About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


121222 ChilGapSan(七甲山칠갑산561m), Cheongyang, ChungNam Province[忠南青陽(충남청양)]

Hiking Date: Dec.22 (Sat), Cloudy, occationally fine.

Destination (mountain): ChilGapSan (칠갑산561m), Cheongyang, ChungNam Province[忠南青陽(충남청양)]

Hiking course: Lake Cheonjang – Top of ChilGapSan – Janggoksa Temple –Chilgapsangol Restaurant Partner: About 30 AhToSan members

It snowed about 5 cm in Daejeon on Friday, but it stopped in the morning. The bus left at 8 am at South Gate, so I took a bus from Shinseongdong. I was the first hiker to arrive.

[I was the first hiker to arrive at the bus, 私はアトサンのバスに一番に乗った。나는 아토산 버스에 가장 먼저 올랐다.]

It was not full, yet Ayla came and sat by me. She seemed very sleepy. She said she played all night. After all, she is still young, I thought.

ChilGapSan is very close to Daejeon (1.5 hour distance), yet the bus stopped at Gonju Service Area. I found “instant heater patch”for clothes at the shop there. Each cost 2000 won.

We arrived at Lake Cheonjang at 9:15. Took the group picture at 9:23. There are an interesting sespention bridge and statutes of tigher and dragon at the end of the bridge. I remembered that I took pictures with Chris and Bernardo here 2 years ago.

[A group picture at Lake Cheonjang, チョンジャン湖にて集合写真、천장호에서 단체 사진]

[AhTo members in front of the suspension bridge,チョンジャン湖(천장호)に架かる吊橋の上で、천장호 현수교에서]

[A big figure of dragon at the end of the suspension bridge, 吊り橋の麓の竜の像、현수교 자락에 있는 용의 상]

[Story of Dragon & Tiger in ChilGapSan,『七甲山の龍と虎の伝説』の由来、"칠 갑산의 용과 호랑이의 전설"의 유래]

[Alain Delon in front of the big tiger figure, 虎の像の前に立つアランドロン、알랭 들롱 차기 회장님이 호랑이의 동상 앞에 서있다.]

The access to the top of ChilGapSan is not necessarily steep, yet I was the last hiker among other hikers as usual.

[On the way to ChilGapSan with a member at the guidepost, 七甲山への里程表にて、칠갑산에의 이정표에서]

Alain Delon was kind enough for waiting for me while giving his makgeolli to other hikers. I drank a cup of his makgeolli today.

[A short break with makgeolli and fruits, スズキタイムで小休止、스즈키 타임에서 짧은 휴식]

[Fruits for "Suzuki Time"、『スズキタイム』の果物、"스즈키 타임"의 과일]

As we came close to the top, the amount of snow increased. It looked beautiful and KS couple were very much pleased to take pictures. So I joined them and arrived at the top of ChilGapSan as the last hikers.

[Daedunsan, Baekcheonsa, KS and me in front of a beautiful hoarfrost on the tree, 綺麗な樹霜の前で、아름다운 상고대 앞에서]

I was surprised to see the good facilities on the top of the mountain. Now they have a nice stone-monument and nice stone alter there.

[At the stone monument of ChilGapSan, 七甲山の山頂にて、칠갑산 정상에서]

AhToSan was the 2nd party to perform the ceremony that morning.

They put foods beautifully on the alter and began the ceremony at 11:30.

Yoro was the MC and he did his job very well. After Jeongdaun gave the first “jeol”or ceremonial deep bow, Alain Delon, the next president raid sharmanistic prayer to mountain gods.

[Yoro started the ceremory as MC, 司会者『ヨロ』が『終山祭』の開始を宣言、사회자 "요로님"이 "종산제" 시작을 선언]

[The president "Jeondaun" performed the ceremony, チョンダウン会長が儀式を始めた。정다운 회장님이 의식을 시작했다.]

[Alain Delon next president read the prayer, アランドロン次期会長が『祝詞』を読み上げた。알랭 들롱 차기 회장님이 "축사"를 읽었다.]

Then they started their “jeol”one by one, or a couple by a couple and at the end of the ceremony, all at once.

[General members were performing deep-bow all together, 一般会員がいっしょに『チョル』をしている。일반 회원들이 함께 "절"을 하고있다.]

At the very end of the ceremony, the president, Jeondaun, put fire of the paper on which prayers to gods were written. Then we began our lunch there.

I brought a cup noodle, but it was not cecessary at all. So much food of various kind including bean cake and cooked vegitable. We share food with none-AhToSan hikers generously. I thought of the food hanger of North Korean people.

After the lunch, I hurried descending the mountain by following KS couple. So we missied the chance to be in the group which Alain Delon took it with the nice stone monument.

[KS couple and their friend began descending, KS夫婦とその友人が下山開始、KS 부부와 그들의 친구가 하산 시작]

Anyway, although I started earlier than other hikers, many hikers came and passed beside me. I becae the last hiker to arrive at the restaurant.

[At the guidepost on the descending trail, 下山路の標識にて、하산길의 이정표에서]

There is a temple called “Jangguksa”at the other side of the mountain. The Chinese caracters can be read “Hasedera.” There is a temple exactly the same name in Kamakura. So I liked the name of this temple.

[A part of Janggoksa Temple at the foot of the mountain, 山の麓の『長谷寺(チャンゴクサ)』の一部、산기슭의 장곡사 일부]

[Ruch and Daedunsan at Janggoksa Temple, 長谷寺(チャンゴクサ)にて、장곡사에서]

[The mountain gate of Janggoksa Temple, 長谷寺(チャンゴクサ)の山門、장곡사 산문]

There are many interesting things around the restaurant and when I was taking pictures, Jeongdaun called my cellphone, saying everyone was waiting for me.

[A wooden sculpture beside the road to the restaurant, 道路わきのおもしろい木製彫刻、길가의 재미있는 나무 조각]

It was still before 2 pm, but they all got ready to start the ceremony. Soon upon arrival, they began the ceremony.

The vice president, “Chilgapsan” was MC and he did a good job.

[The president "Jeongdaun" and next president "Alain Delon",現会長チョンダウンと次期会長アランドロン、현 회장님 정다운과 차기 회장님 알랭 들롱]

After singing national anthem of Korea, the first award was the special award to me! It was a glass monument thanking to my cooperation (participation to AhToSan hike 300 times.)

[I got a special award from the president, 会長から『特別賞』をもらった。회장님으로부터 "특별상"을 받았다.]

[I also got 100,000 won-worth gift-certificate, 会長から同時に『金一封』ももらった、회장님으로부터 동시에 "금일봉"도 받았다.]

Next awards were to J-nim, Ruchi-nim and Salang-kaduk.

[J-nim was awarded as the most frequently attended ward,最優秀賞を受賞した『Jニム』、"J 님"이 최우수상을 수상했다.]

The party was from 3 to 4 after the ceremony. Then they had karaoke party for one hour.

[After the general meeting, we had Year-End Party, 総会後、忘年会開始、총회 후 송년회 시작]

[A traditional Korean folk wine "Dong-dong-ju" おいしい『ドンドンジュ』、맛있는 "동동주"]

[Sliced stomach of cow, 牛の胃を薄く切ったもの、소의 위를 얇게 자른 것]

[At the party with the president of AhToSan and other members, 忘年会にて、송년회에서]

There were no foreigners, but me. I was not forced to sing any songs. There were many mic-lovers and karaoke-lovers.

Among good singers; Piano-man, KS, freesia, etc. Ayla seemed not interested at all. She went to the bus and slept there.

[The last group picture at the end of the party, パーティ後、最後の集合写真、파티후 마지막 단체 사진]

The karaoke-fever was over at 5:15. We went back to South Gate at 7:00 pm.

It was my 64th hike for this year and my 301 hike as AhToSan regular hike.





登山コース:チョンジャン湖(천장호)~七甲山(칠갑산561m)~長谷寺(장곡사)~七甲山谷食堂(칠갑산골 식당)






["Daedunsan" got the Best Member status on the bus, バス内で『大屯山』がベストメンバー賞を受けた。"대둔산"이 베스트 멤버 상을 받았다.]


[A group picture at Lake Cheonjang, チョンジャン湖にて集合写真、천장호에서 단체 사진]

[On the suspension bridge over Lake CheonJang, チョンジャン湖(천장호)に架かる吊橋の上で、천장호 현수교에서]

[A big figure of dragon at the end of the suspension bridge, 吊り橋の麓の竜の像、현수교 자락에 있는 용의 상]


[In front of Lake Cheonjang with "ShinChun",チョンジャン湖の前で『シンチュン』と一緒に、 천장호 앞에서 "신춘님"과 함께]



[A short break with makgeolli and fruits, スズキタイムで小休止、스즈키 타임에서 짧은 휴식]


[In front of a beautiful hoarfrost, 美しい樹霜の前で、아름다운 상고대 앞에서]


[At the stone monument of ChilGapSan, 七甲山の山頂にて、칠갑산 정상에서]

[The national flag of Korea and AhToSan and the alter, 祭壇と国旗とアトサン旗、제단과 국기 와 아토산 깃발]




[Yoro started the ceremory as MC, 司会者『ヨロ』が『終山祭』の開始を宣言、사회자 "요로님"이 "종산제" 시작을 선언]

[The president "Jeondaun" performed the ceremony, チョンダウン会長が儀式を始めた。정다운 회장님이 의식을 시작했다.]

[Alain Delon next president read the prayer, アランドロン次期会長が『祝詞』を読み上げた。알랭 들롱 차기 회장님이 "축사"를 읽었다.]

[General members were performing deep-bow all together, 一般会員がいっしょに『チョル』をしている。일반 회원들이 함께 "절"을 하고있다.]


[KS couple and their friend, KS夫婦とその友人、KS 부부와 그들의 친구]


[At the guidepost on the descending trail, 下山路の標識にて、하산길의 이정표에서]

[A part of Janggoksa Temple at the foot of the mountain, 山の麓の『長谷寺(チャンゴクサ)』の一部、산기슭의 장곡사 일부]

[George, pointing at Chinese characters of "Janggoksa", 長谷寺(チャンゴクサ)にて、장곡사에서]

[The mountain gate of Janggoksa Temple, 長谷寺(チャンゴクサ)の山門、장곡사 산문]

長谷寺はこじんまりしたきれいな寺で、この後、1kmほど下ったところに総会・忘年会会場の칠갑산골 식당(http://home.moatv.com/chkas/main.html)がある。

[A wooden sculpture beside the road to the restaurant, 道路わきのおもしろい木製彫刻、길가의 재미있는 나무 조각]



[I got a special award from the president, 会長から『特別賞』をもらった。회장님으로부터 "특별상"을 받았다.]


[Ruchi and Salang-Gadeuk got the 2nd best ward, ルチニムとサランカドクが準優秀賞を受賞した。치남과 사랑가득님이 준 우수상을 수상했다.]

[After the general meeting, we had Year-End Party, 総会後、忘年会開始、총회 후 송년회 시작]


["Gyomi" sat by me, ETRIで働く『キョミ』と一緒に、ETRI에서 근무하는 "겸이 님"과 함께]

[At the party with the president of AhToSan and other members, 忘年会にて、송년회에서]

[Together with "Piano-man" and "Insaekum",『ピアノマン』,『インネクン』と一緒に、"피아노맨", "인내꿈"과 함께]



[The last group picture at the end of the party, パーティ後、最後の集合写真、파티후 마지막 단체 사진]


[When the party was over, it was already dark, 夕暮れの『七甲山谷食堂』前、해질녘의 "칠갑산곡 식당"앞]


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