About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100515 Mt. Jiri, ChonWangBong (1915m) 智異山・天王峰

May 15 (Sat), 2010, a bit cloudy, occasionally fine.

This was the 266th regular hiking by AhToSan. The destination was Jirisan, ChonWangBong (1915m), the highest peak in the South Korean peninsula.

[Cutting cake for our 200th hike、200回目の登山を祝して、200번째의 등산을 축하해]

It happened to be the 200th hike for Chorongpem and me. So, we had “congratulation” ceremony on the bus. Chorongpem and I also bought everyone the dinner at the local restaurant after the hike.

[The 200th memorial cake, 200回登山記念ケーキ、200번째 등산 기념 케이크]

I got up at 2:30 am and prepared lunch and for hiking. I left my apartment room at 4:30 and arrived at South Gate parking lot at 4:50. Masashi and Bernardo were already there waiting for me. The bus left there at 5 a.m

There was no vacancy this time. 46 members joined this hike. We arrived at Chungsanri at the foot of the mountain before 8 a.m.

I remembered the time when I climbed the same mountain in March 2004. From Chungsanri to Chonwangbong via Bopgesa Temple, it was exactly the same course. We just returned to Chunsanri 6 years ago, but this time, we continued to walk along the ridge to JeSeokbong (1805m) and walked toward the final destination of BaekMuDong via JangToMok Shelter.

Total walking distance was 16 km, and expected walking hours were 8 hours.

As for this hike, I walked with Masashi, the Japanese astronomer who works at Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI).

Bernardo, who also works at KASI walked with his Australian church friend, Brain all the time.

B&B walkded much faster than us, and took a time of sightseeing at Bopgesa Temple. But they were slower on the way down.

[In front of the mountain gate of BeopGyeSa Temple、法界寺の山門の前で、법계사 산문 앞에서]

When we arrived at Rotary Shelter, we heard a senior couple speaking Japanese. The couple came from Osaka to climb Mt. Jiri. They said when say saw a Korean TV drama “Hur Jun (허준, Chinese title: 醫道, also known as "The Way of Medicine: The Epic Doctor Hur Jun" and very much impressed with the scenes of Mt. Jiri. So, they came all the way from Osaka to Mt. Jiri.

[A senior couple from Osaka、大阪から来たカップル、오사카에서 온 노부부]

The man said he had lived in Daegu, but he pronounced the name of the city in old Japanese way “Daikyu.” So, I thought he would have lived in the city during Japanese colonial days (1910-1945.)

I saw them again on the top of the mountain. So they made the hike completely. How nice it is to go hiking together as a man and his wife.

I have never seen any wild animals except small ones like squirrals or insects. But they say there are wild bears in Mt. Jiri. I saw several warning signs of bear on the mountain.

When we had a short break, and had fruits which I brought for “Suzuki time,” I saw clusters of “dog tooth violet” or “fawn lilies.” When I climbed Japanese mountains, I saw several, there it was a big community of the flowers.

[The bud of "dog tooth violet", カタクリの花の蕾、얼레지 꽃의 봉오리]

[A cluster of "fawn lilies"、カタクリの群落、얼레지의 군락]

[A cluster of "fawn lilies"、カタクリの群落、얼레지의 군락]

We finally arrived at the top of Mt. ChonWangBong, it was already 12:30. Many members were already there, having lunch. Bernardo opened a bottle of wine to celebrate my 200th hike. The wine tased very goo.

It was really crowded on the top of the mountain. Geumgang took my picture with Masashi. It proves that we were on the highest point of South Korean peninsula.

[At ChonWangBong with Masashi、天王峰にて、천왕봉에서]

After lunch, I began walking with Masashi, Bernardo and Brian. It was the most leaisurous walk for this hike. The ridge from ConWangBong to JeSeokBong was a nice trail. We could see not only good view of mountains, but also beautiful flowers of jindalle, and wild cholchuk (azalea.)

When we arrived at JangTeoMok Shelter, one of the members, GaRyongBong bought cans of fresh drinks for all of us there.

The final fork to our destination there was a bit difficult to identify. Some members went to the wrong trail, but came back to the appropriate path.

Marin Boy was one of those who mistook the wrong way. But he found some beautiful flowers along the trail near the shelter. Bernardo also saw the flowers and took a picture of them. It was “gwaengnun” in Korean which means “cat’s eye.” I found the Japanese name for the flower later. It’s “Nekonome-sou” which also means “cat’s eye.” The name comes from the shape of its fruit.

["Cat's Eye" ネコノメソウの花、괭이눈(괭이는‘고양이 ’의 준말)]

It took much time from the shelter to the final destination of this hike. Masashi and I arrived at Baekmu Restaurant at almost 5 pm. Bernardo and Brian had arrived even later.

All AhToSan members congratulated me and Chorongpem. Many of them came to me for cheers with AhToSan wine named “pine leave wine.” The party ended at 5:50 and we came back to the Expo South Gate parking lot at 8 pm.

[George eats the 200th cake、200回記念ケーキを食べる、200회 기념 케이크를 먹는다]




[Awarding ceremony, I got 200,000 won coupon! バスの中で表彰式、버스 안에서 표창식]



[46 members all together, 46人で満車、46명으로 만차]














[Bernardo opened wine for me、ベルナルドがワインを開けた。벨날도가 와인을 열었다]


[Jindalle flowers on the ridge,稜線に咲いていたチンダルレ、능선에 피어 있었던 진달래]




["Cat's eye", ネコノメソウ、괭이눈]



{Spicy Chicken Soup, とても辛いタクトリタン、매우 매운 닭도리탕]



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