About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100612 DuWuiBong, 斗圍峰(トウィボン두위봉)(1465m)

June 12 (Sat) 2010 It was AhToSan’s 270th hike. The destination was DuWuiBong (1465m) in JeongSeon, GangWonDo Province. It was my 204th hike with AhToSan, and my 30th hike for this year.

[Group picture of 270th AhToSan Hike、アトサン270次定期山行斗圍峰、두위봉산행]

It was raining at Daejeon in the morning. But it stoped while we were going up toward north by bus and when we arrived at the destination, it had completely stopped.

Since there was the World Cup soccer game between Korea and Greece that night, they all wanted to come back earlier, therefore the bus was to leave at 5 am at Expo South Gate parking lot.

However, I failed to set the alarm clock previous night, and I overslept for the first time in my hiking record! I woke up at 4:50 am!

I did not give up anyway. I picked up the essencial gears, such as hiking boots, sticks, cameras, a tripod, etc., and ran to a tax within 10 minutes!

When my taxi came to Daedeok Bridge, my cellphone rang. It was “Chongjeon” in charge of general affairs. I asked her to wait for 2 more minutes. They were waiting for me in the bus. It was 5:10 am when I got on the bus.

I usually cook rice in the morning. I bought lunch boxes at an service area. I ate one for breakfast, and put another one in my bag for lunch.

When I took a taxi in my neighborhood, it was raining. But it soon let up and when we arrived at Mungogni at 8:45, it was not raining at all.

We walked along forest road for about 20 minutes, then we came to a milepost saying 2.75 km up to the top of the mountain.

Along the trail, I saw several “oyama magnolia,” the national flower of North Korea. I also found the white leaves of actinidia polygama or “silver vine.”

Actinidia polygama is known as “matatabi” in Japan. According to Wikipedia, the leaves of this vine are very attractive to cats and useful as a sedative for cats’ families including lions and tigers.

We saw very unusual fenomina on the trail. It was the flower of arrow bamboos (or bamboo grasses/dwaf banboos.) According to Wikipedia, this plant blooms only once for 40 years. Come to think of it, I saw flowers of arrow bamboos when I was low teens in Japan. So, it was 50 years ago!

[Flowers of arrow bamboo which bloom once for 40 years、40年に1度咲くという笹の花、40년에 한번만 핀다고 하는 조릿대의 꽃]

Some of AhToSan members said that flowers of bamboos were very rare, and bad omen. According to Wikipedia, rats eat these flowers, and they increase in number. They also eat agriculter products, therefore it causes famine because of lack of food.

In Korea peninsula, the tension between North and South Koreas is increasing now because of sinking South Korean patrol vessel. I hope this is no sign of any bad omen.

Along the trail up to the ridge, I noticed many flowers of yellow and purple besides bamboo flowers.

I also found flowers of polygonatum odoratum, commonly known as Angular Solomon's-seal or Scented Solomon's-seal.

It seems that Korean peole like this plant as herbal medicine. They sell the roots of this plant for herbal tea at many places including super markets.

Other unique flowers were black. I found mostly buds, but some were blooming, but not so attractive to me.

[A black flower, 「鬼神の頭」のような黒い花、귀신 머리와 같은 검은 꽃]

I like flowers of “katakuri” or dogtooth violet, I could not see this flower unlike on Mt. Jiri.

We came up to the ridge where we could see good views of moutanis in one hour and 45 minutes.

[On the ridge of the mountain, 稜線にて、능선에서]

The hight of this mountain is 1465 m, so we had fantastic views of blue mountains.

[A view from the ridge, 青い山々、푸른 산들]

“San Cholcchuk” were in full bloom around the top of this mountain. This flower is called “Chosen Yamatsutsuji” in Japanese. Its scientific name is “Rhododendron yedoense” from Greek “red tree.”

[Fowers fo "Rhododendron yedoense"、チョウセンヤマツツジの花、산철쭉 꽃]

[Fowers fo "Rhododendron yedoense"、チョウセンヤマツツジの花、산철쭉 꽃]

We had lunch at around 11 am near the top of the mountain. The “San Cholcchuk” flowers were just beautiful around here.

[Lunch time, 昼食風景、점심 식사]

[At the top of the mountain、頂上の記念撮影、정상 기념 촬영]

The highlight of the downward hike was the community of “Taxus cuspidate” (Japanese Yew or Spreading Yew).

[A big Japanese Yew, 朱木(和名:イチイ)の大木、주목]

Taxus cuspidate is called “Jumok” kin Korean. “Ju” means red and “mok” means tree. So “Jumok” means “red trees”

[A big Japanese Yew, イチイの大木、주목]

It is called “Ichii” in Japanese. “Ichii” means “一位” in Japanese. The quality of this tree is quite high and it is used to make “Shaku(笏)” or a ritual baton for the highest class officials, that’s why it is called “Ichii” in Japanese.

I arrived at the small park of “Dosakok” at 14:40. So, it was about 6 hour hike.

There was a sculpture of miners in the park. Jeongseon used to be a town for miners. It used to produce natural resources such as coals, gold, silver and iron. Now they made a casino called “Gangwon Land.” According to Wikipedia, It is the only casion which Koreans are allowed to enter.

[Tower of "Miners' Family"、石炭家族の塔、석탄가족의 탑]

Jeongseon is also known as a special cuisine called “Gondrebap” or “rice with seasoned Gondre”

“Gondre” is a kind of wild vegitable. It contains a lot of minerals and vitamins.

So, “Gondrebap” is a kind of “Bibimbap” using “Gondre” as the most important ingredient.

[Gondre-Bibimpap、コンドレ・ビビンパのティップリ、되풀이는 곤드레밥]

We enjoyed “Gondrebap” and the local market of Jeongseon very much.

We came back to Daejeon by 7:30 p.m. so that everyone could enjoy the soccer game between Korea and Greece.


[At the top of the mountain, 斗圍峰(トゥイボン)山頂にて、도위봉 정상에서]












[Flowers of arrow bamboo which bloom once for 40 years、40年に1度咲くという笹の花、40년에 한번만 핀다고 하는 조릿대의 꽃]






[A black flower, 「鬼神の頭」のような黒い花、귀신 머리와 같은 검은 꽃]




[Fowers fo "Rhododendron yedoense"、チョウセンヤマツツジの花、산철쭉 꽃]



[At the top of the mountain、頂上の記念撮影、정상 기념 촬영]


[In front of a big Japanese Yew (1400 years old)、イチイの大木(1400年)の前で、주목(1400년)앞에서]




[Tower of "Miners' Family"、石炭家族の塔、석탄가족의 탑]



[Market Place at Jeongseon, 旌善(チョンソン)の市、정선의 시장]


["Gondore" Bibingpap,コンドレ・ビビンパ、곤드레밥]


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