About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120505 Mt. Jagulsan (闍崛山자굴산897m), Uiryeong(宜寧ウィリョン의령), GyongNam(慶南)

Hiking Date: May 5, 2012 (Sat) Clear and fine

Destination (mountain): Mt. Jagulsan (897m), Uiryeong, GyongNam

Hiking course: Naejori – Jagulsan – Swemokjae – Han-U-san, Sanseongsan – Byokgye Village (12.7 km, 7 hours)

Partner: 27 AhToSan members

I got up at 4 a.m. amd prepared for the hike. Left the studio apartment at 5:20 and headed for the bus stop at Expo South Gate while recording EBS programs.

We left the bus-stop one hour earlier (6:00) because the destination was a bit far from Daejeon.

We had “Best Member Reward” ceremony for 3 members in the bus on the way to the mountain.

["Best Member" Awards Ceremony on a bus, バスの中で『ベストメンバー』表彰式、버스 안에서 『베스트 멤버』표창식]

It was a fine day and we arrived at Swemokjae at 9:30 and began hiking after taking a group picture as usual.

[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체 사진]

It was an easy gentle uphill at first, yet for me, it was difficult to keep up other hikers’ pace. “Yoro” again as the leader of the last group, walked with me slowly.

The leader of the main group called “Yoro” and told him that they were waiting for me. So, I hurried to catch up with them and provided my fruits.

[The first "Makgeolli Time", 最初の『マッコリ・タイム』、첫번째 『막걸리·타임』]

This time, I brought drided sardines and cucumbers with “Gochujang” savory and pungent fermented Korean condiment made from red chili, glutinous rice, fermented soybeans and salt.

“Ilki-nim” gave me a jar of “Gochujang” and it taste very good. So, I should bring it for every occasion.

After the first break, I began walking as the last hiker with “Yoro” again. Yoro mentioned the trees in the woods. They are “Sangsuri-namu” in Koreans. In English, they are “sawtooth oaks.” Korean people make foods called “Muk” out of these ork nuts.

["Tak-wi-Nancho" or "Chicken orchid" 『ニワトリの蘭草』、닭의 난초]

The slopes became steep, and we came to “Jeolteo-Saem” which means a spring at ruins of a temple. We saw running water from the spring and a gazebo and a lot of flowers.

[Spring water running at "Jeoltae-Saem", 『チョルトセム』の水飲み場、『절터샘』의 물 마시는 장소]

“Chinhansaram” and his friends from Seoul were having the 2nd break with beer. Yoro and I joined them.

["Chinhansaram" & "Yoro" at the gazebo, 『チョルトセム』で休む『チンハンサラム』と『ヨロ』、절터에서 쉬고 있는 친한사람과 여로님]

[At "Jeoltosaem" Spring, 『チョルトセム』にて、절터샘에서]

After the 2nd break, we came to the steep rocky places. There were steel stairsteps which were realy steep. We also climbed rocks by using our hands. Actually it was the hardest places of this hike.

[The steep stair-steps at the rocks, 岩場の鉄階段、암석 지대의 철계단]

We arrived at the top of Jagulsan at 11:45. Most of AhToSan members were alreay having lunch in the woods.

[At the top of Jagulsan, 闍崛山の頂上にて、자굴산 정상에서]

We made table by spreading sheets and began having our lunch. To my surprise, “Chinhansaram” and his friends prepared gorgeous lunch.

Chinhansaram brought portable range and began cooking pork. His friend took a small table out of his bag together with a bottle of wine and plastic wine glasses.

The president of AhToSan, Jeongdaun, gave me a bowl of “Bibimpap” so I did not need to eat my own lunch at all.

["Cheers!" with wine and beer, ワインとビールで『乾杯!』와인과 맥주로 『건배! 』]

Most of other members finished their lunch when we began eating ours. So, we began afternoon hike as the last hikers.

While walking on the ridge between Jagulsan and Han-U-san, we went down to the paved road. Several cars passed by us.

When a truck passed by us, “Chinhansaram” shouted, “Let us ride on the back!” Then the truck stopped and we climbed on the back of the truck.

[On the back of a truck, トラックの荷台にて、트럭 짐받이에서]

We enjoyed the ride until the pass of Han-U-san. We caught up with the top group there!

There was a big gazebo and losts of araleas around it. Actually the place was the highlight of that day’s hike with beautiful flowers.

[In front of the gazebo on Mt. Han-U-san, 寒雨山の亭子の前で、한우산 정자 앞에서]

[With "Jeongdaun" AhToSan President, チョンダウン会長と、정다운 회장님과 함께]

[At the top of Han-U-San, 寒雨山山頂にて、한우산 정상에서]

Then we passed the field of silvergrasses and went into pine tree woods. I found Chinhansaram and his friends again. This time, they were having “Jokpal” or pork hocks with beer and makgeolli. They tasted very good!

[At the last "Makgeolli Break", 最後の『マッコリ・タイム』、마지막 『막걸리·타임』]

After having the last break, we came to the last peak called “Sanseongsan” which means “Fortress Mountain.”

[At the last peak of the day, SanSeongSan, 山城山の頂上にて、산성산 정상에서]

After the last peak, we began descending the steep slope and suddenly came out to the paved raod where our bus had been parking.

[At the final slope to the road, 道路へ出る最後の下り坂、도로에 나오는 마지막 내리막길]

The main dish for the wrap-up party was “Ojingo-Hwe- Muchim.”It is a seasoned squid with vegitables.

[At the wrap-up party after the hike, 打ち上げパーティにて、뒤풀이에서]

When I came back to my computer after the hike, I became to know (by Internet) that there had been several accidents in Japanese mountains (North Alps in Japan) and 8 people were killed for a day!

I thought that Korean mountains were much safer than Japanese counterparts.

It was my 24th hike for this year and the 279th AhToSan regular hike for me.




登山コース:ネジョリ(내조리)- 闍崛山(チャグルサン자굴산) –スェモクジェ(쇠목재)-寒雨山(한우산)-山城山(산성산)- ビョゲマウル(벽계마을:谷を流れる青い水の村)[約12.5km、7時間]




["Best Member" Awards Ceremony on a bus, バスの中で『ベストメンバー』表彰式、버스 안에서 『베스트 멤버』표창식]


[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전의 단체 사진]

[At the entrance of Jagulsan, 闍崛山(チャグルサン)登山口にて、자굴산 입구에서]



[The first "Makgeolli Time", 最初の『マッコリ・タイム』、첫번째 『막걸리·타임』]




[The board sign of "Jeoltosaem" Spring, 『チョルトセム』の看板、『절터샘』 간판]

[At "Jeoltosaem" Spring, 『チョルトセム』にて、절터샘에서]


[AhTo Members climbing steep rocky area, 険しい岩場を登る会員たち、험한 암석 지대를 오르는 회원들]


[At the top of Jagulsan, 闍崛山の頂上にて、자굴산 정상에서]


[I ate my lunch with the last group, 最後尾のグループの昼食、후미 그룹의 점심]


["Bibingpap" & makgeolli, 会長がくれたビビンパとマッコリ、회장님이 준 비빔밥과 막걸리]




[On the back of a truck, トラックの荷台にて、트럭 짐받이에서]


[At the top of Han-U-san, 寒雨山山頂にて、한우산 정상에서]


[Angular Solomon's-seal or Scented Solomon's-seal,アマドコロ,둥굴레꽃]

[Iris rossii Baker, エヒメアヤメまたは古名タレユエソウ(誰ゆえ草)、각시붓꽃]

["Tak-wi-Nancho" or "Chicken orchid" 『ニワトリの蘭草』、닭의 난초]


[At the last "Makgeolli Break", 最後の『マッコリ・タイム』、마지막 『막걸리·타임』]




[At the final slope to the road, 道路へ出る最後の下り坂、도로에 나오는 마지막 내리막길]


[The main menu of the wrap-up party, 「オジンゴ・フェ・ムチム」, 오징어 회 무침]





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