About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


121201 Mt. Jiri (CheonWangBong)智異山天王峰(지리산・천왕봉1915m)

Hiking Date: December 1, 2012 (Sat), Fine

Destination (mountain): Mt. Jiri, CheonWangBong 1915m

Hiking course: JungSanRi – CheonWangBong – JeSeokBong – JangTeoMok Shelter – BaengMuDong (13 km - 8hours) Partner: 34 AhToSan members.

[The Jiri-san map with the trail we walked this time, 今回の山行コースを示す智異山の地図、이번 산행 코스를 나타내는 지리산지도]

The chartered bus left Expo South Gate at 6 am. We went to ChungSanRi very smoothly. We got off the bus before 9 am.

[The group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발 전 단체 사진]

We had to walk for 20 minutes to the entrance of the trail. I failed to take a group picture by self-timer, but another member took it manually.

As usual, I became the last hiker among 35 hikers. One of the staff members,“Yoro”again, kept accompany with me and it was a great relief for me.

When Yoro and I caught up with Jeongdaun, the president of AhTo, we took the first break and I offered my fruits (this time, strawberries and grapes.)

[At the 2nd short break with AhTo hikers, 二回目の『スズキタイム』、두 번째 "스즈키 타임"]

When we arrived at “Mang Rock”a dozen of members were taking pictures with the rock. So, I offered the fruits and many members had them. It was the 2nd “Suzuki Time.”

[At the guidepost of "Mang Rock", 『マンパウィ』の道標にて、"망바위"의 이정표에서]

It was a fine day. When I arrived at a heliport, wome of the members were taking pictures with the top of Mt. Jiri. “Alain Delon” took myany pictures including mine there.

Then we soon arrived at the rotary and then BeomGyeSa Temple. I took a picture of the mountain gate of the temple at 11:20. Some members entered into the temple and I followed them.

[The mountain gate of BeomGyeSa Temple, 法界寺の山門、법계사의 산문]

They provide rice cakes to hikers for free of charge. They tasted like Japanese rice cakes; soft and sweet. The temple is said to be located in the highest place in Korea.

[A free "rice cake" provided at the temple, 法界寺でもらった無料の『トック(餅菓子)』、법계사에서받은 무료 "떡"]

Alan and I visited this temple in March 2004 when I climbed this mountain for the first time.

Everyone went ahead of me. I was walking with “Yoro” as the last hiker among AhToSan hikers.

I arrived at GaeSeonMun at 12:20. From this point to the top of CheonWangBong was the steepest trail. There were several icicles on the rock.

[Well-facilitated stair trail near the top of CheonWangBong, 天王峰近くの階段、천왕봉 근처의 계단]

[At the trail near the top of CheonWangBong, 天王峰近くの登山路にて、천왕봉 부근의 등산로에서]

[Big icicles along the trail, 登山路の脇にできた『つらら』、등산로 옆에 생긴"고드름"]

[At the trail near the top of CheonWangBong, 天王峰近くの登山路にて、천왕봉 부근의 등산로에서]

When I arrived at the top of CheonWangBong, AhToSan members were taking pictures. I was the last hiker to join them.

[At the stone-post of CheonWangBong, 天王峰の石標にて、천왕봉 정상에서]

Here, I met “Sagwatakki” who was the 3rd president of AhToSan. As I remember correctly, he suddenly abandoned his position and quited coming to AhToSan in 2007. So he came to AhToSan after 5 year absence!

[I saw "Sagwataki" on the top of the mountain, 私は天皇峰頂上で『サグワタッキ』に会った、나는 천황봉 정상에서 "사과따기"을 만났다]

I arrived at the top of ChenWangBong at 1:05, so it took me 4 hours from JungSanRi. It was only up and up trail therefore it was hard for me.

When I went over the top of the mountain, I found AhToSan members having lunch behind the rocks, so I joined them.

Boss-nin, who brought fresh oysters and vegetables to BukHanSan in Seoul, now brought “Guamegi”or “dried saury.”

[Special Korean delicacy called "Gwamegi", 韓国の珍味、『クァメギ』]、한국의 진미 "과메기"]

[Lunchi with "Guamegi", 大量の『クァメギ』で昼食、많은 "과메기"와 함께 점심,]

“Guamegi”is a special delicacy made from “saury”but I have never seen in Japan. They eat this sea-product with vegitalbes such as garlic and Chinese onions and Korean “gochujang” or “thick soypaste mixed with red peppers.” It’s a good side dish, and most of Koreans seem to like it. After having lunch, we began the ridge walk from CheonWangBong to JeSeokBong, then to JangTeoMok Shelter.

[A group picture after the lunch, 昼食後の集合写真、점심 식사 후 단체 사진]

[Looking back CheonWangBong from the train on ridge, 稜線の登山路から天王峰を振り返る、능선의 등산로에서 천왕봉을 되돌아 본다.]

This trail was the most beautiful area when there were “Sang-Go-Dae” or“rim on trees”last winter.

[On the trail along the ridge, 稜線の登山路にて、능선의 등산로에서]

Unfortunately, it was too early to see such beautiful “snow-covered trees.”

[On the trail along the ridge (it was too early to see "frost on the trees", 稜線の登山路にて(樹氷の季節にはまだ早すぎた),능선의 등산로에서 (상고대의 계절에는 아직 일렀다.)]

I arrived at JangTeoMok Shelter at 2:38 with many of AhToSan people.

From this shelter to BaengMuDong, the final point of this 13 km trekking, it was all downhill, and trails were frozen stones. We had to walk carefully.

[A cable-suspended bridge near the end of the destination. 最終目的地近くの吊橋、최종 목적지 근처 조교]

I arrived at the final bus stop at nearly 5 pm. Some fast hikers arrived at 3 pm, they said. So the difference was 2 hours!

[AhToSan members enjoy "special pictures", アトサン会員は、『芸術的』写真を楽しむ、아토산 회원은 "예술적"사진을 시도한다.]

[The wrap-up party at a restaurant near the parking lot, 駐車場近くの食堂のテーブルを借りて『打ち上げパーティ』、식당 테이블을 빌려 "뒤풀이" 파티]

We had a wrap-up party at the tables of some restaurant. The menu were “Kimchi-jige” and “Soju” and we ended our party at 5:30 pm.

We came back to South Gate bus-stop in Daejeon at around 8 pm. It was my 60th hike for this year and 298th AhToSan regular hike for me.





登山コース:中山里(중산리)〜天王峰(천왕봉)〜帝釈峰(제석봉)~ジャントモク(장터목)待避所〜白武洞(백무동) (約13km、8時間)



[We arrived at JungSanRi before 9 am, 中山里には9時前に到着、중산리에 9시 전에 도착]





[At the first break with Yoro and Jeongdaun, 最初の『スズキタイム』、첫 번째 "스즈키 타임"]


[In front of "Mang Rock", 『マンパウィ』の前で、"망바위"앞에서]



[The mountain gate of BeomGyeSa Temple, 法界寺の山門、법계사의 산문]


[I saw "Middle Group"of AhToSan hikers at the temple, 法界寺でアトサンの『中間グループ』に会った。법계사에서 아토산의 "중간 그룹"을 만났다.]



[At "GaeSeon" Gate, 『ケソンムン』にて、개선분에서]


[Big icicles along the trail, 登山路の脇にできた『つらら』、등산로 옆에 생긴"고드름"]

[At the trail near the top of CheonWangBong, 天王峰近くの登山路にて、천왕봉 부근의 등산로에서]

[At the stone-post of CheonWangBong, 天王峰の石標にて、천왕봉 정상에서]

[At the trail near the top of CheonWangBong, 天王峰近くの登山路にて、천왕봉 부근의 등산로에서]




[Lunchi with "Guamegi", 大量の『クァメギ』で昼食、많은 "과메기"와 함께 점심,]


[A group picture after the lunch, 昼食後の集合写真、점심 식사 후 단체 사진]


[On the trail along the ridge, 稜線の登山路にて、능선의 등산로에서]


[On the trail along the ridge (it was too early to see "frost on the trees", 稜線の登山路にて(樹氷の季節にはまだ早すぎた),능선의 등산로에서 (상고대의 계절에는 아직 일렀다.)]



[Finally, I was taking climbing irons off when I arrived at the safe trail,雪道を下って、ようやくアイゼンを外しているところ。눈길을 내려 마침내 아이젠을 벗고있다.]


[The wrap-up party at a restaurant near the parking lot, 駐車場近くの食堂のテーブルを借りて『打ち上げパーティ』、식당 테이블을 빌려 "뒤풀이" 파티]


["Kimchi Jige" for the wrap-up party, 打ち上げパーティの『キムチチゲ』、뒤풀이 파티 "김치 찌개"]


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