In Korea, it was the day for unified local election which means an extra-public holiday! AhToSan planed extra-ordinary hiking to SikJangSan (624m) which is on the border of Daejeon and OkChon, eastern part of Daejeon.
The meeting place is “Sechon Park” at 10 am. I left home at 8:30, took a bus to a subway station (Government Building Compartment). Then I took the subway to the eastern terminal station called “PanAm.” Then I took a bus (#607) to “TongShin Middle School” and walked to the park. It was exactly 10 am when I arrived at the park.
“Sechon” means “Hosokawa” in Japanese. I wondered it had something to do with the Japanese prestigious “Hosokawa” family, so I checked the origin of the name. I found out that there were several small rivers in this area, that’s why they call this area “Sechon” or “small river.”
[A map of "SikJangSan" and "Sechon Park"、食蔵山と細川公園の地図、식장산과 세천공원의 지도]
The derivation of “SikJangSan” is a bit more interesting. The Chinese characters of “Sik” means “Eat” or “Food” and “Jang” means “Store.” So it means the mountain where there are a lot of food prepared.
There are two theories for the origin. One is that during Three Kingdom Period, Beckje (18 BC-660 AD) hid tons of food in this mountain to prepare against the attack of Silla (57 BC- 935 AD).
Another story is more interesting. In old days, there lived a filial couple who served their old mother. However their son ate too much food for himself. So they decided to bury their son!! They took their son to the mountain and dug the ground. Then they found mysterious plates and utensils on which food came mysteriously. Therefore, they could feed their old mother until she passed away in peace. Then this couple re-buried these mysterious plates and utensils on the mountain.
I first climbed this mountain with Taejonhikers in the spring of 2004. Later, in December 2008, AhToSan came to this mountain when they found short of members to charter a bus. They cancelled the bus and came by their own cars. It was AhToSan’s most difficult days….
[A ring of white clover, シロツメグサの指輪、토끼풀의 반지]
This time, however, we took a completely different course. We started our hiking at the back side of “Sechon Park.”
[The sign for the trail, 登山路入口の道標、등산로 입구의 도로 표지]
The party consists of 4 men and 4 women. JeongDaun, who who planned this hike, also came to this mountain in December 2008. She is one of most active AhToSan members.
[Eight hikers, 8人のアトサン会員、아토산 회원들]
Last hike in 2008, it was a really cold day. Now it is a summer hiking. The weather was fine and it was hot. Yet we walked under the shadow of green leaves, so it was pleasant hike.
[The trail under the shadow of trees,木陰の登山路、나무 그늘의 등산로]
We began hiking at 10:30. It took only 20 minutes to come to the ridge. We walked along the ridge for 40 minutes, then took the first break.
[The first coffee break, 最初の休憩、첫번째 휴게]
JeongDaun brought a thermos bottle filled with iced coffee. Korean people generally enjoy coffee with sugar and milk, whether it was hot or cold. I prefer black coffee without milk or sugar. I prepared my own freezed “Blue mountain” coffee in my bottle. To my surprise, they also enjoyed my “bitter” coffee as well.
We saw some soft ground, being dug out by something. They say wild boars dug out for roots of plants for their food.
[Soft ground dug by wild boars, イノシシが掘った穴、멧돼지가 파낸 구멍]
At around 11:45, we had the 2nd break for“Makkori” the Korean traditional wine. It tasted good, esp. when they were cool.
["Makkori" break、マッコリ休憩、막걸리 휴게]
We passed by a mysterial cave beside the trail. I wonder if Alan knew this cave. Alan is an experienced caver who belongs to a Korean scientific caving organization.
[A cave near the temple, クジョル寺付近の洞窟、구절사부근의 동굴]
We came to a temple called “GuJeolSa” which I came before in 2004 and 2008. I wanted to know the Chinese characters for the temple. JeongDaun found these letters and she informed me of them. The first character is the old character for “Turtule.” But I did not know the 2nd character. Later, I checked Korea-Chinese dictionary, yet I could not found the letter. It consist of “mountain” and the letter which means “cut.”
[A view of the temple, 寺が見えた、절이 보였다]
[The mountain gate of the temple, クジョル寺の山門、구절사의 산문]
There were facilities for cooking food, including old stytel kitchen rage. I also found a sign which says “Heuso.” The Chinese character means “place you solve worry” therefore it means toilet.
[Traditional facilities for cooking and a sign for a toilet, 伝統的な「かまど」と「トイレ」のサイン、전통적인 "부뚜막"과 "화장실"의 표시]
I saw a big white hydrangea tree at the temple. I have never seen such a big hydrangea tree in Japan.
[A big tree of hydrangea at the temple, 境内の巨大なアジサイの木、경내에는 거대한 수국 나무가 있었다.]
[Aquilegia at the temple, 境内に咲いていたオダマキの花、경내에 피어 있었던 하늘매발톱꽃]
It was almost 1 pm when we left the temple. We asked a paaserby to take a picture of us at the mountain gate. Then we went to “Doksuri-Bong.” “Doksuri” means “Eagle” so it means Mt. Eagle.
[A view from the temple, 龜截寺からの展望、구절사에서의 전망]
There was a small restaurant near the peak. They sell a cup of “Makkori” by 2000 won. We all drank, but Mt. GaRyongBong who is the owner of brakery shops. To my surprise, he paid for all of us.
[A menue of the restaurant, 頂上の酒店のメニュー정상 술점의 메뉴]
After drinking “Makkori,” we saw a man who wore traditional Korean cloth with cap. We spoke to him, and got a permission of taking picture with him. He is a teacher of JaYangSoDang. SoDang is a kind of educational institute during Choson period (1392 -1910) where they taught the children of elite class Chinese literature and Chinese history. I wonder if they still teach Chinese as extracaliculer education.
[A teacher at "Soin" school, 「書院」の先生、「서원(書院)」의 선생님]
From DoksuriBong to the downward ridge, we saw black trees which indicated the remains of bush fire.
[Remain of the bush fire, 山火事の跡、산불의 자국]
Then we walked down along the river. Some members found mash snails in the river. Mash snails are known as feed for fireflies. So they may enjoy seeing fireflies around there.
[Mash snail、カワニナ、다슬기]
When we came down to the “Sechon Park” two of AhToSan members, Jeongjeong and Soyeong were waiting for us. They joined us for “Tippuri” party after the hike.
We went to a nearby restaurant called “Geryong Sanjang” and had “Orisuyuk Jongol” a kind of duck meat and duck soup. The fee was 10,000 won, and we enjoyed the dinner very much. The party was over at 5:30 p.m.
[Tippuri was "duck dish" ティップリは鶏龍山荘でオリスユク、뒷풀이는 계룡산장에서 오리수욕]
山は大田広域市と沃川郡の境界にある「食蔵山(シクチャンサン:식장산 624m)」で集合時間と場所は午前10時に「細川遊園地(セチョンユウォンチ세천유원지)」だ。
[At "Sechon Pass", 細川峠にて、세천 도게에서]
["Makkori" break、マッコリ休憩、막걸리 휴게]
[A good view from the ridge、展望のよい尾根にて、전망이 좋은 산등성이에서]
[A cave near the temple, クジョル寺付近の洞窟、구절사부근의 동굴]
[The Chinese characters for the temple, 「クジョル寺」の漢字表記、"구절사"의 한자표기]
[A big tree of hydrangea at the temple, 境内の巨大なアジサイの木、경내에는 거대한 수국 나무가 있었다.]
[At the mountain gate of the temple,龜截寺山門にて、구절사 산문에서]
[At a restaurant on the peak, 頂上の酒店にて、정상 술점에서]
[With a teacher at "Seowon" school, 「書院」の先生と、"서원(書院)"의 선생님과 함께]
[Remain of the bush fire, 山火事の跡、산불의 자국]
[A small river along the trail, 登山路の脇を流れる渓流등산로 옆을 흐르는 계류]
この二人を加えて10人でチョンダウンの知っているレストランに向かった。レストランの名前は「鶏龍山荘」で、カモ料理専門のようだった。オリスユクチョンゴル(오리 수육 전골)を3つ注文して食べた。
[Tippuri was "duck dish" ティップリは鶏龍山荘でオリスユク、뒷풀이는 계룡산장에서 오리수욕]
[Menu for wrap-up party was "duck dish" ティップリは鶏龍山荘でオリスユク、뒷풀이는 계룡산장에서 오리수욕]
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