About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140908 Climbing Mt. Fuji Subashiri Route First Day(富士登山須走ルート第1日目후지 등산 수바시리 루트 첫날)

140908 Climbing Mt. Fuji Subashiri Route First Day

Date: Sep. 8, 2014 (Mon) Cloudy, occasional rain

Route: Subashiriguchi Gogome – Hacchome “Edoya”

Partners: Bernardo (from Mexcico) and Mario (from Germany)

It was my 6th hike to Mt. Fuji in 2014 and totally my 14th hike to that mountain. I checked the access to Subashiriguchi one week before. It was a rainy day, so I climbed only up to Rokugome (the 6th Station) that day and returned to the bus-stop at Gogome that day.

[Mt. Fuji Subashiri Route, 富士山須走ルート、후지산 수바시리 루트]

I checked the weather of Mt. Fuji by internet. It was “A” which meant good, but according to TV forecast, it would be cloudy, and occasionally rain.

As for the transportation, I planned the same schedule as I went previous week, but there was an accident along Tokaido Line, so we took the unexpected delayed train which came before the time I planned.

Yet we got off at the wrong station, Oiso ST, in stead of Kozu, because of my mistake. Fortunately the next train came soon, so we could arrive at Kozu ST in time.

We changed trains at Kozu for Gotemba Line, and we arrived at Gotemba ST as I planned all right. We had 20 minutes there for the bus to Subashiriguchi Gogome.

[Gotemba Line train at Kozu ST, 国府津駅にて御殿場線の電車、고즈역에서 고텐바선 열차]

My guests were short of Japanese currency, so they went the Information Center and asked how to draw Japanese currency at a convenience store. They suggested to use convenient store, 7-11. They found a 7-11 store and drew Japanese currency at ATM there.

They did their work within 20 minutes while I was waiting for the bus. While I was waiting at the bus stop, an Asian traveler spoke to me. He was one of 4 Malaysians visiting Mt. Fuji for sightseeing.

They were all from Malaysia, and they said they had climbed Mt. Kinabalu (4,095m) before. They were friendly guys and they rushed from one side to the other in the bus, which the bus driver did not like, They driver warned not to stand while the bus was in running, in Japanese. I interpreted it in English so that they could understand.

[Friendly Malaysian on bus, 愉快なマレーシア人、유쾌한 말레이시아 인]

We arrived at Subashiriguch Gogome at 1:30 pm. Mario and Bernardo had lunch at a lodge/restaurant there. (I had my lunch box in the bus.) Mario ate “oyakodon” while Bernardo ate “yakisoba.”

[Friendly Malaysians, 愉快なマレーシア人たち、유쾌한 말레이시아 인]

I wanted to start climbing ASAP because I worried about arrival time of the lodge at Hachigome. But in order to prevent altitude sickness, it would be better to spend a little time when we got off from the bus.

[At Subashiriguchi Gogome, 須走口五合目にて、수바시리 입구 고고메(5/10지점)에서]

Actually they were much faster than I, once we began walking. We could enjoy seeing many alpine flora, such as monkshoods or wild berries. I especially liked wild berries because they were tasty.

[At the sign of 2000m, 標高2000mの地点にて、해발 2000m 지점에서]

[Monkshoods, トリカブト、바곳]

[Mario on his way to Rokugoume, 六合目へ行く途中にて、록고메으로 가는 길에서]

[An alpine flora, 高山植物、고산 식물]

[A kind of mushroom, キノコの一種、버섯의 일종]

[Campanula punctata,ホタルブクロ、초롱꽃]

["Fujiazami" a kind of thistle、フジアザミ、"후지아자미" 엉겅퀴의 일종]

[An alpine flora, 高山植物、고산 식물]

[The signboard of "Rokugome",六合目の里程標、록고메 이정표]

[At "Rokugome",六合目にて、록고메(6/10지점) 에서]

[Goldenrod, キリンソウ、기린초]

[Near Nanagome, 七合目付近にて、나나고메(7/10지점) 부근에서]

[Near Nanagome, 七合目付近にて、나나고메 부근에서]

[Wild berries near Nanagome, 七合目付近の野イチゴ、나나고메 부근의 들딸기]

[Near Nanagome, 七合目付近にて、나나고메(7/10) 부근에서]

When we reached at Shichigome (7th Station), it began to rain a little bit. They rain never became heavy, and it stopped raining when we reached at Hachigome.

[Taiyokan at Nanagome, 七合目の『太陽館』、나나고메의 '태양관']

[Above Nanagome, 七合目通過、나나고메 통과]

[Arriving at Hon-Nanagome, 本七合目到着、본 나나고(7/10지점)메 도착]

[Arriving at Hachigome, 八合目到着、하치고메(8/10지점) 도착]

We could see rainbows and the shadow of Mt. Fuji. It was my first time to see the shadow of Mt. Fuji in the afternoon.

[The rainbow after rain, 雨のち虹、비가 온 후 무지개]

[The shadow of Mt. Fuji, 夕日の影富士、석양에 의한 후지 그림자]

The shadow looked like Mt. Fuji with smoke from the top of the mountain. I really liked this phenomena and took many pictures.

[At the trail near Edoya, 『江戸屋』近くの登山路で、"에도야"근처 등산로에서]

[The shadow of Mt. Fuji, 夕日の影富士、석양에 의한 후지 그림자]

We arrived at the “Edoya” lodge at 6:30 pm. So, we could reach at our first destination taking about 4 hours.

[We arrived at "Edoya", 江戸屋へ到着、에도야에 도착]

We had supper at 7 pm. They provided warm steamed rice and hamburger and curry. We had beer with the supper and we went to bed soon after the supper.

[Supper at the lodge, 山小屋の夕食、산장의 저녁 식사]

It was rather crowded even it was September. It is because most of other lodges were closed. We slept together at a corner of the lodge. I slept between Bernardo and Mario just like a sandwich.


分類;登山、富士山(Mt. Fuji)







[Mt. Fuji Subashiri Route, 富士山須走ルート、후지산 수바시리 루트]




[Gotemba Line train at Kozu ST, 国府津駅にて御殿場線の電車、고즈역에서 고텐바선 열차]



[Friendly Malaysian on bus, 愉快なマレーシア人、유쾌한 말레이시아 인]



[At Subashiriguchi Gogome, 須走口五合目にて、수바시리 입구 고고메(5/10지점)에서]


[Bernardo at the sign of 2000m, 標高2000mの地点にて、해발 2000m 지점에서]



[Monkshoods, トリカブト、바곳]

[George his way to Rokugoume, 六合目へ行く途中にて、록고메(6/10지점)으로 가는 길에서]

[An alpine flora, 高山植物、고산 식물]

[A kind of mushroom, キノコの一種、버섯의 일종]

[A sign of autumn, 秋の気配、가을의 기색]

[The signboard of "Rokugome",六合目の里程標、록고메(6/10지점) 이정표]

[A kind of mushroom, キノコの一種、버섯의 일종]

[An alpine flora, 高山植物、고산 식물]

[Near Nanagome, 七合目付近にて、나나고메(7/10지점) 부근에서]

[Wild berries near Nanagome, 七合目付近の野イチゴ、나나고메(7/10지점) 부근의 들딸기]

[Alpine flora near Nanagome, 七合目付近の高山植物、나나고메(7/10지점) 부근의 고산 식물]

[At Nanagome, 七合目にて、나나고메(7/10지점)에서]


[Above Nanagome, 七合目通過、나나고메(7/10지점) 통과]


[The rainbow after rain, 雨のち虹、비가 온 후 무지개]

[The shadow of Mt. Fuji, 夕日の影富士、석양에 의한 후지 그림자]



[Supper at the lodge, 山小屋の夕食、산장의 저녁 식사]



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