About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140907 Guiding in Kamakura Part 2 Hachiman Shrine (鎌倉案内その2鶴岡八幡宮 가마쿠라 안내 2”쓰루 가오카 하치만 구우)

Sightseeing Date: In the morning of Sep. 7 (Sun)

Place: Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, Kamakura

Course: Sannotorii – Genpei Pond – Wakamiyagu – Hongu – Maruyama Inari Shrine – National Treasure Museum – Genpei Pond

Guests: Bernardo (Mexican), Mario (German)

Since it was late previous night, I overslept that morning. Besides it was raining. So my wife drove me to their hotel.

[My wife drove us to the shrine.妻に送ってもらった。아내가 우리를 데려다 주었다.]

She offered them ride to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu. We began strolling at the 3rd shrine gate “Sannotorii” and walked toward Honden, the main building.

[A lotus flower in the pond, 源平の池の蓮の花、"겐페이" 연못의 연꽃]

We took pictures in front of Genpei Pond, then walked to Wakamiyagu. Wakamiyagu is used for dancing performance. It is between the stone stairs leading to “Honden” and Genpai Pond.

[My guests at Genpei Pond, 源平の池にて、겐페이 연못에서]

[In front of Wakamiyagu, 若宮宮前にて、와카미야구우 앞에서]

There is a place to keep sake barrels beside Wakamiyagu. Many sake breweries dedicated barrels of Japanese sake.

[Dedicated sake barrels, 奉納された酒樽、봉납 된 청주 통들]

Then there used to be a big gingko tree. The tree was said to be 1000 years old. Unfortunately it was fell down on March 10, 2010 because of strong wind.

[Message Board for the tree, 大銀杏を励ますメッセージ、큰 은행 나무를 격려하는 메시지]

The tree used to be at the side of stone stairs. The original tree was cut into 3 parts. They put the lowest part of the original tree, 7 meters away from the stone stairs. They planted the tiller of the gingko tree at the original place.

[The original gingko tree, 昔の銀杏の巨木、옛 은행 거목]

When we walked up the 63 steps of the stone stairs, then there were two “Sakuramon” gates and a samurai-statue sitting each gate.

[At the top of the stone stairs, 石段の最上段にて、돌계단의 상단에서]

[In front of the Honden, 鶴岡八幡宮本殿にて、쓰루가오카하치만구우 본전에서]

There is “Hongu” or main building behind the “Sakuramon.” The shrine offers “wedding ceremony” service and one of my 5 siblings had wedding ceremony there. It was 50 years ago and I was a high school student.

[A statute of Samurai, 桜門の侍像、사쿠라문 사무라이 상]

After seeing “Honden” we walked behind the main building. There is “Maruyama Inari Shrine” in its precinct. Bernardo found a set of fox statues in front of the shrine.

[Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Honden, 鶴岡八幡宮の本殿、쓰루가오카하치만구우의 본전]

[In front of Maruyama Inari Shrine, 丸山稲荷神社、마루야마 이나리 신사]

There are 2790 Inari shrines in Japan. Foxes are considered to be messengers of Inari god, so people offer “deep-fried tofu” or “Abura-age油揚げ” to the shrine.

[At Maruyama Inari Shrine, 丸山稲荷神社にて、마루야마 이나리 신사에서]

After seeing “Maruyama Shrine” we went down to Wakamiyagu and then walked through the stone path in front of “Kokuhokan” or National Treasure Museum to Genpei Pond.

[Wakamiyagu, 若宮宮の前にて、와카미야구우 앞에서]

[Gingko-shaped Ema, イチョウの葉の形の絵馬、은행잎 모양의 "에마"]

[At Genpei Pond, 源平の池にて、겐페이 연못에서]

I said good bye to them for a while, then hurried back to Ofuna to go to my church there.


分類:観光案内(Sightseeing Guide)


観光地:鎌倉(八幡宮) 観光コース:三の鳥居→源平の池~若宮宮~本宮~丸山稲荷~国宝館前~源平の池




[My wife drove us to the shrine.妻に送ってもらった。아내가 우리를 데려다 주었다.]


[In front of "Taikobashi", 『太鼓橋』の前で、"홍예 다리"앞에서]

[Lotus flowers in the pond, 源平の池の蓮の花、"겐페이" 연못의 연꽃]

[Dedicated sake barrels, 奉納された酒樽、봉납 된 청주 통들]


[The original gingko tree, 昔の銀杏の巨木、옛 은행 거목]



[At the top of the stone stairs, 石段の最上段にて、돌계단의 상단에서]

[A statute of Samurai, 桜門の侍像、사쿠라문 사무라이 상]




[Maruyama Inari Shrine, 丸山稲荷神社前にて、마루야마 이나리 신사 앞에서]

[At Maruyama Inari Shrine, 丸山稲荷神社にて、마루야마 이나리 신사에서]


[In front of Wakamiyagu, 若宮宮の前にて、와카미야구우 앞에서]

[In front of Kokuhokan Museum, 鎌倉国宝館前にて、가마쿠라 국보관앞에서]

[At Genpei Pond, 源平の池にて、겐페이 연못에서]

[At Genpei Pond, 源平の池にて、겐페이 연못에서]


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