About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100501 Mt.Biseulsan (1083m), Daegu 大邱・琵瑟山

[At the Daegyon Sato, テギョンサトにて、대견사터에서]

May 1st, 2010 (Sat) fine.

Destination: Biseulsan (1083m) in Daegu. I climbed this mountain with AhToSan people in April 29, 2006. It was a foggy weather, but Jindalle (Korean azalea) was in full bloom, so it was really fantastic view. This time, it was a fine weather, but since we had cold weather in April, the flowers on Biseulsan were still in buds and not blooming at all. What a shame!

[AhToSan slogan, "Let's go hiking on Saturday!" 出発前の気合い、「ああ土曜日だ。山へ行こう!」출발전의 구호, "아!토요일은 산에 가자!"]

There were 38 hikers including 3 foreigners (1 Mexcian and 2 Japanese).

[In front of the Yugasa Temple, 瑜伽寺の山門前で、유가사 산문앞에서]

The couse was same as before. We arrived at Yugasa temple at 9:55. After taking a group picture at 10 am, we began hiking.

[Cherry blossoms near the temple, 瑜伽寺付近の山桜、유가사 부근의 산벚나무]

After walking toward ridges, we took “Suzuki-time” when I provide fruits such as grape tomato, Chinese orange called “Kinkan” and imported grapes from Chille.

We arrived at the ridge after walking upward for 70 minutes. The ridges are in the altitude of 1000 meters. There are many jindalle trees, but flowers were not blooming.

[The flowers were not blooming yet, チンダルレはまだつぼみのまま、진달래는 아직 봉오리인채로]

We arrived at the highest peak of Biseulsan (1083m) called “DaeGyonBong” at 11:45. We had lunch at a flat space on the ridge.

[At the peok of the mountain、琵瑟山山頂にて、비슬산 대경봉에서]

Korean people prepare a lot of vegitable for lunch. They wrap rice with vegitable and eat it. It tastes good.

[AhToSan lunch, アトサンの昼飯、아토산 점심]

After having lunch, we continued walking among the bush of jindalle toward 1034-Bong. I noticed a unique white building on the ridge. I had no idea what it was, but B and M told me it was a radio observatory since they are expert of astronomy. Both of them work at Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI).

[The radio observatory, 電波天文台、전파천문대]

From “DaeGyonSaTo” to the last part of the hike, Sojaesa Temple was the most difficult part of this hike. It was almost “cliff” we had to go down carefully, but it was fun.

[The most difficult part of the cliff, 今日最大の難所の「崖」下り、오늘 최대의 험한 곳의 「벼랑」하행]

We could also see the block streams which were formed during the last part of ice age (10,000 to 100,000 years ago.) They say Biseulsan Block Streams are the largest ones in Korea.

[Biseulsan Block Stream, 琵瑟山岩塊流、비슬산암괴류]

When we landed on the paved road, it was a part of leisure park which non-hikers can enjoy. There was a big picture panel on which pictures of azalea are printed. It was a nice spot to take a picture, so many AhToSan hikers took pictures of themselves in front of the panel.

[In front of the panel, チンダルレの写真のパネルの前で、진달레 사진 패널 앞에서]

The menu of after-the-hike party were trotters and “pine-leave” wine which is one of my favorite wines in Korea. Unfortunately for B, the Mexcican, he does not like “trotters,” so he did not touch any of them and went back to the bus seat alone.

[A toast by the president, アトサン会長による乾杯、아토산 회장님에 의한 건배]

This is my 21st hike for this year and my 199th hike in total with AhToSan hikers.






[DaeGyongBoong, テギョン峰、대견봉]


[After lunch, 昼食後、점심후]



[The radio observatory, 電波天文台、전파천문대]


[The block stream, 岩塊流、암괴류]

[Sojaesa Temple Gate, 消災寺(ソジェサ)山門、소재사의 문]



[The panel on which the flowers were in full bloom, 満開のチンダルレの花のパネル、만개한 진달래꽃 패널]

[The poem of "Jindalle Flowers" by Kim Sowol, the poet, 詩人・金素月の「チンダルレの花」の詩、시인,김소월의"진달래 꽃"]


[Trotters, トンソク(豚足)、적발]


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