About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100717 Mt. Ohyama in Kanagawa 神奈川県大山(1252m)

July 17 (Sat), 2010

Alone-hiking to Mt. Ohyama (1252m). It was fine up to Shimosha Shrine, but foggy up to the summit.

This was “warming-up” for the following 4 big hiking events in Japan.

I took 6:53 train leaving JR Ofuna Station, changed trains at Fujisawa to Odakyu line. I changed trains again at Sagami-Ohno, and got off at Isehara Station at 8 a.m.

[Statue of "Ohyama Top" 大山独楽の像、오오야마 팽이 상]

I took a bus to Ohyama Cable Station from Isehara. It took only 15 minutes. The bus was full with hikers, mostly senior people.

[Ohyama-Cable Bus Stop, 大山ケーブルバス停、오오야마 케이블 버스 정류장]

After getting off at the bus stop, I walked up to the Ohyama Cable Station for about 15 minutes. I took the first Cable-Car leaving at 9 a.m. there.

[Ohyama Cable-Car、大山ケーブル、오오야마 케이블카]

It took only 6 minutes up to Shimosha Shrine. Then I started hiking up to the summit.

[Shimosha Cable-Car Station,下社ケーブル駅、시모샤(下社) 케이블역]

[Shimosha Temple, 大山の下社、오오야마 시모샤 신사]

I saw two young deer eating grasses near big Japanese ceders called “Fuufu Sugi” (about 500 years old.)

They were not afraid of people. So I took several pictures of them. Actually, they eat leaves and barks of young trees too much. So people put strong wire-net around young trees to protect them from deer.

[A deer appeared in front of me, 私の前に現れた鹿、나 앞에 나타난 사슴]

It took only 90 minutes to reach the summit of Mt. Ohyama. It was foggy and I could not see any scenery from the summit.

[At the summit of Mt. Ohyama, 大山山頂にて、오오야마 정상에서]

I ate my lunch there, and walked down to Hinata Yakushi Temple via Miharashi. It was foggy at the summit, but fine when I got down to the Miharashi.

[Jizo statue along the trail, 下山路の地蔵像、하산로의 지조상]

[The skay at Miharashi, 「見晴し」の空、미하라시」의 하늘]

[Mountain lily, 山百合の花、산나리의 꽃]

Hinata Yakushi Temple is one of the oldest temples in Kanto area. It was said to be built in 716.

[Hinata Yakushi Temple, 日向薬師寺、히나다 야쿠시지]

I arrived at the bus top at 1:20 p.m. I just missed 1:15 bus. So I had to wait for the next bus which left at 1:45 p.m.

It was a 4 hour-and-30 minute hike. I think it was an appropriate warming up for me.





[Top maker shop,独楽づくりの店、팽이를 만든 가게]


[Ohyama Cable-Car、大山ケーブル、오오야마 케이블카]

[Steps from Cable-Car station to Shimosha Shrine, ケーブル駅から下社までの階段、케이블역에서 시모샤(下社)까지의 계단]



[Two deer appeared in front of me,私の前に現れた2頭の鹿、나 앞에 나타난 사슴 2마리]


[At the summit of Mt. Ohyama, 大山山頂にて、오오야마 정상에서]


[Flowers of lily, 百合の花,백합 꽃]


[The statue of Kukai or Kobo-taishi(774–835),空海像、쿠우카이 수님의 상]

[The guardian of the temple at the mountain gate,山門の仁王像、산문의 인왕상]


[Daylily, キスゲの花、원추리속 꽃、萱草屬]



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