About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


2.2.3 個別計画の見直し (Reviewing Individualised Plans)

2.2.3 個別計画の見直し




・ 個人が必要に応じて援助を受けたかどうかを評価する。

・ 彼らはまだ提供されたレベルの援助を必要としているか。

・ 彼らはいつも快適で濡れていないか? もし濡れているようなら、なぜ計画は機能しなかったのか、望ましい結果を達成するために目標をどのように変えるべきか?

・ 計画戦略も評価する必要があります。

オーストラリアの高齢者ケア - 高齢ケア労働者のためのガイド。 ©ニューサウスウェールズ州、教育部および地域社会、TAFE NSW、トレーニングおよび教育サポート産業スキル部門、Meadowbank、2011




・ 継続的な情報収集と見直しのプロセスは、正式な見直し過程に反映します。

・ 見直しのためのミーティングはクライアントにアクセス可能で意味のある形式と会場で開催されます。

・ クライアントの同意を得て、重要な人々に見直しに参加してもらいます。

・ 個別計画が審査されている個人のプライバシーと尊厳が優先されます。

・ 達成されていない目標についての詳細には、達成されていない理由の概要が文書化されて記載されます。

・ 審査の議論または会議の前に、現在の個別計画が出席者に配布されます。

・ 組織が用意する文書は方針と手順に従って完了され、それに応じてコピーが配布され、個人に提供されたコピーが閲覧可能な形式になっていることが保証されます。



・ グループへのアクセスに影響を及ぼす可能性のある個人の特性には、年齢、性別、教育水準、文化、アボリジニまたはトーレス海峡島民であるか否か、障害の種類、第一言語および社会経済的地位があります。

・ 個人またはグループのサービスへのアクセスに影響を及ぼすリソース要因には、時間、お金、エネルギー、知識、特にサービスの知識、ニーズを満たすためにサービスにアクセスする方法などがあります

・ 個人またはグループのサービスへのアクセスに影響を及ぼす可能性のあるサービスの側面には、営業時間、機密性、場所、スタッフが含まれます。



2.2.3 Reviewing Individualised Plans

Processes for reviewing individualised plans vary between organisations. Some organisations require reviews every three months, while other organisations only conduct reviews of individualised plans when formally requested by the individual. Many organisations undertake an annual review processes. An effective disability support worker will constantly monitor whether an individualised plan still reflects the needs and goals of the client.

Reviews may vary between individuals with disability to reflect particular circumstances and needs. Review involves formal and informal methods of reflecting on whether the plan and the strategies worked, and reviewing the plan for its effectiveness. Disability support workers and other interdisciplinary team members observe and document how the person has responded to the strategies, gather feedback from the individuals, and then make changes to the plan as required.

During review, it should be asked, ‘Is the plan achieving the goals that were identified?’ For example, if the plan identifies that assistance with toileting is required, review would include:

・ Assessing whether the individual has received the assistance as required.

・ Do they still require the level of assistance provided?

・ Are they comfortable and dry at all times? If not, why didn’t the plan work, and what should be done to achieve the desired outcome to alter the goal?

・ The plan strategies should also be evaluated.

Aged Care in Australia – A guide for aged care workers. © The State of New South Wales, Department of Education and communities, TAFE NSW, Training and education Support Industry Skills Unit, Meadowbank, 2011.

Reporting the Need for Plan Review

When reviewing a plan, you may be required to notify your supervisor to the review dates and any changes that come about from the review. Refer to your organisation’s policies and procedures for more information on how and when to communicate plan reviews and changes to supervisors or managers.

Protocols and procedures vary between organisations as to how reviews of individualised plans are conducted. In order to conduct an effective review, you need to ensure:

・ ongoing information gathering and review processes throughout the year contribute to the formal review processes

・ review meetings are in a format and venue that are accessible and meaningful to the client

・ with consent of the client, people who are significant to them are invited to participate in the review

・ the privacy and dignity of the person whose individualised plan is being reviewed is prioritized

・ details about goals that have not been achieved have been documented outlining why they have not been achieved

・ a current individualised plan is distributed to attendees prior to the review discussion or meeting

・ organisational documentation is completed according to policies and procedures and copies are distributed accordingly, ensuring the copy provided to the individual is in an accessible format.

Factors Affecting People Requiring Support

There are several factors that affect a group’s access to services including characteristics of individuals, resources and aspects of the service.

・ characteristics of individuals within the group that may affect access to services include age, gender, level of education, culture, whether an individual is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, type of disability, first language spoken and socioeconomic status

・ resource factors that affect an individuals or group’s access to services could include time, money, energy and knowledge, particularly knowledge of the service and how to access the service to satisfy needs

・ aspects of the service that may affect an individual or group’s access to a service might include opening hours, confidentiality, location and staffing.

While some of these factors can enhance the group’s ability to access services, unfortunately, there are a number of factors that may inhibit specific groups accessing resources. As a disability support worker you need to know changes in an individual's circumstances that could mean the individual plan needs amending.

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