About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120221 The 2nd day of Kyushu Trip (早春の九州旅行第2日目조춘의 규슈 여행)

Date: Feb. 21 (Mon), 2012 (Cloudy occasionary sunshine)

Destination: Mt. Kaimondake (924m)

Itinerary: Ibusuki – (rent-a-car) Nishi-Ohyama Station – Parking Lot of Mt. Kaimondake (10:30 -15:00) – Lake Ikeda – Ibusuki – Kagoshima

Partner: Mr. Matsumoto

The hotel (Kokumin-kyukamura) organizes “morning tour” from 7 a.m. every day. I certainly joined the tour.

The volunteer guide, Mr. Sakasegawa appeared at the hotel lobby at 7 a.m. There were only 2 guests who joined the tour including myself.

[The sunrise at Ohsumi Peninsula, 大隅半島からの日の出、오스미반도에서의 일출]

First, we went out to the beach and saw the beautiful sunrise from Ohsumi Peninsula, the otherside of Kinkou Bay (or Kagoshima Bay.) (Kinkou Bay was formed by volcanic activity, therefore the average depth is 117m, quite deep. At the end of Edo period, the Bombardment of Kagoshima was taken place in 1863.)

[Chiringashima Island in Kagoshima Bay, 鹿児島湾に浮かぶ知林ケ島、가고시마만에 뜨는 치린가시마]

Then Mr. Sakasegawa took us to a small hill near the hotel. It was a small memorial park for Tokkotai (or Kamikaze) in Ibusuki during the World War Ⅱ.

[Ibusuki "Tokkotai(Kamikaze)" Memorial Park指宿特攻隊慰霊碑公園、이부스키 특공대위령 공원]

[The memorial plate for "Kamikaze" pilots, 特攻隊の慰霊碑、특공대의 위령비석]

  The memorial park was located on the air-raid shelter and there was the Imperial Navy Base around there.

[The pictures of "Tokkotai (Kamikaze)",特攻隊の写真、특공대의 사진]

「散る桜、残る桜も、散る桜」"Chiru sakura Nokoru sakuramo Chirusakura" by 良寛(Ryokan) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC-DjDf7OoA

[Farewell notes written by "Tokkotai(Kamikaze)" pilots, 特攻隊員の遺書、특공대원이 쓴 유서]

Mr. Sakasegawa also explained that the cliff of Mt. Uomidake was made when US forces explorded several shelters with the bombs abandoned by Japanese forces after the war.

  [The cliff of Uomidake, 魚見岳の断崖、우오미다케의 낭떠러지]

  During the walk, the guide explained not only historical facts, but also geoscience and animals and plants including black kites, “Gashumaru” or “Ficus microcarpa” and “Akou” or “Ficus superba Miq. var. japonica Miq.)

[The guide showing a kind of herb to a guest, 野生のハーブを客に見せるガイド、야생 허브를 손님에게 보여주는 가이드]

The “Gashumaru” and “Akou” blong to Moraceae family and genus is “Ficus” the same as “fig.” They are all interesting and intreiguing to me.

After the moring walk, Mr. Matsumoto and I took “healthy” breakfast. Actually they were plenty and all delicious, I ate as much as my 3 time meals.

We checked out at 9 a.m. The hotel bus took us to Ibusuki station. We rent a car and headed for Mt. Kaimondake.

On the way to Kaimondake, we stopped at a railway station which locates the south most in Japan. The name of the station is Nishi-Ohyama. The line is Ibusuki-Makurazaki Line.

[Mr. Matsumoto on the platform of Nishi-Ohyama Station, the southern most railway station in Japan, 日本最南端の駅に立つ松本さん、일본 최남단의 역에 서는 마쓰모토씨]

[At the platform of Nishi-Ohyama, 西大山駅のプラットホームにて、니시오오야마역의 플랫폼에서]

The station was surrounded by rape blossoms and we could see Mt. Kaimondake from the platform very well.

[Rape blossoms and Mt. Kaimondake, 開聞岳と菜の花、가이몬다케와 유채꽃]

「菜の花や開聞岳の裾模様」by 黄山

[Narcissus near the station, 駅の近くで見たスイセン、역 가까이에서 본 수선]

After seeing the railway station we headed for Mt. Kaimondake for the 5 hour-hike.

(I will write about this hiking besides this travel record in this blog.)

After the hike, we went back to Ibusuki station via Lake Ikeda. Lake Ikeda is the largest lake in Kyushu and there is a volcano in the bottom of the lake. (Lake Ikeda is a caldera lake, Surface area of 11 km².)

We turned in the car at 4 p.m. and took “Nanohaha-go” to Kagoshima again.

We checked in a business hotel “Toyoko-in Higasi Kagoshima” near Kagoshimastation. The cost was 4700 yen for a single with breakfast.

Mr. Matsumoto and I went out for dinner after checking in. We happened to find a reasonable prize “coin-bar” called “Y-Y (Waiwai.)”

[The menu of the coin bar,コインバーのメニュー、코인 바의 메뉴]

A glass of draft-beer and a cup of “shochu” with 4 side-dishes cost 1000 yen. We ordered additional side-dish and shochu for another 1000 yen. Afterall it was reasonable.

[Three different brands of "shochu," 3種類の薩摩焼酎、3종류의 사쓰마 소주]

There were not many guests at the counter. There were only 2 guests beside us. Among them, a lady named “Chie” was a big fan of “Hanryu” or “Korean drama.”

[Ryoma's picture on the cellphone,携帯電話の龍馬の写真、휴대전화의 류마의 사진]

When she knew I was from Korea, she introduced herself in Korean.

[We ordered an additional dish "roasted-kibinago" or "Slender sprat"、追加注文した『焼きキビナゴ』、추가 주문한 『정향어』구이]

We found out that she was a single mother with 5 year old boy named “Ryoma.” She works as a beautiy specialist (or hair-dressor) and practice “Lymphmassage.”

She showed Ryoma’s pictures on her cellphone. He looked like my grandson, Noah.

[In front of the coin-bar Y-Y, コインバー『ワイワイ』の前で、코인 바 『와이와이』 앞에서]

She said she ran 5-km marathon because of Ryoma, his son. She did not go highschool, and she divorced but she would like to tell her son that “Mama could run marathon.” It was a touchy story to me.

We went back to the hotel after spending one hour at the “coin bar” and said good-bye to Chie and “Mama-san” at the bar.










[The sunrise at Ohsumi Peninsula, 大隅半島からの日の出、오스미반도에서의 일출]


[The list of those who were killed at Ibusuki Air-force Base during the World War Ⅱ, 指宿航空基地戦没者および殉職者の名簿、이부스키 항공 기지 전몰자 및 순직자의 명부]


[The pictures of "Tokkotai (Kamikaze)",特攻隊の写真、특공대의 사진]

「散る桜、残る桜も、散る桜」"Chiru sakura Nokoru sakuramo Chirusakura" by 良寛(Ryokan) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AC-DjDf7OoA


[The propeller of "Kamikaze" found in Makurazaki, 枕崎沖で発見された特攻機のプロペラ、마쿠라자키 앞바다에서 발견된 자살 공격기의 프로펠라]

[Farewell notes written by "Tokkotai(Kamikaze)" pilots, 特攻隊員の遺書、특공대원이 쓴 유서]


[The cliff of Uomidake, 魚見岳の断崖、우오미다케의 낭떠러지]


[Mr. Sakasegawa explained the geoscience with his document, 酒瀬川さんは自分の用意した資料で地学的説明をしてくれた。사가게가와씨는 자신이 준비한 자료로 지리학적 설명을 해줬다.]


[A palm tree trapped by ficus microcarpa, ガジュマロがとりついたシュロ、"가쥬마로"(Ficus microcarpa)가 매달린 종려나무]

[A big "Akou" tree, アコウの大木、『용나무』의 거목]

[The fruit of "Gajumaro"looks like "fig", イチジクの実によくにたガジュマロの実、무화과나무 열매와 꼭 닮은 『가쥬마로』의 열매]



[In front of the hotel, 国民休暇村の前で、국민 휴가촌 앞에서]



[Rape blossoms and Mt. Kaimondake, 開聞岳と菜の花、가이몬다케와 유채꽃]


[At the platform of JR Nishi-Ohyama Station, the southern most station in Japan, 日本最南端の駅のプラットホームにて、일본 최남단 역의 플랫폼에서]

[A yellow mailbox and Mt. Kaimondake, 黄色いポストと開聞岳、노란 포스트와 가이몬다케]

[At the platform of JR Nishi-Ohyama Station, the southern most station in Japan, 日本最南端の駅のプラットホームにて、일본 최남단 역의 플랫폼에서]




[We went back to Kagoshima by "Nanohana-go" 再び『菜の花号』に乗って鹿児島へ、다시 『유채꽃호』를 타고 가고시마에게 향했다]

[2000 year-old "Yakusugi" stub, 二千年の屋久杉の切り株、2000년된 야쿠수기의 그루터기]



たまたま入った安そうなコインバー「コインダイニングBAR Y×2(わいわい)」に入った。

[At the coin-bar, コインバー『ワイワイ』にて、코인 바 『와이와이』에서]





[Chie is showing "bingo" coins, 当りコインをみせるチエちゃん、"당첨" 코인을 보여주는 치에]


[Ryoma's picture on the cellphone,携帯電話の龍馬の写真、휴대전화의 류마의 사진]






120220 The first day of Kyushu Trip(早春の九州旅行第1日目조춘의 규슈 여행)

Date: Feb. 20 (Mon), 2012 (Clear and fine)

Destination: Ibusuki, Kagoshima (Southern tip of the Satsuma Peninsula)

Itinerary: Shimonoseki – Kokura – Hakata (Mr. Matsumoto) – (Shinkansen) - Kagoshima (Sightseeing on foot) – (Ibusuki-Makurazaki Line) - Ibusuki

Partner: Mr. Matsumoto (from Hakata)

The main purpose of this trip is to climb Mt. Kaimondake (924m), one of 100 big mountains in Japan. There are 5 mountains enlisted among 100 big mountains in Kyushu. This is the 4th mountain I climbed with Mr. Matsumoto in Kyushu.

I bought “Korea-Japan Common Ticket” again this time from Daejeon to Kagoshima via KTX (Daejeon to Pusan), ferry (Pusan to Shimonoseki) – JR Kyushu (Shimonoseki to Kagoshima including Shinkansen from Hakata to Kagoshima) with the price of about 250, 000 won. (Including the return ticket from Kokura to Daejeon.)

Since it was my first experience to use Kyushu Shinkansen, I was very much looking forward the trip.

After the morning service on the previous day (2/19) in Shinsongdong in Daejeon, I took a KTX at about 2 p.m. at Daejeon.

I arrived at Pusan station at 3:30 and at Pusan Port International Terminal at before 4:30 p.m. It was too early since they could go aboard at 6:20 p.m.

Anyway, the cruise was smooth from Pusan to Shimonoseki and I could land at Shimonoseki at 8:00 a.m, on Feb. 20.

I took a JR train at Shimonoseki, and changed train to special limited train calles “Sonic” at Kokura at 8:50, but because of an accident involving a man in the railway, the train arrived at Hakata at 10:30 a.m., 46 minutes late than the scheduled time.

Mr. Matsumoto was already at Hakata station waiting for me. We took Kyushu-Shinkansen and headed for Kagoshima. It took only one hour and half from Hakata to Kagoshima. (It used to take 3 hours and 40 minitues by "Tokkyu."

[The top car of Kyushu-Shinkansen, 九州新幹線の先頭車両、규슈 신칸센의 선두차량]

After arriving at Kagoshima, we put our lagage in a coin locker, and went out to the city for sightseeing walk.

[The statutes of "Young Satuma Youth" who studied abroad before Meiji era, 鹿児島駅前にある「若き薩摩の群像」(鎖国時代の留学生の群像),가고시마 역앞에 있는 「젊은 사쓰마(薩摩)의 군상」 (쇄국 시대의 유학생들의 군상)]

[In the city of Kagoshima, 鹿児島市内にて、가고시마 시내에서 ]

We headed for “Shiroyama” which used to be a fortrest before Edo period, and the last headquoter for the rebellion force during the last Civil War in Japan (1877) in the modern Japanese history.

[A view of Sakurajima from observation on Shiroyama, 城山の展望台からみた桜島、시로야마의 전망 대로부터 본 사쿠라지마]

Shiroyama locates in the center of Kagoshima, from which you can see good command of the city and the famous volcano “Sakurajima.”

[A broad trail on Shiroyama, 城山の広い遊歩道、시로야마의 넓은 산책길]

Shakurajima kept erupting more than 10,000 times since the recorded history, and it has become very active since last year. It erupted 1353 times last year, and it has erupted 254 times already this year.

[In front of Saigo's Statute, 西郷隆盛の銅像の前で、사리고우 타카모리의 동상 앞에서]

When we arrived at Kagoshima and when we saw it from the Koutsuki River, we could see a big smoke from the top of the mountain.

[From the Koutsuki River, we could see Mt. Sakurajima well, 甲突川から噴煙を上げる桜島を望む、고쓰키가와에서 분연을 올리는 사쿠라지마를 바라다보다. ]

Anyhow, we walked along the Kouzuki River and climbed Shiroyama and saw Sakurajima from the observation deck.

[A youth practicing juggling at a park,若者が公園でジャグルを練習していた。젊은이가 공원에서 저글링을 연습하고 있었다]

After having the sightseeing trole in Kagoshima, we took a limited train called “Nanohana-go” and headed for Ibusuki, the southern tip of Ohsumi Peninsula.

[We headed for Ibusuki from Kagoshima by "Nanohana" train, 「なのはな号」で指宿に向かう。「나노하나(유채꽃) 호」를 타고 이부스키를 향했다.]

[The decoration with rape blossoms in front of Ibusuki Station, 指宿駅前の菜の花の飾り、이부스키 역앞의 유채꽃 장식]

[Free foot-bathing facility in front of the station, 指宿駅前の公衆足湯、이부스키 역앞에 있는 족욕탕]

We checked in a traditional Japanese inn called “Kokumin Kyukamura” and ejoyed the spa, both inside of the building and open air hot spring, but did not take the famous “Sand-Spa” because it did not look so attractive.

[At the guest room of Kokumin-Kyukamura, the Japanese style inn, 「国民休暇村」旅館の客室で、「국민 휴가촌」여관의 객실에서]

We enjoyed a gorgeous dinner and took the spa again after the dinner.

[At the dinner table at the inn, 旅館の夕食のテーブルにて、여관의 저녁 식사 테이블에서]

We could see the moon and star while taking the open-air hot spring. Afterall the weather was so nice that day.












[The top car of Kyushu-Shinkansen, 九州新幹線の先頭車両、규슈 신칸센의 선두차량]


[Lunch box, full of special products in Kyushu, 新幹線の中で食べた弁当(九州の名物づくし)、신칸센 속에서 먹은 도시락(규슈의 명물)]



[甲突川にて、噴煙を上げる桜島を背景に、고쓰키가와에서, 분연을 일으키는 사쿠라지마를 배경으로 ]

[In the city of Kagoshima, 鹿児島市内にて、가고시마 시내에서 ]



At the observation deck on Shiroyama, 城山の展望台にて、시로야마의 전망 대에서]

[A tramcar in Kagoshima city, 鹿児島の市電、가고시마의 시영 전철]


[We headed for Ibusuki from Kagoshima by "Nanohana" train, 「なのはな号」で指宿に向かう。「나노하나(유채꽃) 호」를 타고 이부스키를 향했다.]


[The dolls for "Hinamatsuri" or "Doll Festival" at Ibusuki Station, 指宿駅構内に飾られていたひな祭りの人形たち、이부스키역 구내에 꾸며지고 있었던 히나마쯔리의 인형들]





[At the dinner table at the inn, 旅館の夕食のテーブルにて、여관의 저녁 식사 테이블에서]


[Ibusuki specialty, baked broad bean, 指宿名物、焼きソラマメ、이부스키 명물, 담금질 잠두콩]

