About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100529, YongA-ChangSeong, NamWon、南原の龍牙長城

May 29 (Sat), 2010, Fine

AhToSan #268th Regular Hiking. It was my 202nd hiking with AhToSan as the total number, and it was my 27th hike this year.

[At the entrance of the trail、登山口にて、등산로 입구에서]

Destination was “YongA-ChangSeong” (which means “Dragong’s Fang-Like Long Castle”)

Hiking course: Bihongjae – MunDeokBong – GoJeongBong – SakKatBong – GoRiBong – BangChonRi (about 18 kirometers, 8 hour-hike)

We left the South Gate Parking Lot at 7 am as usual. 46 members including Bernardo, the Mexican and myself. There was no vacancy in the chartered bus.

It was cloudy in Daejeon, but as we forwarded toward south, it became cleared up. There was no wind, and it was rather hot for hiking.

We arrived at Bihongjae at around 10 am. The entrance of the trail was beside the paved road. The altitude of the trail was already high, so it was an easy climb to the ridge.

There was a community of wild iris at the entrance of the trail. They were beautiful.

[The community of wild iris, 野生のあやめの群落、야생 붓꽃의 군락]

Soon we came to the remains of fortress named “PiHongSanSeong” during “Three Kingdom Era (4th to 7th centuries). The remaining stonewalls are over 1,000 years old.

[The stone wall called "BiHongSanSeong"、三国時代の古城「飛鴻山城」の遺跡、산국시대의 "비홍산성" 유적]

We had a short break called “Suzuki Time.” It is my practice to offer fruits such as grapes and grape tomatoes at every hike. This time I also brought “Totori muk” which is “acorn starch” pecurier to Korea. Some members brought “chestnut makkori” which is a kind of traditional Korean wine.

["Suzuki Time" to offer fruits, 「スズキタイム」休憩時間、"스즈끼 타임"휴게 시간]

We arrived at MunDeokBong at 11:45. A member called Max25 has a nice camera. His taking photograph technicque is also excellent. He took many pictures of members including mine. We can download his pictures from AhToSan website.

[The first peak "MunDeokBong"、最初の峰、文徳峰、첫번째 봉우리 "문덕봉"]

Between MunDeokBong and GoJeongBong, we had lunch break. There were a few hikers besides us, so we occupied the whole trail for lunch. Korean hikers share their food, and I enjoy their food as well as my own lunch box.

[Lunch with a lot of vegitable, 野菜の多い昼食、야채가 많은 점심]

After having lunch, we soon came to GoJeongBong. Max 25 also took a lot of pictures of the members. Then we continued our walks on the ridges.

I realized that we (about 10 hikers inclusing the leader of this hike, “Kkachi”) took the wrong path when I saw other hikers on the other ridge. So we walked extra-long distance.

[Wild azalea on the rock, 岩場に咲く山つつじ、암석 지대에 피는 산철쭉]

When we arrived at the last peak called “GoRiBong” at 4 pm. It took another hour to arrive the final destination called BangChonRi villege.

[The last peak, GoRiBong,最後の峰、「コリ峰」마지막 봉우리, "고리봉" ]

On the way down to the villege, there were a lot of wild fruits called BokBunJa or Korean black rasberry. We enjoyed picking them and eating them. Korean people furment this fruit into wine called BokBunJaJu. It is a kind of sweet wine.

[Bernardo examins Korean black rasberry, 覆盆子(ポクブンジャ)の実を見るベルナルド、벨날도가, 복분자 열매를 보고 있다]

The villege seems a typical Korean villege. I saw two black goat eating grasses along the river. There was a big tree in the villege.

[Two black goats along the river, 2頭の黒い山羊、검은 염소, 2마리]

Our bus is the only one at the villege parking lot. We had “tippuri” party there as usual. The menu was; Totori-muk and makkori wine. We enjoyed the party until 6:30. It was over 9 pm when we returned to the South Gate Parking Lot.

[Toast at the Tippuri、ティップリで乾杯、뒷풀이에서 건배!]









[The explanation of BiHongSanSeong, 飛鴻山城の説明、비홍산성 설명]



[At MunDeokBong, 文徳峰にて、문덕봉에서]


[Lunch with a lot of vegitable, 野菜の多い昼食、야채가 많은 점심]




[The last peak, GoRiBong,最後の峰、「コリ峰」마지막 봉우리, "고리봉" ]


[Bernardo relaxes by the river, 渓谷でリラックスするベルナルド、벨날도가 계곡에서 릴랙스하고 있다]


[The fruit of Korean black rasberry, 覆盆子の実、복분자딸기]

[I tasted Korean black rasberry, they tasted good!覆盆子の実を味見した。うまい!복분자 맛이 있다!]


[A big tree in the villege, 村の中の大木、마을의 큰 나무]


[Korean traditional food, "Totorimuk"、韓国の独特な食べ物「トトリムック」、한국이 독특한 음식물 「도토리묵」]

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