About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100728 Mt. Hotaka the 3rd day 北アルプス穂高3日目(下山)

July 28 (Wed), 2010

Destination: Kamikochi Bus Terminal (KBT)

Course: Karasawagoya – Hontanibashi – Yoko-o Bashi – Tokusawa Camping Area – Mojin Pond – Kappa Bashi - KBT

Partner: Mr. Mano (62), former president of Yokohama Hangul Club

Weather: Fine

The moring sun-shine reflects on the peaks of Mt. Hotaka. It was a clear fine day. We had breakfast at 5:30 and we got ready to start at 5;50 a.m.

[Shining peaks of Mount Hotaka、朝日に輝く穂高の峰々、아침 해에 반짝이는 호타카(穗高)의 봉우리들]

Mr. Yamagishi was also ready to start. Our way was to go down to the bus-stop, but he was to challenge Mt. Kita-hotaka (3106m) where the Great Gap was. (Later, he sent me an e-mail, saying his challenge was successful.)

[Before the start with Mr. Yamagisi and Mr. Mano,出発前に、山岸氏と真野氏と、출발전에, 야마기시(山岸)씨와 마노(眞野)씨와 함께]

Since it was early morning, the snow was frozen and very slippery. So I walked carefully and slowly by using two sticks. But Mr. Mano could slide down using his boots just like ski-plates. He seemed enjoying the thrilling just like a small kid. His hometown is in Toyama, so he used to play with snow like this when he was small. I admired him for his shillful technique.

[Looking back Mt. Hotaka, 穂高岳を振り返って見る、호다카다케(穗高岳)를 되돌아봐 본다]

I had another problem. The soles of my boots were broken on the 1st day of this hike. I could manage to use them so far. So this snowy gorgy was the last hardle for my boots, too.

[Looking back Mt. Hotaka, 穂高岳を振り返って見る、호다카다케(穗高岳)를 되돌아봐 본다]

The weather was really good, and we often looked back the peaks of Mt. Hotaka and took pictures of them.

[Looking back Mt. Hotaka, 穂高岳を振り返って見る、호다카다케(穗高岳)를 되돌아봐 본다]

We arrived at Hontani bridge at 7:25, and Yoko-o bridge at 8:10. Mr. Mano boiled water with his portable gass-stove, and we sip nice black tea there.

[At Yoko-o Bridge, 横尾橋にて、요코오(橫尾) 하시(橋)에서]

We went on leisurely and arrived at Tokusawa Camp Area at 9:45. Since there are cooking facilities, we decided to have an early lunch there. Mr. Mano brought “soft” ramen and bread. We shared them and some “leftover” for this trip there.

[Mr. Mano cooking ramen with his gas stove,生ラーメンを料理する真野氏、상라면을 요리하는 마노씨]

We left Tokusawa at 10:15 and arrived at Myojinkan at 11:30. Then we went to Myojin Pond, and took the diffent course from the 1st day. There were many sightseers at Myojin Pond, but it was just a pond of Kamikochi, nothing special. So I did not think worth paying 300 yen to enter the shrine.

[The entrance of Myojin Shrine,明神神社入口、묘진(明神)신사(神社)입구]

[At Myojin Pond, 明神池にて、묘진이케에서]

The pedestrian path along Azusa River is good. The water is clean and the woods are fantastic. But it took much time than the other side of the river. When we arrived at Kappa Bridge, it was already past 1 p.m.

[Along Azusa River,梓川のほとりで、아즈사가와(梓川)의 근처에서]

[Along Azusa River,梓川のほとりで、아즈사가와(梓川)의 근처에서]

Just like 2 years ago, when I came to North Apls (Mt. Yari) with Philip, I tried to find a hotel where we could take a bath. Now I found one: “Kamikochi Alpine Hotel.” It cost 500 yen, same as the bath service at “Oze Sanso.” The facility is completely different. It was much better, wider, and clean. We could see mountains in Kamikochi from the bath tub.

[In front of Alpine Hotelアルパインホテルの前で、알파인 호텔 앞에서]

We went to the bus terminal after taking a nice rest at the hotel. It was 3:30 p.m. The bus left at 4 p.m. and we arrived at Shinjuku at 8:30 p.m. I went home at Ofuna before 10 p.m.







[Karasawagoya & Peaks of Mount Hotaka, 涸沢小屋と穂高の峰々、카라사와 산장과 호타가의 봉우리들]


[A hole in the snowy gorge,雪渓にできた穴、설계에 생긴 구멍]


[Looking back Mt. Hotaka, 穂高岳を振り返って見る、호다카다케(穗高岳)를 되돌아봐 본다]


[Looking back Mt. Hotaka, 穂高岳を振り返って見る、호다카다케(穗高岳)를 되돌아봐 본다]


[Looking back Mt. Hotaka, 穂高岳を振り返って見る、호다카다케(穗高岳)를 되돌아봐 본다]


[Mr. Mano washing dishes, 食器類を洗う真野氏、식기류를 씻는 마노씨]


[The entrance of Myojin Pond, 明神池入口、묘진(明神) 이케(池) 입구]


[At the bank of Azusa River、梓川の土手から穂高の峰々をのぞむ、아즈사가와(梓川)의 제방으로부터 호타카(穗高)의 봉우리들을 바라다본다]





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