About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100619 Gonjaksan, Hongcheon-gun, Gangwondo, 江原道、洪川郡、孔雀山(887m)

June 19, 2010 (Sat), Cloudy, occasional rainshower and fine weather. It was AhToSan’s 271st regular hike, and my 205th as a whole and 31st hike for this year. The destination was Gongjaksan (887m) in Hongcheon in Gwangwondo province.

[A group picture at the entrance, 登山路入口での集合写真、등산들머리에서]

The hiking course was: Entrance of Gongjaksan-Gonjaksan(887m)-Suribong(755m)-Yaksubong(558)-Suta Valley – Suta Temple – Parking lot; about 12 kilometers, 6.5 hours.

We began hiking at 10:30 am and finished at 5 p.m.

The soccer game of Japan vs. Netherland was scheduled that evening, but they seemed not very much interested, so the bus was not necessarily return to Daejeon early. Therewhere, the bus left at 7 am as usual. For me, it is much easier than last week (it was 5 am).

I had a Japanese companion this time. Masashi was born in 1982. He came to Korea this April. He works at Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), just like Bernardo. Anyway, he is the youngest among the hikers today. Many ajunma (women) like him very much. They urged him to learn Korean as soon as possible so that they can communicate with him without interpreter (me)!

The bus stopped at the entrance of the trail along Route 606 and it was 10:26 when we took the group picture.

Since we started at high altitude, it was much easier for me to climb along the rodge. Especially so because I walked with Masashi (talking with him in Japanese.)

The first break for eating fruits was at 10:50. I offered “grape tomatoes” and “grape” for other hikers. But some other hikers offered “Pam Makkori(Korean traditional wine” and “Suyuk(boilded pork)”. They tasted delicious! According to one of my good Korean hiking friends, UsumiPpotari (which means bandle of laughters), “Villege Master” and “Chilkapsan” brought “Pam-makkori” and “Suyuk.” We all appreciated their “altruism.”

["Chest nut Makkori"、クリマッコリ、밤 막걸리]

We reached at the top of Mt. Gongjak at 11:58. It was about the time for lunch, but there were narrow space and too many people were already there, so we kept going along the ridge, and found a good place at 12:20.

[At the top of Gongjaksan with Masashi, 孔雀山山頂にて、공작산 정상에서]

We had to climb a steep cliff to reach the place. The place was good enough to have lunch together.

[A cliff before lunch, 昼飯前の崖登り、점심전 벼랑상행]

I could not found much flowers comparing with the last hike. I saw a bellflower and several yellow flowers along the ridge, but that’s all.

[A bellflower, ホタルブクロ、초롱꽃、灯笼花]

It was a relatively easy hike along the ridge, but the final peak called “Yaksubong” was tough for most of us, because it was a bit steep, and we were a bit tired.

[At Yakusubong with the landmark, 薬水峰にて、약수봉 정상에서]

After taking pictures with the landmark, we came down through the wood of pine trees, then to the valley called “Suta Valley,” and the river.

[Masashi on the ridge, 下山路のマサシ、하산로의 마사시]

The river water was not cristal clear, and not necessary icy cold, but it was nice to jump into it, so many AhToSan hikers jumped into the river.

[Members enjoy splashing in the river, 渓流内の水遊び、계국에서 알탕널이]

We walked along the river and came to the old temple called “Sutasa.” It is said, according to the explanation, that it was originally established in A.D. 708 duing Silla Kingdom.

[Mountain Gate of Sutasa Temple, 壽陀寺の山門、수타사 산문]

The tippuri nemu were; “Ori gogi” or “duck meat” and “Makkori.” Both of them are my favorite food and drink. We enjoyed the party and came back to Daejeon at around 9 p.m.

["Tippuri" party, ティップリ・パーティ、됫풀이 풍경]



[The big map with the trail, 登山路を示す大地図板、등산로를 나타내는 대지도판]



[The bus stopped at the pass on Route 606, バスは606号線の峠で止まった、버스는 606호선 고개에서 멈추었다.]


最初の休憩(スズキタイム)は10時50分で、ミニトマトと大粒のブドウを提供。その10分後には、先頭グループがクリマッコリとスユク(豚の頭の肉)と塩辛、割り箸まで用意して待っていてくれた。["Suyuk" or bild pork and "shiokara" for side dish, マッコリのつまみは「スユク」と塩辛、술안주인 수육과 젓갈]



[At the top of Gongjaksan with Masashi, 孔雀山山頂でマサシと、공작산 정상에서 마사시와 함께]


[Masashi slipped while climbing the steep cliff, 険しい崖を登っている時、マサシは尻もちをついた。험한 벼랑을 오르고 있을 때, 마사시는 엉덩방아를 붙었다.]


[Lunch time, 昼食の風景、점심식사 모습]


[Yellow flowers name unkown,名を知らない黄色い花、이름 모르는 노란 꽃]



[Members enjoy splashing in the river, 渓流内の水遊び、계국에서 알탕널이]


[A building in Sutasa Temple, 壽陀寺境内の建物、수타사 경내의 건물]


[Duck meat & Makkori, カモ肉とマッコリ、오리 고기와 막걸리]

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