June 5 (Sat) The 269th hike by AhToSan. The destination is Mt. Jiri again. This time, the hightest peak was YongShinBong (1651m) and the theme of the hike was “Silky Azalea at Chandol Plain.” It was my 203rd hike with AhToSan, and my 29th hike for this year.
[The group picture before the hike, ハイキング前の団体写真、산행전 단체사진]
Since the destination is a bit far, we left earlier than usual, at 5:40 am. We arrived at GilSang Temple at Hamyang, GyongNam Province at 8:45.
Mt. Jiri is the first national park in Korea. There are many peaks and a lot of courses. We climbed the highest peak of ChonWangBong(1915m) from Jeongsanli just 3 weeks ago. But the highest peak for this course was YongShinBong (it means the peak of spirit and god.)
[At the first "rest" named "Suzuki Time" スズキタイム休憩、「스즈키타임」휴식]
The trail along the river is jus as usual. I noticed that the number of wild Korean azaleas was increasing while we were walkd higher and higher.
[Wild Korea azaleas along the trail、登山路脇のサンチョルチュク、등산로 옆 산철쭉]
When we reached at Chandol Pain, I found certain part of the area was wetland, just like “Oze” in Japan. Therefore I found similar flowers and plans which I had seen in Oze.
[A wetland area,韓国には珍しい湿地帯、한국에는 진귀한 습지대]
[Flowers at the wetland、湿地帯に咲く花、습지대에 피는 꽃]
[White flowers at the wetland,湿地帯に咲く白い花、습지대에 피는 흰 꽃]
There was a well-build mountain lodge called “Seseok Daepiso” in Chandol Pain. “Seseok” means small stone in Chinese characters, just the same as “Chandol” in Korean.
["Seseok Daepiso" or mountain lodge, 細石退避所、세석태피소]
There are many wild Korean azaleas in the plain, and they were just in full bloom.
[Close to YongShinBong, 霊神峰ちかくにて、영신봉 근처에서]
YongShinBong is close to the lodge. So, we kept walking to the peak, and then return to the lodge.
[At YongShinBong, 霊神峰(ヨンシンボン)にて、영신봉에서]
We had lunch at the loge. It was a bit dark at the public space of the lodge. Anyway we spead the sheets and hand lunch there, sharing our foods as usual.
When we began decending from the mountain, I noticed flowers of “katakuri” or “dogtooth violet.” Last time when we came to Mt. Jiri on May 15th, I saw many of them, but this time, I saw these tiny flowers only at one place.
[A community of "dogtooth violet" カタクリの群落、얼레지 군락]
[Flower of "katakuri" or "dogtooth violet"、カタクリの花、얼레지 꽃]
Then we came to the rocky steep decending trail and came to a mountain stream. There were several suspention bridges, and I noticed that there were big white flowers called “Hampak-ko.”
According to Wikipedia, “Hampak-ko” is called “Oyama-renge” or in English, “Oyama Magnolia.” I was a bit surprised when I found that fact that this is a national flower of North Korea.
["Oyama Magnolia"、オオヤマレンゲ(大山蓮華の花)、함박꽃]
The national flower of South Korea is “Mugunghwa” in Korean and “Rose of Sharon” in North America. I like both “Oyama Magnolia” and “Rose of Sharon.” They are beautiful.
During the summer, it is a kind of AhToSan tradition to jump into mountain streams if the streams a big enough. No matter the size of the stream, we always go into it, and wash our feet.
[We washed our feet at a stream, 渓流にて足を洗う、계류에서 발을 씼다.]
Then we went to the same vellage named “PekMuDong” where we celebrated our (“Chorongpem” and myself) 200th AhToSan hike. This time, no restaurant dinner, but the regular “Tippuri” with “Choppari” or “pork trotters” and “Makkori.”
This time, we did not use chopsticks, but we used “plastic gloves” for protecting our hands from oil. I think it’s a good idea. You can grab the seasoned trotters without being messing up your hands.
[Tippuri with pork trotters and makkori、チョッパリ(豚足)とマッコリのティップリ・パーティ、족발과 막걸이의 됫풀이]
We finished the tippuri at 5 pm and came back to the Expo South Gate at 7:30 pm, just about the time of sunset.
6月5日(土)アトサン第269次定期山行の目的地は「智異山・霊神峰(1651m)」でテーマは「チャンドル平原の緋緞(ピダン)ツツジ(잔돌평원의 비단철쭉)観賞」。私にとって203回目のアトサン定期山行で、今年29回目のハイキングだ。
[Korean mountain azalea、緋緞(ピダン)ツツジ、비단철]
[The entrance of the trail、登山路入口、등산로 입구]
[A wetland area,韓国には珍しい湿地帯、한국에는 진귀한 습지대]
[Yellow flowers at the wetland, 湿地帯に咲く黄色い花、습지대에서 피는 노란 꽃]
[The wild Korean azaleas were in full bloom,満開のサンチョルチュク、만개한 산철쭉]
[Close to YongShinBong, 霊神峰ちかくにて、영신봉 근처에서]
[Mark of YongShinBong, 霊神山の道標、영신봉 표지]
[Lunch under the shelter、退避所内で昼食、대피소내에서 점심]
[Flower of "katakuri" or "dogtooth violet"、カタクリの花、얼레지 꽃]
[A community of "dogtooth violet" カタクリの群落、얼레지 군락]
["Oyama Magnolia"、オオヤマレンゲ(大山蓮華の花)、함박꽃]
[By a stream, 渓流にて、계류에서]
>[Tippuri with pork trotters and makkori、チョッパリ(豚足)とマッコリのティップリ・パーティ、족발과 막걸이의 됫풀이]
[The sunset at the rainbow bridge at Daejeon、テジョンの虹の橋で日没、무지개 다리에서 일몰]
I like hiking very much. I used to go hiking with a Korean hiking club named “AhToSan.” This blog introduces mostly my hiking activities in Korea and Japan, and Sydney in Australia. As of January 2020, I live in Sydney suburb. I go Blue Mountains and bush walk in Sydney area. 私は2003年から2014年まで韓国の大田(テジョン)に住んだ日本人である。11年間、週末は主に「アトサン山岳会」に参加した。14年4月に帰国したが、2020年以降はおもにシドニーで暮らし、時折、日本へ帰国する程度である。したがって最近の記事はSR(Sydney Report)としてブルーマウンテンのトレッキングを中心に書いている。
About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서
Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.
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당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
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