About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120514 Mt. Geumsubong(錦繡峰금수봉), Sutonggol(ストンコル수통골), Daejeon

Hiking Date: May 14 (Sun) Fine

Destination (mountain): Mt. Geumsubong, Sutonggol, Daejeon

Hiking course: Parking Lot – Entrance – Sutong Fall – Mt. Geumsubong - junction of three trails – Parking Lot

Partner: 4 Koreans, 2 Canadians, Australian, Bulgarian

After the service of Dream Church, I hurried to KAIST by bicycle.

[Taejonhikers at KAIST, KAIST正門横の駐車場に集まったテジョンハイカーズたち、KAIST정문옆 주차장으로 모인 대전하이카즈들]

We had 4 cars, but Johny left his car at KAIST and 8 of us headed for Sutonggol by 3 cars.

There were many cars parking at the parking lot as usual, but we all managed to park relatively close to the entrance of the park.

We saw some sidewalk vendors who were selling pears and mushrooms.

After taking pictures at the entrance, we began hiking along the stream.

[In front of the entrance of "Sutonggol" ストンコルの入り口で、수통골 입구에서]

[We walked beside the reservoir toward the mountains, 貯水池の横を歩いて錦繡峰に向かう、저수지 옆을 걸어서 금수봉으로 향했다.]

We walked along the waterfall, and came to the relativey wide space by the river where we took a short break last time with Alan. This time, Jong-Moo did not take a break, but we began climbing up the stair-trails to the pass near Mt. Geumsubong.

Nowadays, I always felt out of breath as I climbed a steep trail. I felt hard and out of breath that day, too. I did not give up, but just I became the last hiker behind everyone but Johny. He gave up the hike on the middle of the steep slope. His condition must be not too good that day.

[I was out of breath at the first steep trail, 私は最初の急坂で息が切れた。 나는 처음 만난 급경사로에서 숨이 찼다.]

The rest of the hikers were waiting for me at the pass near the peak. It was a nice spot to take a rest, and I recovered from my fatigue.

[We had a nice rest at the pass, 錦繡峰峠で一休み、금수봉고개에서 휴식]

From the pass to the gazebo on the top of Mt. Geumsubong, it was an easy walk for every one.

We had a late lunch at the gazebo. Alex took a nice picture under the shadow of the roof, but my camera was not good enough to take a picture under the shadow.

[At a gazebo on Geumsubong, 錦繡峰の八角亭にて、금수봉 팔각정에서]

We had a nice talke at the shadow and I enjoyed eating sandwitches I made in the morning.

I talked with Alex from Bulgaria about Magicicada which is the genus of the 13- and 17-year periodical cicadas of eastern North America.

We walked down from the gazebo to the junctions from Mt. Bingesan.

Alex came from Daegu which is about 1.5 hours south from Daejeon. He teaches mathematics at a university there.

So it took three hours more for him to join the hike. He is planning to join me to the journey with AhToSan on June 17-18, next month.

It was my 26th hike for this year and the 6th as Taejonhikers' hike for this year.



登山地:ストンコル・錦繡峰(수통골, 금수봉)







[Mushrooms being sold on side-roads,道端で売られていたキノコ、길가에서 아주머니가 버섯을 팔고 있었다.]



[A spiderwort/day flower, ムラサキシュツユクサ(紫朱露草), 자주달개비 꽃]



[The picture of Korean crevice salamander, チョウセンサンショウウオ保護のための看板、이끼도롱뇽 보호를 위한 간판 ]


[Taejonhikers climbing the first steep trail, 最初の急坂を登るテジョンハイカーズたち、처음 만난 급경사를 오르는 대전하이카즈들]


[On the ridge after the steep uphill trail, 急坂を登り切った稜線にて、경사가 급한 등산로를 끝까지 오른 능선에서]


[We had a nice rest at the pass, 錦繡峰峠で一休み、금수봉고개에서 휴식]


[At a gazebo on Geumsubong, 錦繡峰の八角亭にて、금수봉 팔각정에서]








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