About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


DR #206 “Summing Up of Year 2016”「2016年を振り返って」"2016 년을 되돌아보고"

DR #206 “Summing Up of Year 2016”

Now one year passed since I reported my life in my previous DR letter.. It was another meaningful year for me.

Kikko and I visited Sydney in March to complete the necessary procedures to migrate to Australia and we got permanent visa by the government.

[Kikko & I in Sydney with Hajime's family in March, 3月に妻と訪豪、3 월에 아내와 함께 호주 방문]

In order to finalize our migration it is necessary to be in Australia at least 2 years out of 5 years.

So I visited Sydney, Australia again in late September and stayed at my son’s home in Chatswood for three months.

First a couple of weeks, I was busy getting necessary procedures to live in Australia, such as opening a bank account, getting Senior Card, Medi-card, Opal Card, etc.

Then I found an educational availability for my future career; Open College! There is a course named “Helping People with Disability.” So, I applied to this course and began to study this course.

My daughter-in-law was nice to me and trying every effort to make my life in Australia easier. She introduced many people to me, even by inviting them for lunch or supper at her home, or just simply at tea time at St. Paul Church (which we usually attend every Sunday.)

Among them, I got to know a Korean couple who go hiking every Saturday. Some of Korean hikers get together in the morning of every Saturday and go hiking to Blue Mountains and/or coastal hiking courses by sharing car every Saturday.

I joined them at late October for the first time, then every Saturday. It is a Sydney version of “AhToSan”(It’s Saturday, let’s go to mountains!).

[At Royal National Park with Korean Hikers, 王立国立公園にて韓国人ハイカーと、왕립 국립 공원에서 한국인 하이카들과 함께]

Toward the end of my stay in December, we happened to meet another Korean hiker, Mr. Changfan Kim, who is the specialist of Blue Mountain. He visits Blue Mountains several times a week (3 or 4 times).

One day, Mr. Kim guided me to Blue Mountain privately. We went by train and we happened to meet another group of Korean Hikers.

Mr. Kim introduced another great hiker, Mr. Ju on the platform of Paramatta Station.

I sat by Mr. Ju and we talked for about one hour. Mr. Ju is the president of a Korean hiking club named “Blue Mountains Club.”

He was born in 1926 and had a basic education in Japanese in Korean Peninsula. He became a “Japanese” solder at the age of 15. Then he became a solder of “North Korean” Amy. He became the 5th level class officer in North Korean Amy. Then he came across the boundary and exiled to South Korea. He rejoined the army in South Korea and became an officer in South Korea.

He retired from South Korean Army, and went to Vietnam and worked for several years. Then he went to Thailand and worked another couple of years. Finally he emigrated to Australia in 1974.

His son-in-law is a Japanese who was born in Kitami, Hokkaido. His daughter and husband immigrated to Australia and they live together in Sydney.

He began hiking in Blue Mountains about 20 years ago. He organized a hiking club and now the club has 35 members. They go to Blue Mountains twice a week (Tuesday and Friday) and he invited me to join them. I promised him to call him when I come back to Australia next year.

I look forward to see my new friends in Australia next year.

[With Noah in LCNP, LCNPにて孫のノアと、LC 국립 공원에서 노아와 함께]

[Lace Monitor at LCNP, LCNPのレースオオトカゲ、LC 국립 공원의 거대한 도마뱀(1.5m)]

Besides life in Australia, it is my great pleasure to see my new daughter-in-law in February. Our second son, Ryo, married a lovely young lady, Kaori, and the whole family of our first son, Hajime, came to Japan to attend the wedding. Hajime and Louise have 4 kids, so 6 of them, meeting their Japanese relatives in Kanto area, then traveled to Kansai area all together. Kikko and I joined them and visited Osaka, Kyoto and Hiroshima all together.

[Ryo & Kaori's wedding, 次男の結婚式場にて、차남 결혼식장에서]

It was also my pleasure to travel with my wife and our friend and I could climb Mt. Yotei for the first time.

Besides Mt. Yotei, I could climb Yatsugatake, Mt. Fuji and several other mountains in Japan. But my greatest hiking was Nevado de Toluca(4690m) in Mexico, thanks for my decade-long Mexican friend, Bernardo.

[At Nevado de Toluca(4,690m), メキシコのトルーカ山(4,690m)にて、멕시코 톨루카 산 (4,690m)에서]

[On the top of Mt. Fuji with Eric, 富士山山頂にて、후지산 정상에서]

They say that a person can live four months without food, 3 days without water, 8 minutes without air, but can not live a second without “hope.”

I thank God for giving many hopes in my life.



DR 206号「2016年を振り返って」







オーストラリアでは、誰でもが入学できるオープンカレッジという制度があって、その中にMeeting The Needs of People with Disabilityという学習コースがあることを知りました。


施設でのWork Placementもあり、すべての過程に合格するとCertificate 3という資格証が与えられ、こちらでも障害者の支援サービス従業員として有償で働くことができます。



私の希望は、来年9月にまた来豪するまでに日本で第3モジュールまでを終え、第4モジュールから第8モジュールまでは、Work Placementとともに集中して行い、来年末までに資格を取ることです。


近所にはレインコーブ国立公園(Lane Cove National Park)というかなり大きな公園があり、熱帯雨林のジャングルのようです。公園内にはレインコープ川に沿ってRiver Side Walkというトレイルと、山側にはGreat North Walkという2つのトレイルがあり、デ・バーロウズ・ブリッジ(De Burghs Bridge)という橋でつながっています。

[With Noah in LCNP, LCNPにて孫のノアと、LC 국립 공원에서 노아와 함께]


[Kookaburra in LCNP, ワライカワセミ、 웃음물총새]



[At Blue Mountains with Korean hikers, 韓国人ハイカーとブルーマウンテンにて한국인 하이카들과 함께 블루 마운틴에서]


オーストラリア移住計画のほかには、今年は次男の結婚とそれに伴う長男一家6人の訪日、妻と友人とともに北海道を訪れ、羊蹄山(蝦夷富士)を果たしたこと、7月にメキシコを訪問し、友人とトルーカ山(Nevado de Toluca 4690m)に登ったこと、8月には八ヶ岳と富士山、9月には韓国の九萬山に登ったことなど、登山活動も充実しました。

[At Nevado de Toluca(4,690m), メキシコのトルーカ山(4,690m)にて、멕시코 톨루카 산 (4,690m)에서]

[On the top of Mt. Fuji, 富士山山頂にて、후지산 정상에서]


[Ryo & Kaori and Hajime's family, 新郎新婦と長男一家、신랑 신부와 장남의 가족]


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