About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100629, 40th Anniversary Trip to USA, 1st day, 結婚40周年米国西海岸第1日

June 29 (Tue) 40th Anniversary Trip to USA, the 1st day: San Francisco and Oak Hurst

We got married on June 28, 1970. We went to USA for sightseeing in the summer of 1990 as our 20th anniversary trip. Now it’s the time of 40th anniversary, and we joined a packaged tour to West Coast of USA planned by Club Toursim.

We left Narita in the evening of June 29, and arrived at San Francisco airport in the morning of the same day (because we crossed the international dateline.)

Last time when I visited USA was just 10 years ago on business. I was surprised to know how tight they inspect all passengers who come to USA.

Now they take the fingerprint of all foreign passengers and their face pictures. They even take all ten fingerprints now. They also questioned all passengers for several questions. So it took more than one hour to get through all these procedures.

The number of participants for this packaged tour was 35. They seem mostly retired couple and looked senior than us. Among single participants, there was a senior lady who runs “full marathon” from time to time. She said she was over 70 years old.

The tour escort was a young lady, named Kudo-san. She did a good job all through the tour.

After one-hour immigration clearance, Mr. Isomura, the tour guide welcomed us at the exit of the airport. Mr. Isomura has been working as the guide for 25 years, he said. He told us several interesting stories including “pioneers” of Japanese immigrants.

According to Mr. Isomura, the first Japanese immigrants were samurais of Aizu-han. After losing the civil war (Boshin War 1868-69), about 40 samurais were desparated with Meiji government, and went to San Francisco to establish “Wakamatsu Colony” with the help of John Henry Schnell, the merchant who sold arms and weapons to Aizu-han.

They brought young trees of Japanese tea (for producing Japanese tea) and mulberry trees (for starting “silk” industry). But they failed this agricultural immigration endeavor, and Schnell left San Francisco leaving these samurais and never returned.

Along with 40 samurais, there was a young girl named “Okei.” She was only 17 years old when she came to Cisco, and she died only 2 years later at the age of 19.

So I immergined how hard for these pioneers to live in a forign country without much physical and mental help.

Well, we first went to Fisherman’s Whalf for lunch and sightseeing.

[A tramcar at Fisherman's Whalf, フィッシャーマンズワーフの路面電車、피셔맨즈 워프의 노면 전차]

[Pier 39 at Fisherman's Whalf、フィッシャマンスワーフのピア39にて、핏샤만즈와후의 피어39에서]

We went to a restaurant at Pier 39 and had “Sourdough” with clam chowder in it. It was as large as a head of small kid. I like this food, but most of peers ate only clam chowder and left this “sourdough.”

[California Sea Lions,カリフォルニア・アシカたち,캘리포니아·강치들]

[At Pier 39, ピア39にて、피어39에서]

[Sourdough with clam chowder, クラムチャウダー入りサワードウ、클램차우더가 들어인 사워도우]

[Fruit Market at Pier 39、ピア39の果物市場、피어39의 과일시장]

After the lunch and sightseeing Pier 39, we went to “Golden Gate Bridge” and then headed toward Oak Hurst.

[At The Goden Gate Bridge,ゴールデンゲートブリッジにて、금문교(金門橋)에서]

Along the highway, I noticed a lot of wind-mills on the hills. They are for wind-generated electricity, and there are 5,000 such mills in California.

[Wind-mills for generating electricity、風力発電用風車、풍력 발전용 풍차]

Wind-generated electricity is good for earth, but they kill birds of prey, as a result, the number of small animals such as squirralls are increasing rapidly which causes damage of agriculture products.

I saw beautiful sun set at holizon from the bus. We arrived at Comfort-Inn, the first hotel for our tour, in Oak Hurst at around 9 p.m.

They served “beefsteak for Japanese.” It was much smaller than I expected, but actually it was an appropriate size for most of tour members including me. We also enjoyed California red wine and local brew beer.









サンフランシスコへ最初に移住した日本人は戊辰戦争に敗れた会津藩の藩士約40人。明治2年(1869年)にプロシアの武器商人ショネル(John Henry Schnell)に率いられて日本茶と養蚕を目的として茶や桑の苗木を大量に持ち込んみ「若松コロニー建設」を試みたと言う。




[Pier 39 at Fisherman's Whalf、フィッシャマンスワーフのピア39にて、핏샤만즈와후의 피어39에서]


[Sourdough with clam chowder, クラムチャウダー入りサワードウ、클램차우더가 들어인 사워도우]

[Street Performance at Pier 39、ピア39の大道芸、거리에서 하는 연예]


[At The Goden Gate Bridge,ゴールデンゲートブリッジにて、금문교(金門橋)에서]


[Windmills on the hill、丘の上の発電用風車、언덕 위의 발전용 풍차]


[A dish of Japanese size beef steak, 日本人用ビーフステーキ、일본인용 비프 스테이크]


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