About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


DR #182 “The 200th Hike with AhToSan”アトサン定期山行200回目

DR #182 “The 200th Hike with AhToSan”

I joined AhToSan Hiking Club in November 2004. One of Taejeonhikers member, “Wutol” invited me to join them. The first mountain was WolChulSan(809m) in JeonNam province.

[The first hike with AhToSan in Nov. 2004, アトサン山岳会に初めて参加した山は「月出山」아토산악회에 처음으로 참가한 산행은 "월출산"]

AhToSan members are mostly 30s and 40s. The average hiking distance is about 12 km to 15 km, walking hours are about 6 to 7 hours.

They plan hiking every Saturday throughout the year, even during the rainy season, or snow season.

They do not plan regular hiking if Saturday happened to be traditional Korean holidays such as Lunar New Year or “Chusok” vacation. (They still plan irregular hike on such holidays.)

[The first oversea hiking was "Mt. Huangshen in China, 最初の海外山行は中国の「黄山」초음의 해외산행은 중국의 「황산(黃山)」]

In the past 6 years, there was a time when they faced extremely difficult time. It was when dozens of main hikers walked out from AhToSan two years ago.

Due to this conflict, AhToSan could not organize regular hiking every week, from April to September last year. For these 6 months, they held the regular hike every other week. Yet, they planned irregular hiking, using their own cars.

[Baekdu Mountain is located at the border of North Korea and China, 白頭山は中国と北朝鮮の境にある名山、백두산은 중국과 북한의 경계에 있는 명산]

However, they recruited new staff members and now we enjoy having regular hike every week again.

[Kŭmgangsan is a beautiful mountain in North Korea, 金剛山は、北朝鮮の名山,금강산(金剛山)은, 북한의 명산]

One of the original members, “Chorongpem” and I happened to cerebrate our 200th hike with AhToSan on May 15, 2010.

They made a special cake for us, and we had a special hiking with party that day.

Please click the below to check these pictures on “100515 hike.”

Among 200 hikes with AhToSan, there were special oversea hikes such as Mount Huangshan, Mount Taishan, Baekdu Mountain (they are in China), Kŭmgangsan(North Korea), and even Mt. Daisen in Japan.

Thanks to AhToSan, I can travel throughout Korea and climb most of major mountains including those in 20 national parks in every season.

National Parks in Korea

This weekend, I will climb DuWuiBong (1465m) in GangWonDo province. They say the wild Korean azaleas are beautiful in the mountain now. This will be my 203rd hike with AhToSan, and I am looking forward to it very much.


DR #182 アトサン定期山行200回目













[I climbed "Hoki-Daisen" a Japanese mountain with AhToSan,鳥取県の伯耆大山にも登った、돗토리현(鳥取縣)의 호키다이센(伯耆大山)에도 갔다]




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