt. Fuji, 影富士、후지산의 그림자]

There is a stone post on Kengamine and I asked a stranger to press the shutter of my camera.

[At the top of Kengamine (3776m),剣ヶ峰頂上にて、켄가미네 정상에서]

Fortunately, it was a clear day and I could see the shadow of Mt. Fuji very clearly.

[With the shadow of Mt. Fuji, 影富士を背景に、그림자 후지를 배경으로]

After walking around the crater, I began descending the mountain. It was a bit monotonous and long simple walk.

[The down trail of Mt. Fuji, 富士山下山路、후지산 하산로]

[At the 6th St. on down trail, 下山路六合目付近にて、하산로 로쿠고메 부근에서]

[At the 5th St. スバル五合目にて、스바루 고고메에서]

When I came down close to the 5th station, I saw a flower looked like“kuroyuri” or black lily for the first time on Mt. Fuji.

[An alpine flora near the 5th St. 五合目付近の高山植物、고고메 부근의 고산 식물]

I arrived at the bus stop at the 5th station at 8:20 amd took the 8:30 bus to Kawaguchiko Station.

Then I took a special train to Otsuki from Kawaguchiko. It was not crowd at all and I noticed a lady who was sitting on the seat of the same train.

[The ticket for the special train, 特別記念列車の切符、특별 기념 기차표]

[The special train, 特別記念列車、특별 기념 기차]

She was the German lady I saw at the 1.5 station previous day.

[Inside of the special train, 特別記念列車の内部、특별 기념 열차의 내부]

She was sitting with her friend and we enjoyed casual talk on the train.

From Otsuki to Shijuku, I took Chuo Line Train and from Shinjuku to Ofuna, I took Shonan Shinjuku Line.

As the first hike to Mt. Fuji in the year of 2014, I really enjoyed a nice hike with good weather.



月日:2014年7月26日(土) 晴れ。






[At the 8th St. 八合目にて、하치고메에서]

[At the 8th St. 八合目にて、하치고메에서]

[At the 9th St.,九合目の鳥居、규고메 도리이]


[Arriving at the summit, 富士山頂上に到着、후지산 정상에 도착]


[Miso ramen at Ymagaguchiya, 山口屋の味噌ラーメン、야마구치야의 미소라면]


[At the summit before sunrise, 山頂にて日の出前、정상에서 일출 전에]

[At the summit before sunrise, 山頂にて日の出前、정상에서 일출 전에]


[The sunrise of Mt. Fuji、富士山の日の出、후지산의 일출]

[The sunrise of Mt. Fuji、富士山の日の出、후지산의 일출]

["Banzai" at the summit, 日の出をみて『ばんざい』する人々、일출을 보고 "만세"하는 사람들]


[Trail around the crater, 火口端の登山道、분화구 가장자리의 등산로]

[The crater of Mt. Fuji, 富士山の火口、후지산의 분화구]

["Kengamine" of Mt. Fuji, 富士山上の剣ヶ峰、후지산에서 "켄가미네"]

[The crater of Mt. Fuji, 富士山の火口、후지산의 분화구]


[The post office on the summit, 富士山頂の臨時郵便局、후지산 정상의 임시 우체국]


[Thermometer temporary post office、臨時郵便局の温度計임시 우체국 온도계、

[Walking toward Kengamine, 剣ヶ峰に向かう、켄가미네으로 향했다]


[At the slope near Kengamine, 剣ヶ峰手前の急坂、켄가미네 앞의 가파른 등산로]

[The shadow of Mt. Fuji, 影富士、후지산의 그림자]


[At the top of Kengamine (3776m),剣ヶ峰頂上にて、켄가미네 정상에서]

[The shadow of Mt. Fuji, 影富士、후지산의 그림자]

[With the shadow of Mt. Fuji, 影富士を背景に、그림자 후지를 배경으로]


[At the 6th St. on down trail, 下山路六合目付近にて、하산로 로쿠고메 부근에서]


[An alpine flora near the 5th St. 五合目付近の高山植物、고고메 부근의 고산 식물]

[At the 5th St. スバル五合目にて、스바루 고고메에서]




[The ticket for the special train, 特別記念列車の切符、특별 기념 기차표]

[The special train, 特別記念列車、특별 기념 기차]


[Inside of the special train, 特別記念列車の内部、특별 기념 열차의 내부]




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