About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100726 Mt. Hotaka 1st day 穂高岳(3190m)第1日目

July 26, 2010

Destination Hotaka, North Alps in Japan

Partner: Mr. Mano (62), former president of Yokohama Hangul Club

This is the first part of a three-day hike to Mt. Hotakadake.

Mr. Mano and I took the bus named “Sawayaka Shinshu” at Yokohama City Air Terminal (YCAT) at 9 p.m. previous night. The bus went to Shinjuku via Tokyo station, picking up people at each bus stop. The bus left at Shinjuku at 11 p.m. and arrived at Kamikochi at 5:22 a.m. (The round trip to Kamikochi cost 14,000 yen. It was more than twice as Oze, though the size of the bus was almost same, and it took similar hours.)

[The bus arrived at Kamikochi at 5:22, 午前5時22分に上高地に到着、오전 5시22분에 버스가 가미코치(上高地)에 도착]

Despite the narrow space in the bus, I could sleep a little better than the bus of Oze. The weather was fine in Kamikochi. We began walking toward Karasawa at 6:15, after having breakfast there.

[Breakfast at Kamikochi Bus Terminal, 上高地バスターミナルにて朝食、가미코치(上高地) 버스 터미널에서 아침 식사]

At the famous “Kappa Bashi,” there was some cloud covered over Mt. Hotaka. We could see Mt. Yakedake (2445m) clearly on the other side.

[At Kappa Bridge in front of Hotaka, 河童橋にて穂高を背景に、갓파바시에서 호타카를 배경으로]

[At Kappabashi Bridge, 河童橋にて、캇파바시에서]

While walking along Azusa River, the sky was getting clearer, and we could see the peaks of Mt. Hotaka, too.

I saw “aconitum” or “Torikabuto” in Japanese near Shimizu bashi, this flower riminded me of my hike with Phillip to Mt. Yari 2 years ago.

[Aconitum flower, 猛毒のトリカブトの花、맹독인 바곳 꽃]

I also noticed two small monkeys on a tree. I also found a bigger monkey in the bush. It could be their mother, I thought. She was eating bamboo leaves in the bush.

[Two small monkeys on the tree, 木の上の二匹の子ザル、나무 위의 아이원숭이 2마리]

We arrived at Myojinkan, a lodge with a public telephone at 7:50. Just like 2 years ago, I called a lodge at Karasawa from there and reserved our beds for two nights.

It was my 3rd time to walk from Kamikochi to Yoko-o; 1st time was to climb Mt. Chogatake 4 or 5 years ago. 2nd time was to climb Mt. Yari with Phillip 2 years ago. Whenever I walked this trail, I was charmed with the beauty of Kamikochi; the river, mountains and trees and flowers.

[A big tree and Mr. Mano, 真野氏と大木、마노(眞野)씨와 큰 나무]

We arrived at Yoko-o at 10:40. We had an early lunch there. The elevation of Kappa-bashi is 1500m, while the altitude of Yoko-o is 1615m. The trail is gentle and you can enjoy the nature of Kamikochi without difficulty.

[At Yoko-o Bridge、横尾橋にて、요코오 바시에서]

The trail separates at Yoko-o, one goes to Mt. Yari and the other goes to Hotaka. The trail to Hotaka is still gentle until Hontani-bashi. We saw a hugh rock named “Byobu Iwa” on our left side.

The slope became steep from Hontani-bashi, as suspenshion bridge. The sign was written not only Japanese and English, but also in Hangul. It was about 12:40 when we crossed the bridge.

Then the sky became dark, and it began raining. We took our raincoats out from our backpacks in a hurry. Then it stopped raining!

[After the rain, にわか雨の後、소나기 후]

Then the snowy gorge of Karasawa and the peaks of Mt. Hotaka began appearing in front of us.

[The snowy gorge and Mt. Hotaka、雪渓と穂高、설계와 호타카]

We arrived the big snowy gorge of Karasawa at 2:20 p.m. The amount of snow was more than we expected. Since we did not carry climbing irons, it was a bit difficult to walk on the snow.

[The snowy gorge and Mt. Hotaka、雪渓と穂高、설계와 호타카]

After 30 minutes of careful walk, we saw colorful tents in Karasawa. The Karasawagoya was located above camping area. We arrived at the lodge at 3 p.m.

[The directional arrow at Karasawa,涸沢の標識、카라사와의 표식]

It cost 8900 yen to stay one night with 2 meals. We bought lunch box (1000 yen) so we paid totally 9900 yen each.

While sitting on the bench at the deck of the lodge, looking up the peaks of Mt. Hotaka and big snowy gorge, we drank beer to celebrate our hike.

[At the deck of the lodge、山小屋のテラスで、산장 테라스에서]

We had supper at 5 p.m. The menue: a bowl of rice, miso-soup, cooked eggs, sausage, a slice of ham, and vegitable. I had another helping of rice.

[Mr. Mano with supper, 夕食と真野氏、夕食と真野氏]

Our room was a big room named “Gaku” upstairs. It was not too crowded, so we could have a nice sleep that night.








[Mt. Yakedake from Kappa Bridge, 河童橋にて焼岳を背景に、갓파바시에서 야케다케(燒岳)를 배경으로]


[Aconitum flower, 猛毒のトリカブトの花、맹독인 바곳 꽃]





[An early lunch at Yoko-o、横尾にて早めの昼食、요코오(橫尾)에서 좀 이른 점심]





[The direction arrow at Hontani Bridge,本谷橋の標識、혼타니바시의 표식]


[After the rain, にわか雨の後、소나기 후]


[The snowy gorge and Mt. Hotaka、雪渓と穂高、설계와 호타카]


[The snowy gorge and tents,雪渓とテント、설계와 텐트]


[Looking down the snowy gorge from the lodge,山小屋から雪渓を見下ろす、山小산장으로부터 설계를 내려다본다]


[Supper plate at the lodge, 涸沢小屋の夕食、카라사와 산장의 저녁 식사]


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