About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140510 Gwaneumbong (観音峰관음봉) & Naesosa (来蘇寺내소사), Byonsan Peninsula(邊山半島변산반도), Korea

140510 Gwaneumbong (観音峰관음봉),Byonsan Peninsula, Korea

Date: May 10 (Sat) Fine

Course: Namyochi – Ssangseonbong – WolMyongAm – Bong-Rae-Gugok – Jikso Waterfall – Gwaneumbong – Naesosa Temple – Parking Lot

I got up at 5 am. Though I told Marta that since I would make brown rice porridge, it was not necessary for her to prepare breakfast for me, she cooked sunnyside up for me. It was very kind of her.

BJ and Marta drove me to the Expo South Gate Parking Lot where the AhToSan bus left at 7 am.

Bernardo and Elena came early, so the met BJ and Martha there.

[Bernardo and Elena came early. ベルナルドとエレナが早く来た、베르나르도와 엘레나가 일찍왔다.]

[At the bus-stop in the morning, 朝、エクスポ南門にて、아침, 엑스포 남문에서]

As for foreigners, beside Bernardo and Elena, Mario and Michael joined us. So the nationalities were Mexico, Russia, Germany, and Japan this time.

Three members from DJS group came. They were LJW, LGS and KGO.

The chartered bus was full. A new member named “Suseong” sat by me. He said that he was suffering from diabetes and metabolic syndrome, so I told him about the effect of the 10-day fasting and cleansing of lever.

The destination was rather close to Daejeon, so we soon stopped at the service area called Beolgok Hyugeso. It was “Breakfast Rest.”

[At Beolgok Service Aria, ボルゴク・サービスエリアにて、벌곡휴게소에서]

Since I ate my own breakfast, I kept AhToSan distributed breakfast (red-bean rice) for lunch. All foreigners bought coffee, but I had “instant” coffee which I brought from Japan.

After having breakfast rest, AhToSan organizers began the ceremony. The MC was “Yoyu” and the president introduced “special guests” starting from me.

It was Mario’s 50th birthday, and he prepared gifts to AhToSan from Germany. It was a big box of whiskey bonbon, and all AhToSan members liked it very much.

[Mario from Germany, ドイツ人マリオ、독일인 마리오]

We arrived at the start point of the hike at 9:50 am. I took group pictures at the entrance of the trail.

[The bus arrived at the starting point, バスが目的地に到着、버스가 목적지에 도착]

[At the entrance, 登山路入口にて、등산로 입구에서]

[A group picture before the hike, 登山前の集合写真、출발 전 단체 사진]

Bernardo took a picture of me with 3 DJS members and Mario.

[With Mario and DJS members, マリオおよび日本語学習グループ会員と、마리오와 일본어 학습 그룹 회원과 함께]

The first leg of the course was very gentle and easy. I could walk with the top group and esp. with Bernardo.

[The guidepost at the fork point, サンソン峰三叉路の標識、쌍선봉 삼거리 이정표]

We arrived at a nice temple called “Wolmyong-Am” about one hour later. We had good views from the temple.

[Myongwolam Temple, 月明庵、월명암]

There was a friendly dog with long hairs. It was a Sapsal dog. And I took “Two shot” with the dog.

Sapsali Dog: Sapsaree, just like the Korean Jindo dog, was designated as a National Treasure (No.368) in 1992 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapsali

[With Sapsali Dog, サプサル犬と、삽살개와 함께]

[At Wolmyong-Am,月明庵にて、월명암에서]

[At Wolmyong-Am,月明庵にて、월명암에서]

[At Wolmyong-Am,月明庵にて、월명암에서]

[A man with a bottle of "Lycium barbarum" sake, クコ酒、구기자 술]

Lycium barbarum (クコ枸杞): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lycium_barbarum

[A couple of AhToSan, KS夫妻、KS 부부]

We had lunch in the bright woods near the pond. A pack of red-bean rice was enough for me, but many AhToSan hikers shared their lunch with me.

[Lunch in the wood, 林の中で昼食、숲속에서 점심]

[Lunch in the wood, 林の中で昼食、숲속에서 점심]

[After lunch, 昼食後、점심 식사 후]

After the lunch, we soon came out to a nice pond. It was a nice spot for taking pictures.

[On a wooden bridge, 木の橋の上で、나무 다리 위에서]

[At Bong-Rae-Gugok, ボンレ九曲にて、봉래구곡에서]

[At Bong-Rae-Gugok, ボンレ九曲にて、봉래구곡에서]

The mountains in Byonsan Peninsula are all low, but the views esp. with Yellow Sea from the trails were very good.

I took a picture of Michael at the guidepost which showed the altitude.

There was a nice waterfall called “Jikso Pokpo.” The shape of the waterfall reminded me of the Eunseon Waterfall at Gyeryongsan in Daejeon, but unlike the Eunseon Waterfall, there were plenty of water in “the Jikso Waterfall.

[The Jikso Waterfall, 直沼滝、직소폭포]

[At the Jikso Waterfall, 直沼滝にて、직소폭포에서]

[With Elena, エレナと一緒に、엘레나와 함께]

Since I could walk with the top and the middle group of AhToSan, I could take many pictures of the members.

[Following Michael (German) and Elena (Russian), ミカエルとエレナ、미카엘과 엘레나]

[Michael at the guidepost, 里程標にてミカエル、이정표에서 미카엘]

[Exploring path guidance, 探訪路案内,탐방로 안내]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

Then we came to the fork point of the Gwaneumbong and Naesosa Temple. The course to Gwaneumbong was just “Piston” so we separated into two groups.

[Bernardo at Gwaneumbong, 観音峰にてベルナルド、관음봉에서 베르나르도]

Those who dared to go to Gwaneumbong and return to the point, and those who chose not to go to Gwaneumbong and took the down trail to Naesosa Temple.

[Wild flowers along the trail, 路傍の野生花、길가의 야생화]

I joined the first group, and went to Gwaneumbong and returned to the poin, then went down to Naesosa Temple.

[Naesosa Temple from the ridge, 稜線から見た 来蘇寺、능선에서 본 내소사]

[At the fork point, 三叉路にて、삼거리에서]

Naesosa seemed a big traditional temple. But I did not go the sightseeing of the temple.

[The mountain gate of Naesosa, 来蘇寺の山門、내소사의 산문]

I walked along the promenade in front of the temple, then I found a free health check tent, and I measured my blood pressure. It was 115-65. Very good and I felt good.

[Health check tent, 無料健康診断テント、무료 건강 진단 텐트]

I arrived at the AhToSan bus at the parking lot at 3:10. So, it was about 5 hour hike (about 10 km.)

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げ会場にて、 뒤풀이에서]

We enjoyed “Wrap-up Party” very much. “Gonja Park” and “Mancha” were in charge of “Wrap-up Party.” They made delicious meals not only for Koreans, but also foreingers.

[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げ会場にて、 뒤풀이에서]

I offered a bottle of “Johny Black” which I bought at Naneda Airport. Mario shared his birthday cake with all members.

We enjoyed the party very much for about one hour.

[At the service area on the way back, 帰路のサービスエリアにて、돌아 오는 길 휴게소에서]

We came back to the Expo South Gate bus stop at 5:30 pm.

J-nim took me from the parking area to Hanpit Apartment. So I could return to Marta and BJ’s apartment before 7 pm.




登山地:韓国、全羅北道、邊山半島(변산반도), 来蘇寺(내소사),

登山コース:ナムヨチ(남여치) - サンソンボン(쌍선봉) - 月明庵(월명암) - ボンレ九曲(봉래구곡) -直沼瀑布(직소폭포) - 観音峰(관음봉) - 来蘇寺(내소사) - 駐車場



[At the bus-stop in the morning, 朝、エクスポ南門にて、아침, 엑스포 남문에서]





[Beolgok Service Aria, ボルゴク・サービスエリアm벌곡휴계소]

[At Beolgok Service Aria, ボルゴク・サービスエリアにて、벌곡휴게소에서]




[Mario giving special chocolates, マリオがチョコレートを配っている。마리오가 초콜릿을 나누고있다.]


[The bus arrived at the starting point, バスが目的地に到着、버스가 목적지에 도착]

[At the entrance, 登山路入口にて、등산로 입구에서]

[A group picture before the hike, 登山前の集合写真、출발 전 단체 사진]


[The map of the trails, 登山路案内図、등산로 안내도]


[A nice trail, 快適な登山路、쾌적한 등산로]

[At Myongwolam Temple, 明月庵にて、명월암에서]


[With Sapsali Dog, サプサル犬と、삽살개와 함께]

[At Wolmyong-Am,月明庵にて、월명암에서]

[At Wolmyong-Am,月明庵にて、월명암에서]

[At Wolmyong-Am,月明庵にて、월명암에서]

[The guidepost in the middle, 中間地点の里程標、중간 지점의 이정표]



[Lunch in the wood, 林の中で昼食、숲속에서 점심]

[After lunch, 昼食後、점심 식사 후]


[At Bong-Rae-Gugok, ボンレ九曲にて、봉래구곡에서]

[Elena at Bong-Rae-Gugok, ボンレ九曲にてエレナ、봉래구곡에서 엘레나]


[A group picture at an observation deck, 展望台にて集合写真、전망대에서 단체사진]


[The Jikso Waterfall, 直沼滝、직소폭포]

[The Jikso Waterfall, 直沼滝、직소폭포]

[At the Jikso Waterfall, 直沼滝にて、직소폭포에서]


[Michael and Elena at the guidepost, 里程標にてミカエルとエレナ、이정표에서 미카엘과 엘레나]

> このあとまた背景の良い岩場で多くの集合写真を撮ったが、この時点で午後1時20分ごろだった。

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]

[On the ridge, 稜線にて、능선에서]



[With Bernardo at Gwaneumbong, 観音峰にてベルナルドと、관음봉에서 베르나르와 함께]


[At the fork point, 三叉路にて、삼거리에서]

[Naesosa Temple from the ridge, 稜線から見た 来蘇寺、능선에서 본 내소사]

[Wild flowers along the trail, 路傍の野生花、길가의 야생화]


[The mountain gate of Naesosa, 来蘇寺の山門、내소사의 산문]


[The street in front of Naesosa Temple, 来蘇寺山門前の道路、내소사 정문 앞 도로]



[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げ会場にて、 뒤풀이에서]


[At the wrap-up party, 打ち上げ会場にて、 뒤풀이에서]



[At the service area on the way back, 帰路のサービスエリアにて、돌아 오는 길 휴게소에서]


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