About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100521 GeumSubong, Sutongol (錦繍山、ストンコル)

May 21, 2010 (Fri)

In Korea, not only Christmas, but also the day when Buddha was born (traditionally, April 8 of Lunar calendar) is a national holiday. So, Taejonhikrs planned another hiking on May 21, after May 5th of Children’s day. I joined this hike as my 25th hike for this year.

Alan planned this hike and about 20 people joined him including 8 Americans, 7 Koreans, 2 Australians and a German and a Japanese pulas 2 kids. Our common language was English as usual.

[About 20 people got together, 約20人が集まった、약20명이 모였다]

We met at KAIST main gate at 10 am, but a taxi which the newcomer, Tim the American, was caught in a traffic jam, and he came 15 minutes past 10.

The destination of our hike is Mt. Geumsusan (531m) in Sutongol. There is a spacious parking lot in Sutongol and it is also a terminal for several bus routes. A lot of Daejeon citizens enjoy hiking there on holidays. Some of Taejeonhikers came directly to the parking lot. At 11 am, all members got together, and we started after taking group pictures.

[On the way to Swegoljae, スェゴルジェへの途中、쇠골제에의 도중에서]

There are several trails available and we took an easy one along the river in Jageun Sutongol. On the way to Swegoljae, I happened to see “Chorongpem” who made 200th hike of AhToSan with me last week. He seemed to enjoy alone hiking on the same mountain.

[Alan explains the course, コースを説明するアラン、를 설명하는 앨런]

I often see aquentances while walking in the mountain in Korea. Anyway, it was a pleasant surprise for both of us.

[On the ridge、錦繍峰稜線にて、금수봉 능선에서]

The trail from Swegoljae to the top of GeumSuBong is rather steep. On the ridge, we would see good view of Mt. GyeRyongSan. It was a clear day, and I could count all peaks of GyeRyongSan from ChonWangbong to JangGunBong.

[Mt. Gyeryong, 鶏龍山の峰々、계룡산 봉우리들]

There is an octagonal gazebo on the top of GeumSuBong. We arrived at the gazebo at 12:30. When we arrived there, there were a foreinger and a Korean lady having lunch there. The foreigner was a New Zea Lander and the lady was a Korean. We all talked in English, exchanging information. We all had lunch here.

[A New Zea Lander, ニュージーランド人、뉴질랜드 사람]

After taking group pictures in front of gazebo, we began decending the mountain to Sutongol valley. Some part of the trail was really steep, but we all came down to the river safely.

[In front of the gazebo,錦繍峰頂上の亭子の前で、금수봉정상의 정자 앞에서 ]

We enjoyed washing our feet with cold water, then we walked along the river and saw Sutong Waterfall, and came back to the parking lot at 4 p.m.

[渓谷で水遊び,계곡에서 물놀이]

[After the hike, ハイキング終了後、산행 완료후]

It was a pleasant hike with fine weather and I enjoyed this hike very much.










[Mt. Gyeryong, 鶏龍山の峰々、계룡산 봉우리들]



[Splash at the river, 渓谷で水遊び、계곡에서 물놀이]


[The Sutong Waterfall, ストン滝、수통폭포]

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