About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


120526 Mt. Hyongjebong (Seongjebong)兄弟峰형제봉/聖帝峰성제봉) in Jirisan (智異山지리산)

Hiking Date: May 26 (Sat), 2012 (Fine)

Destination (mountain): Hyongebong/Seongjebong, Mt. Jiri, Hadong, GyongNam

Hiking course: Nojeong Village – Cheonghaksa Temple – Hyongjebong – Seongjebong – The Old House of Mr. Choi (Theme Park)

Partner: About 40 AhToSan hikers including 4 Taejonhikers (Ayela, Wonjong,Tobias and Connie)

It’s completely a summer weather. We left Expo South Gate Parking Lot at 6 a.m.

Four Taejonhikers joined me this time: Wonjong and Ayela (Korean), Tobias and Connie. (German)

On the way in the bus, we had two ceremonies; a best-member award and “Happy Birthday to Smile.”

[The Best Member Award ceremony, 『ベストメンバー』授賞式、『베스트 멤버』수상식]

We got off the bus at 9:35 in front of the village hall at Nojeon Village.

[Toby gets off the bus at Nojeon Village, ノジョン村でバスを降りるトビー、노전마을에서 버스를 내리는 토비]

[A group picture before the hike, 登山開始前の集合写真、등산 시작전 단체 사진]

We walked through the village and headed for a small beautiful temple called “Cheonghaksa.”

[In front of the yellow roses in the village, 黄色のバラの垣根の前で、노란 장미꽃 울타리 앞에서]

[Flower of a thistle in Mt. Jiri, 智異山のアザミの花、지리산 엉겅퀴 꽃]

Since it was close to be the Buddha’s Birthday cerebration (5/28), the temple was decorated with colorful decoration of “Lotus-flower shaped lanterns.”

[At Cheonghaksa Temple, 青鶴寺にて、청학사에서]

I caught up with Taejonhikers members at one hour after getting off the bus. Then we had the first break with my fruits and makgeolli provided by “Smaile.”

[At the first break with Taejonhikers, 最初の休憩にて、첫번째 휴식에서]

I did not sip makgeolli this time, because I had hard time after having the Korean wine last time. Therefore, I had no problem with breathing this time.

However, I could not keep up with other hikers’ pace. I was walking along, just following after them.

I saw a coulple of hang-gliders, and a noisy bird-like machine with an engine. The latter one was bothersome but hang-gliders looked nice. It must be wonderful if you could fly like a kite like that.

[A hang-glider, flying in the sky quietly, 静かに空を舞うハンググライダー,조용히 하늘을 활공하는 행글라이더]

On the way, I caught up with a female newcomer. We walked together for a while, then I caught up Tobias and Connie. It is much fun if you have companies!

I also caught up with “Ttembi” and other AhToSan hikers at an uniquely shaped rock called “Tongcheonmun” or “Heaven-through Rock.”

We found a nice place for lunch in the woods at around 1 p.m. Most of the members had lunch together there.

[We had lunch in the woods, 林の中で昼食、숲 속에서 점심]

After lunch, we soon arrived at the peak of the 2nd “Hyongjebong”. “Hyongje” means “Brothers”. The stone mark was small, but unique. It was my first time to see such a stone mark in the mountains.

[At the 2nd Hyongjebong, 第2兄弟峰にて、제2형제봉에서]

We went to the next peak, soon. It was the first peak of “Hyonjebong” but it has another name as “Seongjebong” which means “Holy-king” Peak. The stone mark on which the Chinese characters were written, looked like an ordinary tumbe stone found in Japan.

[At the 2nd Hyongjebong (Seongjebong), 第1兄弟峰(聖帝峰)にて、제1형제봉(성제봉)에서]

From these peaks to the final destination, I could walk at the same pace of other Taejonhikers, and most of AhToSan hikers.

[Connie climbing up the rocks, コニーが岩壁を登っている、코니가 암벽을 오르고 있다.]

[With Grace and Connie on the bridge, 稜線の橋の上で、능선의 다리 위에서]

The decending trails were not too steep and enjoyable. I could enjoy rocky scenery and suspension bridges, as well as various flowers including “clematis.”

[Flowers of Clematis, クレマティスの花、큰꽃으아리]

[late-blooming azalea flower, 遅咲きのツツジ、늦게 핀 철쭉]

There was a big stone altar at the open field surrounded by azalea flowers. It was written as “Hyongjebong Azalea Alter.”

After passing the bridges, we soon came to a village named “Ipseok Maul.” Then we followed the marks named “Mt. Jiri Dullekil(지리산 둘레길)”

[Suspension bridges connecting peaks of the mountain, 峰々に渡された吊橋、봉우리들을 연결하는 현수교]

[Connie on the suspension bridge, 吊橋に立つコニー、현수교에 서있는 코니]

[At the guidepost of "Jirisan Dullekil" 『智異山トゥレッキル』の標識にて、『지리산둘레길』표식에서]

[Along the "Jirisan Dullekil", 『智異山トゥレキル』にて、『지리산 둘레길』에서]

Soon we arrived at “Mr. Cho’s Residence” which was used as a location of poplular TV drama, “Toji (토지)” broadcasted during 2004-2005.

[At the theme Park "Mr. Choi's Residence," 『崔参判宅』テーマパークにて、『최참판댁』에서]

After having short sightseeing at the theme park, I hurried to the final destination, the parking lot.

I arrived at the bus and the place where they were having wrap-up party at 5:25. I joined the table of Taejonhikers and enjoyed the party with them.

[At the wrap-up party after the hike, ハイキングの後の打ち上げにて、하이킹 후의 뒤풀이에서]

The main dish of the party was “Jokbal (족발)” or “pork hocks.” Connie and Tobias said they ate smillar food in Germany. But Tobias does not like Makgeolli at all.

I should bring beer for him next time, I thought.

We finished the party before 6 p.m. and went back to Daejeon before 9 p.m.

It was my 27th hike for this year and 281 of AhToSan regular hike.



登山地:慶南(キョンナム)、河東(ハドン하동)、智異山(지리산)/兄弟峰(형제봉)/(聖帝峰성제봉) 登山コース:ノジョンマウル(노전마을)会館 - 青鶴寺(청학사) - 兄弟峰(聖帝峰)[성(형)제봉] - 神仙台(신선대) - 烽燧台(봉수대) - 神仙峰(신선봉) -寒山寺(한산사) – テーマパーク「崔参判宅(최참판댁)」 - 駐車場





["Smile" with his birthday cake,『スマイル』の誕生祝い、『스마일』의 생일 축하]


[A group picture before the hike, 登山開始前の集合写真、등산 시작전 단체 사진]


[In front of the yellow roses in the village, 黄色のバラの垣根の前で、노란 장미꽃 울타리 앞에서]


[Wild iris flowers beside the trail, 道端に咲いていたアヤメの花、길가에 피어 있었던 붓꽃]

[The light pink pedals of wild roses, 薄いピンクのノバラ、얇은 담홍색 들장미 꽃]


[At Cheonghaksa Temple, 青鶴寺にて、청학사에서]


[At the first break with Taejonhikers, 最初の休憩にて、첫번째 휴식에서]


第1の休憩から尾根に出るまでは他のカイカーから遅れてほとんど単独行。エンジンをつけたハングライダーのような飛行物体の音がやかましかったが、乗っている本人は気分が良いことだろう。 これにくらべて、エンジンのない純粋のハングライダーは静かで良い。本当に鳥人のようだ。

[A hang-glider, flying in the sky quietly, 静かに空を舞うハンググライダー,조용히 하늘을 활공하는 행글라이더]




[We had lunch in the woods, 林の中で昼食、숲 속에서 점심]


[At the 2nd Hyongjebong, 第2兄弟峰にて、제2형제봉에서]


[At the 2nd Hyongjebong (Seongjebong), 第1兄弟峰(聖帝峰)にて、제1형제봉(성제봉)에서]



[late-blooming azalea flower, 遅咲きのツツジ、늦게 핌 철쭉]


[Flowers of Clematis, クレマティスの花、큰꽃으아리]



[Mt. Hyongjebong, Azalea Alter, 兄弟峰ツツジ祭壇、형제봉 철쭉제단]


[Toby on the suspension bridge, 吊橋に立つトビー、현수교에 서있는 토비]


公示された烽火台や神仙台、及び寒山寺はよくわからなかったが、智異山トルレキル(지리산 둘레길)の標識ははっきりしていて、映画ロケ地である「崔参判宅((최참판댁))」へ向かった。

[At the theme Park "Mr. Choi's Residence," 『崔参判宅』テーマパークにて、『최참판댁』에서]




[Taejonhikers at the wrap-up party, 打ち上げにてテジョンハイカーズたち、뒤풀이에서 대전하이카즈들]



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