About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100720 Mt. Shibutsu (2228m), Oze National Park 尾瀬国立公園・至仏山

July 20 (Tue) Destination: Shibutsusan (2228m), Oze National Park, Gunma Prefecture. Partner: Mr. Mano

We left Yokohama City Air Terminal (YCAT) at 20:40 by the bus. The round ticket from Yokohama to Kamikochi cost only 6,000 yen. We paid 1000 yen more for the lunch box. The bus went to Ikebukuro via Tokyo and Shinjuku. The bus left Ikebukuro at 23:00 previous day (8/19).

We arrived at Tokura at 4 a.m. We changed to a micro-bus to Hatomachi Pass there. We arrived at Hatomachi Pass at 5:20 a.m.

After having breakfast, we began walking toward Mt. Shibutsu from Hatomachi.

[Befor starting the hike, 登山出発前に、등산 출발전]

There are huge “Himalayan Cedars” and “Betula ermanii”, or “Erman's Birch” (“Dakekannba” in Japanese) along the trail. We could hear Japanese Bush Warbler (“Uguisu” in Japanese) singing clearly here and there.

Then we came to the place named “Oyamazawa” where there was a small creek and we could drink cold water there.

The trail went to the alpine meadow where there were a lot of alpine plants. We could see Hatomachi Pass as well as Oze Wetland Field. We could also see a part of Mt. Hiuchigadake (2356m), but the peak of the mountain was in the cloud.

[Oze Wetland from the ridge,稜線からみた尾瀬ヶ原、능선으로부터 본 오재가하가]

The trail became a bit steep from that area. We walked on the wooden trail in the alpine meadow. On the redge, we could see a small dam on the opposite side of Oze Field.

The ridge is called “Oyamasawa Tashiro.” From Oyamasawa Tashiro to Mt. Shoshibutu (2162m), it was a rocky trail with strong wind. The rocks were mostly “serpentinite” which was very slippery and friable so we had to walk carefully.

[At the top of Mt. Shoshibutsu, 小至仏山山頂にて、소시부쓰산 정상에서]

Since the wind was very strong, the sensible temperature was rather low. We had to wear outer wears.

[A view from Shoshibutsu, 小至仏山からの展望、소시부쓰산에서의 전망]

The distance from Shoshibutsu to Shibutsu was 1.1 km. Along the trail there were alpine roses, and other beautiful flowers looked like “Hamanasu” or “rugosa roses.”

[Flowers looked like "Hamanasu" ハマナスのような花、해당화와 같은 꽃]

It took three hours from Hatomachi to the top of Mt. Shibutsu (8:20 a.m.). Originally we planned to go down to Yamanohana, a part of Oze Field. But the trail from Shibutsu to Yamanohana was “climbing only” and “going down” has been prohibited since 2008!

[At the top of Mt. Shibutsu, 至仏山頂にて、시부쓰산 정상에서]

There were more than ten hikers on the top of Mt. Shibutsu. Some of them did not know that the prohibition. The purpose of the prohibition is to protect the trail (and the mountain itself) from the deterioration by steps of hikers. So we gave up the idea of going down to Yamanohana from Shibutsu summit, and we went back to Hatomachi using the same trail.

However, it took only 2 hours to go back to Hatomachi Pass. So we decided to go to Yamanohana from Hatomachi Pass.

From Hatomachi to Yamanohana, it was a gentle down slop mostly on wooden trail. The hiking distance is 3.3 km but we walked for 30 minutes.

The weather became fine when we arrived at Yamanohana. We could take nice pictures of plants in the wetland as well as the wonderful mountains of Shibutsusan and Hiuchigatake.

I expected a lot of beautiful flowers at Oze Wetland. Since it was summer, I exected to see "Nikko Kisuge." I could see them at Oze Field.

["Nikko Kisuze at Oze Wetland, 尾瀬ヶ原のニッコウキスゲ、오재습원의 닛코키스게]

Besides this plants, I saw some strange flowers which looked like "white pipe." Later I found this flower called "Ginryuso" or "Monotropastrum humile" as the scientific name. I saw this flower along the trail between Hatomachi and Yamanohana.

["Ginryuso", ギンリュウソウ、긴류소]

Anyway, we had lunch at Yamanohana and returned to Hatomachi. We came back to the bus stop by 13:15. The shuttle bas was to leave at 14:30. We took bath at Hatomachi Mountain Lodge.

The bus brought us back to Ikebukuro at 19:45. We went back to Ofuna by Shonan Shinjuku Line, and I said goodbye to Mr. Mano at Ofuna Station.




[From Tokura, we had to go by micro-bus, 戸倉からはマイクロバスに乗り換え、도쿠라(戶倉)에게서는 마이크로버스(microbus)에 갈아타]




[Oyamazawa Creek, オヤマ沢の水飲み場、오야마 골짜기의 물 마시는 장소]



[A lot of Alpine flora, 高山植物の宝庫、고산 식물의 보고]


[Alpine flora looked like "Hamanasu" ハマナスのような高山植物、해당화와 같은 고산 식물]



[Board showing no-going-down for East Side of the mountain, 「東斜面下り禁止」の掲示板、「동사면하행 금지」의 게시판]





[Oze Wetland near Yamanohana, 山の鼻付近の尾瀬ヶ原、야마노하나부근의 오재가하라]


["Ginryuso", ギンリュウソウ、긴류소]



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