About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


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100727 Mt. Oku-hotaka (3190m) the 2nd day 奥穂高 第2日目

July 27 (Tue), 2010

Destination Oku-Hotaka (3190m), North Alps in Japan

Partner: Mr. Mano (62), former president of Yokohama Hangul Club

This is the second part of a three-day hike to Mt. Hotakadake.

Since this was a complete shuttle hike from Karasawa-goya to Mt. Oku-hotakadake (3190m) we put only necessary things for the day into our bags so we climbed the mountain much lighter than previous day.

[We started at 5:30 am, 朝5時半に出発、아침 5시반에 출발]

We had breakfast at 5 a.m. and left the lodge at 5:45. After climbing for about 15 minutes behind the lodge, we came to the big snowy gorge. I walked on the snow using two sticks very carefully.

When we crossed the last part of the snowy gorge, we arrived at rocky “seitengrat.” Seitengrat is a German word which means “branch ridge.” When we take this course, we can go up to the main ridge of Mt. Hotaka quickly.

[Alpine meadow of Hotaka、穂高のお花畑、호타카(穗高)의 꽃밭]

[A kind of alpine flora,高山植物の一種、고산 식물의 일종]

We can enjoy a lot of alpine flora such as “Hakusan-ichige” or “Anemone narcissiflora (Narcissus-flowered anemone)” along this route.

[An alpine flora,高山植物の一種、고산 식물의 일종]

We saw a group of three (a father and a son with the guide) connected with a life line. They all wore helmets.

[The group of three connected with life line,命綱で互いに結んだ三人組、구명삭으로 서로 이은 3인조]

In the “seitengrat,” there are many unstable rocks, so it is better to wear helmets. The equipments and gears which they had, were perfect.


Mr. Mano and I passed the group of three, and when we passed the alpine meadow, we were in the cloud. We had a poor visibility in the cloud. We went forward in the cloud and crossed a small snowy gorge, we arrived at Hotaka-sanso at 8:33 a.m.. It is on the ridge of 3,000 m.

We had a short time rest at the lodge, then, we began climbing the cliff near the lodge. It blew very strongly, and steam-like cloud struck our faces without mercy. We felt very cold, and decided to return to the lodge, soon.

[Wind generation facility of Hotakasanso、穂高山荘の風力発電装置、穂高山荘の風力発電装置]

We felt really cold, so we wore all extra clothes we had. Mr. Mano even bought cotton work gloves. Goves were necessary when we grab iron ladders or rock on the cliff. So we went to the cliff again after wearing all gears.

The weather turned better however. We passed the most difficult part in 15 minutes. Then the slope became much gentler, and we arrived at the peak of Mt. Oku-hotakadake within 40 minutes.

[The shrine on the top of Mt. Oku-hotaka, 奥穂高山頂の神社、오쿠호타카다케(奧穗高岳), 정상의 신사]

The dense fog had covered the mountain. We could not see any scene from the top. There were about 5 or 6 people on the top. We could see a small shrine on the top.

There was another peak near the top of the mountain. There was a round table-like iron constraction on the peak. The plate on the table shows a hundred of names of mountain, but we could not see any one of them!

[At the top of Okuhotaka, 奥穂高山頂にて、오쿠호타카 산 정상에서]

The group of three (a father, a son and a guide) also arrived at the top of the mountain. I asked the boy his age. He said 10 years old, the 5th grader of an elementary school.

When we began going down, the weather became better. We came back to Hotaka-sanso at 10:40 a.m.

[The most difficult part, 最大の難所、최대의 험한 곳]

Mr. Mano cooked rahmen there. Since it was cold, hot-rahmen tasted really good. The weather was still not good enough, so we gave up futher climbing mountains such as Karasawa-dake, and we began desending after having lunch there at 11 a.m.

The weather became better and better as we decending. We could see even blue sky around seitengrat area. The peaks of Mt. Hotaka became clear more and more.

[The weather became better, 天気は好転、날씨는 호전]

We came back to Karasawa-goya at 3 p.m. We re-checkin and paid 8500 yen each for a stay and two meals. The supper time was 5:30 p.m. So we had a little party at the deck of the lodge again.

[We had a little party after climbing Mt. Okuhotaka,奥穂高登頂のあと、山小屋のデッキで乾杯、오쿠호타카 등정 후, 산장 데크로 건배!]

Someone behind the lodge was playing the trumpet. It sounded very good.

[A trumpeter, トランペット奏者、트럼펫 연주자]

When we cheered up the trumpeter several times, a man lying next to our table, got up and joined our party.

He belongs to the same generation of Mt. Mano and I, actually he is a bit senior; he was born in 1945.

Mr. Yamagishi is from Yokohama, but his hometown is Nagano prefecture.

He likes climbing mountain and he calls himself as “free man.” Since he retired several years ago, he has much “free time” than those who are still working.

Since he likes hiking and traveling, I recommended him to study English.

Actually his house is just next to my town “Ofuna.” We enjoyed a lot of talks over several diffenet kinds of drinks. When we had supper, he even bought big jogs of draft beer for us.

[Mr. Yamagishi bought us a big jug of beer、山岸氏がビールの大ジョッキを御馳走してくれた。야마기시씨가 맥주의 대조끼를 대접해 주었다.]

Female hikers who shared our table during the supper happened to be Japanese-Koreans. So Mr. Mano and I talked with them in Korean language.

[The dinner table on the 2nd day, 二日目の夕食のテーブル2일째의 저녁 식사 테이블]

We slept the same room of the previosu night “Take.” It rained while we were having supper. But it lit up at night. The full moon was on the sky, shining at the peaks of Hotaka, and I could see the beautiful snowy gorge from the window of lodge.






[It was cloudy when we started, 出発時は曇り、출발시는 흐림이었다.]



[We started at 5:30 a.m.朝、5時半に出発、아침 5시반에 출발]


[A sing near Hotaka-sanso, 穂高山荘付近の道標、호타카(穗高) 산장부근의 도로 표지]


[Anemone narcissiflora (Narcissus-flowered anemone),ハクサンイチゲの花、"하쿠산이치게"의 꽃]

[A kind of alpine flora, 高山植物の一種、고산 식물의 일종]



[Alpine meadow of Hotaka、穂高のお花畑、호타카(穗高)의 꽃밭]








[Another peak of Mt. Okuhotaka、奥穂高のもう一つの峰、호타카의 또하나의 봉우리]


[The group of three connected with life line also arrived at the top,命綱で結ばれた三人も山頂に到着、구명삭으로 맺어진 3명도 산 정상에 도착]



[The most difficult part, 最大の難所、최대의 험한 곳]





[The weather became better, 天気は好転、날씨는 호전]



[A trumpeter, トランペット奏者、트럼펫 연주자]







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