About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100508 GyeRyongSan (鶏龍山), AhToSan Irregular Hike

May 8 (Saturaday) 2010, fine

Irregular hike by “AhToSan”
Destination: GyeRyongSan
Course: Cheonjanggol – Nammetap – SamBulBong – Jayong Seongreung – Eunseong Waterfall –Donghaksa Temple (12 km – 6 hour hike)

May 8th is “Parents’ Day.” Many Koreans visit their parents on May 8th every year. So AhToSan planned no regular hike. In stead, they planned irregular hiking to Mt. GyeRyong.

The course was exactly the same as my alone-hiking on April 30. So when people gathered at 9 a.m., I explained the course using the big map in front of the restaurant.

Total number of participants were 20 including 3 foreigners (Bernardo, the Mexcian, Brian, the Australian, and myself.)

[About 20 participants、約20名が参加、약20명이 참가]

We began climbing the mountain at 9:15. The trail at Chonjanggol is gentle and broad. It is easy to walk.

We arrived at “NanMeTap” at 10:40. We saw a “makgeoli막걸리” peddler at the fork before SamBulBong. The old lady was selling a bowl of Korean unrefined wine by 3000 won.

[The makgeol peddler and her customer, マッコリ売りのおばあさんと客、막걸리 판매 할머니와 손님]

It was only 2000 won when I saw at SamBulBong last time. So, I thought it was expensive. One of my AhToSan friends bought the bowl of wine for me. I shared it with him by half, and it tasted good.

We took group pictures on the peak of SamBulBong. The ridge between SamBulBong and GwanEumBong was called JayonSeongreun (Natural Castle Wall). This part of the trail is most exciting and beautiful. I saw many pain trees on the rocks, and Jindalle was in full bloom.

[Gruop picture at SamBulBong, 三佛峰でグループ写真、삼불봉에서 단체사진]

[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線の途中で昼食능선 도중에 점심]

The peak of GwanEumBong is too rocky to use tripod. So, it was difficult for me to take a self-portrait. With my hiking friends, it was easy for me to take one.

[Top of GwanEumBong、観音峰山頂、관음볼정산]

The trail from GwanEumBong to Donghaksa Temple via Eunseong Waterfall, it took another 2 hours.

We returned the entrance of the trail at 3 p.m. Then we had “Tippuri” or after-the-hike party at a restaurant called “PaekEunJang.”

We had “totorimuk” or acorn-starch jelly paste and “sea-food pajeon” and makgeoli and enjoyed eating, drinking and talking for one hour.

["Totorimuk" or acorn-starch jelly paste, トトリムク(ドングリの澱粉で作った寒天状の食べ物、도토리묵]

To my surprise, one of AhToSan members whose nice name is “Marin Boy” paid the whole price for all of us.

Actually this is not unusual for Korean people. I often experienced this kind of practice several times before. But it is impossible to follow suit for me, because my income is too small now.

Anyway, we all thanked Marin Boy for this treatment and finished the party at 4 p.m.

2010年5月8日(土)快晴 アトサンの不定期登山、目的地:鶏龍山
コース:チョンジャンゴル(천장골) – 男妹塔(ナンメタプ:남매탑) – 三佛峰(サンブルボン삼불봉) – 自然城稜(チャヨンソンルン자연성릉) - 観音峰(관음봉) – 隠仙瀑布(ウンソンポクポ은선폭포) - 東鶴寺(トンハクサ동학사) – 駐車場(12km、6時間)




[I explained the course, 私がコースを説明、내가 코스를 설명]


[Group picture at NamMeTap、男妹塔前でグループ写真、남매탑앞에서 단체사진]




[Gruop picture at SamBulBong, 三佛峰でグループ写真、삼불봉에서 단체사진]


[The view from the ridge、稜線からの風景、능선으로부터의 풍경]


[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線の途中で昼食능선 도중에 점심 ]


[Top of GwanEumBong、観音峰山頂、관음볼정산]



[Lantran decoration at the temple, 東鶴寺のぼんぼり、동학사의 등롱]

[Bleeding Heart, ケマンソウの花、금강화]


[Pajeon, イカ入りパジョン、해물파전]


[After the hike party at PaekEunJang, 白雲荘にてティップリ、백은장에서 뒷풀이]

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