About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


140714 “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”& Dunsan Japanese Study Group[『猿の惑星:新世紀』と「屯山日本語学習会」

140714 “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”& Dunsan Japanese Study Groupyoko-[『猿の惑星:新世紀』と「屯山日本語学習会」

Travel Date: July 14 (Mon), 2014, Fine

Schedule: Movie:“Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”- Lunch with Ms. Park – SK Telecom – Dinner with Haekyong – Dunsan Japanese Study Group

This is the 2nd visit on Korea after returning to Japan on April 1st this year. After staying 2 nights at Marta and BJ's apartment, I stayed two nights at Toyoko-Inn, Government Complex. The hotel fee at Tohoko-Inn includes breakfast. I like their buffet-style breakfast.

[Breakfast at the hotel, ホテルの朝食、호텔의 아침 식사]

Same as the previous visit, my 5th day of the trip started as the visit on the movie theater “Lotte Cinema.”

[The entrance of the theater, ロッテシネマ入口、롯데 시네마 입구]

Seeing the movies is very economical in Korea. Regular ticket costs 10,000 won (about 10 US dollars), but the first showing of the day costs about half.

So, I always visit the theater for the first show, paying about 500 yen.

This time, it was brand new release “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes,”It was released on July 11 in USA. It was also released in Japan, but two month later (in Sep. 19).

[The poster of the movie, 映画のポスター,영화 포스터]

I really enjoyed the movie. While I was in the theater, I got 3 phone calls from three Korean friends. One was from Ms. Park, my Korean teacher in Japan more than 10 years ago.

[The noodle-shop, カルククスの店、칼국수 식당]

I had lunch with her after the movie. She originally comes from Jejudo, and she got Ph. D in Japan. Now she works at Korean Government Complex in Daejeon.

[Lunch with Ms. Park, 朴先生と昼食、박 선생님과 점심 식사]

The 2nd call was from Haekyong. She was to visit Japan with me. Her dream was to learn social dance, and she was going to learn social dance from my wife in Japan.

[The Galleria Time World, ガラリヤタイムワールド、갤러리아 타일월드로]

She invited me for dinner. We went to a department store in Daejeon and had “Shabushabu” dinner.

[At the Galleria Time World, ガラリヤタイムワールドにて、갤러리아 타일월드로에서]

After having dinner, Haekyoung drove me to my hotel, there I met Ms. Park again. Ms. Park and I visited a Japanese study group at Dunsandong.

[At the Galleria Time World, ガラリヤタイムワールドにて、갤러리아 타일월드로에서]

[At the Galleria Time World, ガラリヤタイムワールドにて、갤러리아 타일월드로에서]

[At the Galleria Time World, ガラリヤタイムワールドにて、갤거 리어 타임 월드에서]

The Japanese study group called DJSG, I used to attend while I was living in Daejeon. Since I left Korea this April, I visit this group whenever I visit Korea.

This day, my former Korean teacher, Ms. Park attended the class, too.

They were using a Japanese novel “Kitchen”written by Banana Yoshimoto.

[At DJSG, 屯山日本語学習会にて、둔산 일본어 스터디 그룹에서]

There were two new comers. They read the novel and translate into Korean language.

Ms. Park, my former Korean teacher, also read the novel and translated into Korean. She did very well, of course.

The class was over around 9 pm. It was my last night for the 2nd visit of Korea.


分類:Travel、Korea,イベント(Event),DJSG(屯山日本語スタディグループ둔산 일본어 스터디 그룹)

旅行月日:2014年7月14日(月)晴れ 日程:ロッテシネマにて映画鑑賞、朴先生と昼食、SKテレコム、ガラリアにてディナー、DJSG出席


[Breakfast at the hotel, ホテルの朝食、호텔의 아침 식사]


[The entrance of the theater, ロッテシネマ入口、롯데 시네마 입구]

[The noodle-shop, カルククスの店、칼국수 식당]

この映画は 2014年6月28日、第36回モスクワ国際映画祭でクロージング作品としてプレミア上映が行われ、米国では7月11日に公開された。日本では劇場公開日が2014年9月19日なので、なんとその2か月も前に500円で観られるということは素晴らしい。

[The poster of the movie, 映画のポスター,영화 포스터]




[Lunch with Ms. Park, 朴先生と昼食、박 선생님과 점심 식사]


[At the platform of the subway, 地下鉄のホームにて、지하철 홈에서]




[The Galleria Time World, ガラリヤタイムワールド、갤러리아 타일월드로]


[At the Galleria Time World, ガラリヤタイムワールドにて、갤러리아 타일월드로에서]


[At the Galleria Time World, ガラリヤタイムワールドにて、갤러리아 타일월드로에서]

[At the Galleria Time World, ガラリヤタイムワールドにて、갤거 리어 타임 월드에서]

[At the Galleria Time World, ガラリヤタイムワールドにて、갤러리아 타일월드로에서]

朴先生は辛抱強く待っていて、ケータイへも電話してこなかった。 東横インで会ってから、徒歩でDJSGへ向かった。結局教室に到着したのは7時過ぎだった。




[At DJSG, 屯山日本語学習会にて、둔산 일본어 스터디 그룹에서]



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