About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140907 Guiding in Yokohama Part 1 "Sankeien" [横浜案内パート1:三渓園、요코하마 안내 1 부 "산케이엔"]

Sightseeing Date: Afternoon of Sep. 7 (Sun) Rain then fine.

Place: Yokohama: Sankeien

Course: Ofuna ST – Negishi ST – Sankeien – (Yokohama ST – Yamashita Park – Minatogamieruoka Park – China Town – Ishikawa ST – Ofuna ST)

Guests: Bernardo (Mexican), Mario (German)

I met my guests Bernaro and Mario at Ofuna Station after attending the church service before noon. I took them to the hotel in Ofuna and helped them check-in.

Then leaving their luggage at the hotel and we went out for sightseeing in Yokohama.

[My guests after their check-in,大船のホテルでチェックイン後、오오후나 호텔에서 체크인 후]

First, we took Keihintohoku Line at Ofuna and got off at Negishi Station. Then we took a bus to Sankeien.

While waking toward Sankeien, we noticed a strange shrine called “Kamekono Shrine.” I saw many shrines where stones were enshrined. But there, not only a stone, butthey enshrine “Kamenoko Tawashi” or “turtle-shaped-scrubbing brush."

["Kamenoko Shrine", 『亀の子』神社、"거북이 자식" 신사]

[Visiting "Kamenoko Shrine", 『亀の子』神社訪問、"거북이 자식" 신사 방문]

We arrived at Sankeien at 12:40. Sankeien is Japanese Garden with 17 historical buildings in 17.5 hector land.

[The three-story pagoda on the hill, 丘の上の三重塔、언덕 위의 삼중탑]

Sankeien: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sankei-en

We bought tickets at the machine at the gate. There was a nice pond with a small boat in it. There were some stray cats around the gate.

There was a decoration of Japanese sliver grass and dumpling for Moon Viewing at the receptionist window.

[Japanese sliver grass and dumpling at the ticket gate, 三渓園入口にて、산케이엔 입구에서]

[The pond in Sankeien, 三渓園の池、산케이엔의 연못]

There was a house with a thatched roof. It seemed that a wedding reception was going on. We saw the newly married couple of traditional Japanese kimono walking nearby.

[House with a thatched roof,茅葺屋根の家、초가 지붕의 집]

[A newly married couple, 新婚夫婦が歩いていた、신혼 부부가 걷고 있었다]

There was a volunteer guide office and a tea ceremony facility behind the office.

[In front of the pond, 三渓園の池の前で、산케이엔의 연못 앞에서]

We were the only guests invited to the ceremony. We paid 500 yen fee for the ceremony and then they performed the tea ceremony.

[Tea ceremony demonstration, 『茶の湯』の実演、"다도"의 실연]

[Tea ceremony equipment, 茶の湯の道具、다도 도구]

[Mario experiencing Tea Ceremony, 『茶の湯』を体験しているマリオ。마리오가 "다도"를 체험하고있다.]

A teacher showed how to do at the tea ceremony. There were 5 or 6 tea ceremony students, but no one spoke English. Therefore, I acted as an interpreter there.

[George at Tea Ceremony, 茶道を体験しているジョージ、조지가 다도를 체험하고있다.]

[Group picture after the ceremony, 茶の湯の後の集合写真、다도 후 단체 사진]

It took us for about 30 minutes for the tea ceremony. Then we took a glance on the exhibition in the building until 2 pm when the volunteer guide began the sightseeing tour.

[The main gate for the main building, 臨春閣の門、"린슌카쿠"의 문]

[The explanation of the gate, 『御門』の説明、"고몬"의 설명]

The volunteer guide knew Sankeien really well. He explained the background of each building and every corner of the garden in Japanese. Again, I translated from time to time.

[Picture taking for a couple, カップルのための記念撮影、신혼 부부를위한 기념 촬영]

It took about one hour for the tour, then it almost stopped raining.

[A building for the mother of Hideyoshi, 秀吉の母のための『覆堂』、히데요시의 어머니를위한 건물(오오이도우)]

[At the garden of Sankeien, 三渓園の庭にて、산케이엔 정원에서]

[At the garden of Sankeien, 三渓園の庭にて、산케이엔 정원에서]

[At the garden of Sankeien, 三渓園の庭にて、산케이엔 정원에서]

[the Chōshūkaku、聴秋閣、"쵸슈카쿠"]

[Explanation fo Choshukaku, 聴秋閣の説明、"쵸슈카쿠" 설명]

We took a rest at a gazebo next to a tea house. After having a short rest, we walked toward a hill. There was an observatory on the hill.

[Mario & Bernardo at the gazebo, 東屋にて小休止、정자에서 짧은 휴식]

[At the observatory on the hill,丘の上の展望台にて、언덕 위의 전망대에서]

Then we walked toward the wooden pagoda on the hill. The wooden pagoda was built in 1457 in Kyoto. It was moved to the current place in 1014. We took some pictures in front of the pagoda.

[In front of the wooden pagoda, 三重塔の前で、삼중탑 앞에서]

After seeing the pagoda, we visited an old private house built in 18 century, moved from Takayama, Gifu Prefecture.

[Former Yanohara House,旧矢箆原家住宅,옛날의 야노하라 집]

[Former Yanohara House]
The Former Yanohara House (旧矢箆原家住宅 Kyū-Yanohara-ke Shūtaku) (Important National Cultural Property) used to be the private home of an Edo period (1603–1868) wealthy family, the Yanohara. It is the only building whose interior is open to the public all year. It was brought here from Gifu Prefecture's Shirakawago, an area listed among the World Heritage sites.[1] The house contains the original hearth, bathroom and kitchen used by the Yanohara. The second floor houses an exhibition of Japanese folk articles.[From Wikipedia]

[At Former Yanohara House,旧矢箆原家住宅にて,옛날의 야노하라 집에서]

There were mosquitoes in the shadowy places around the house. I felt sorry for Bernardo because he was bitten many parts of his legs. He was wearing short pants.

[At Former Yanohara House,旧矢箆原家住宅にて,옛날의 야노하라 집에서]

We left Sankeien at around 4:45, and headed for other spots in Yokohama. On our way to the bus top we found a nice bakery where they bought several bread for their snack.

[At a bakery near Sankeien, 三渓園近くのパン屋にて、산케이엔 근처 빵집에서]

[At a bakery near Sankeien, 三渓園近くのパン屋にて、산케이엔 근처 빵집에서]

It was almost 5 pm and rather late to continue our sightseeing in Yokohama. But it was a precious chance for them to see more Yokohama, so we hurried to Yokohama Station by bus.


分類:観光案内(Sightseeing Guide)








["Kamenoko Shrine", 『亀の子』神社、"거북이 자식" 신사]



三渓園: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%89%E6%BA%AA%E5%9C%92


[The pond in Sankeien, 三渓園の池、산케이엔의 연못]


[House with a thatched roof,茅葺屋根の家、초가 지붕의 집]

[A newly married couple, 新婚夫婦が歩いていた、신혼 부부가 걷고 있었다]

[Mario and Bernardo in front of the pond, 三渓園の池の前で、산케이엔의 연못 앞에서]



[Tea ceremony equipment, 茶の湯の道具、다도 도구]

[Bernardo at tea ceremony, 『茶の湯』を体験するベルナルド、'다도'를 체험 할 베르나르도]

[Bernardo at tea ceremony, 『茶の湯』を体験するベルナルド、'다도'를 체험 할 베르나르도]


[Group picture after the ceremony, 茶の湯の後の集合写真、다도 후 단체 사진]


[Picture taking for a couple, カップルのための記念撮影、신혼 부부를위한 기념 촬영]


[At the garden of Sankeien, 三渓園の庭にて、산케이엔 정원에서]


[At the garden of Sankeien, 三渓園の庭にて、산케이엔 정원에서]


["Shunsouro" (Tea Room), 春草廬(茶室), "슌소우로"(다실)]

[Explanation of "Shunsouro", 春草廬の説明, "슌소우로"의 설명]




[Mario & Bernardo at the gazebo, 東屋にて小休止、정자에서 짧은 휴식]


[We walked up the hill, 丘の道を登った。언덕 길을 올랐다.]


[At the observatory on the hill,丘の上の展望台にて、언덕 위의 전망대에서]


[The three-story pagoda on the hill, 丘の上の三重塔、언덕 위의 삼중탑]


[Former Yanohara House,旧矢箆原家住宅,옛날의 야노하라 집]

[At Former Yanohara House,旧矢箆原家住宅にて,옛날의 야노하라 집에서]


[At Former Yanohara House,旧矢箆原家住宅にて,옛날의 야노하라 집에서]


[At a bakery near Sankeien, 三渓園近くのパン屋にて、산케이엔 근처 빵집에서]

[At a bakery near Sankeien, 三渓園近くのパン屋にて、산케이엔 근처 빵집에서]


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