About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100522 HwangJeongSan (1,077m), DanYang 丹陽・黄庭山

May 22 (Sat) 2010, Cloudy, rain in the evening. It was 256th hiking of AhToSan. Destination was HwangJeongSan (1,077m) in DanYang. It was my 201st hike with AhToSan, and my 26th hike this year.

They announced the leaving time of the bus as 6 am at first. But after I signed in as the 1st person, the planner of the hike changed his mind and made it 7 am as usual. I did not check the time again. As the result, nobody showed up at 6 am and I had to wait for one hour!

Well, participants were about 30 and I was the only foreigner.

[About 30 members, 約30人が参加、약30명이 참가]

The hiking course was Wuijeom – Big Stone – Suribong (1,019m) - YongAReung – 990 peak – South Peak – HwangJeongSan (1077m) – 850 peak – 810 peak – DaeHeoungSa Temple. 12 km, 6 hour hike.

Wuijeom was just beside the paved road where the bus stopped. The entrance of the trail was not clear. Therefore there were a few hikers beside us.

We took a nice group picture on the paved road. Then we started at 10:15.

When we walked for about 30 minutes in the woods, then we came to the big stone with handrail. I took the handrail, but most of the members climbed up on the slope. It was too hard for me to climb without using the handrail.

[Most of the members climbed the big stone directly. 会員たちは巨大な石盤を登る、회원들은 거대한 돌반을 오른다 ]

When we climbed up this part, we took a rest called “Suzuki Time.” They call it “Suzuki Time” because I offer fruits such as mini-tomatoes and grapes for them. This time, some other members also offered “Chestnut Makkori,” a kind of traditional Korean wine made from chectnuts. It look yellow and taste very good.

[Ups and downs were
a bit difficult for me, 岩場の登り降りは、私にはかなりの負担になった。암석 지대의 상행 내림은, 나에게는 상당한 부담이 되었다.]

We came to the ridge of the mountains. There were beautiful wild azalea called “SanCholChuk.” They looked like Jindalle, but blossoms are larger, and the color is much lighter then Jindalle.

[Korean Mauntain Azalea、チョウセンヤマツツジ、산철쭉]

I also found small floweres called “Tongulle” which looked like “lily of the valley” but flowers are larger than that. Its English name is polygonatum odoratum, commonly known as Angular Solomon's-seal according to Wikipedia.

[Angular Solomon's-seal, アマドコロ(甘老野、둥굴레꽃]

The roats of this plant is used as “tea” in Korea and it is said to have revitalizing effect. This flower is common in Far East Asia, such as China, Korea and Japan. It is called “Amadokoro” in Japanese.

We climbed several peaks this day. We arrived at the first peak called “Suribong (1019m) at 11:15. After taking several pictures, we continued ridge hiking.

We climbed up and down along the ridge, mostly rocky parts. When it was about noon, we stopped on the ridge under the trees. It was our lunch time.

There were few hikers beside us, so we occupied the whole trail and spread luncheon sheet to have lunch.

The leader of this hike, “Chinhan Saram” brought cooking utincils including gass burner and a fraying pan. He cooked “pork belly” called “Samgyoksal” for us. It was really tasty with “Makkori,” the Korean traditional wine.

Some of members brought mountain vegitable, and they mixed them with “Kochujan” or Korean dressing materials. They wrap cooked rice with such vegitable and they taste very good, too.

After the lunch we forwarded the ridge hike with up and down, some parts were really steep.

We arrived at HwangJeongSan (1,077m) at 1:40, and took a group picture there.

[At the top of HwangJeongSan, 黄庭山山頂にて、황전산 정상에서]

Then we continued to climb two more peaks of 850 Peak and 810 Peak.

[On the ridge、稜線にて、능선에서]

When I finished all peaks, and began decending, I used the rope to go down at almost cliff like steep place. The rope hit my camera case which I put on my belt. Unfortunately the camera came out of the case, and it dropped on the rock and clashed apart into the bush.

[The last part of steep cliff down, 最後の崖下り、최후의 벼랑하행]

Some members helped me to pick the parts of the camera. It costed me 45000 won to fix them up again. I finally arrived at the final destination where our bus was waiting at 4:10 pm.

[In front of SaInAm, 舎人岩の前で、사인암 앞에서]

Tippuri menu were cooked kimchi and tofu and “Makkori.” While having the party, it began to rain a little.

[Tippuri Menu, ティップリメニュー、뒷풀이 메뉴]

On the way back to Daejeon, we stopped at “Sa-In-Am” Rock which is one of the best eight sceens of DanYang.

It was 8:30 p.m. when we returned to the Expo South Gate, and I came to my apartment at 9 p.m. It was another a good hike for me.












[Korean Mauntain Azalea、チョウセンヤマツツジ、산철쭉]

[Korean Mauntain Azalea、チョウセンヤマツツジ、산철쭉]


[Angular Solomon's-seal, アマドコロ(甘老野、둥굴레꽃]


[At SuRiBong, 守理峰にて、수리봉에서]




[At the top of HwangJeongSan, 黄庭山山頂にて、황전산 정상에서]







[SaInAm, 舎人岩、사인암]

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