May 21, 2010 (Fri)
In Korea, not only Christmas, but also the day when Buddha was born (traditionally, April 8 of Lunar calendar) is a national holiday. So, Taejonhikrs planned another hiking on May 21, after May 5th of Children’s day. I joined this hike as my 25th hike for this year.
Alan planned this hike and about 20 people joined him including 8 Americans, 7 Koreans, 2 Australians and a German and a Japanese pulas 2 kids. Our common language was English as usual.
[About 20 people got together, 約20人が集まった、약20명이 모였다]
We met at KAIST main gate at 10 am, but a taxi which the newcomer, Tim the American, was caught in a traffic jam, and he came 15 minutes past 10.
The destination of our hike is Mt. Geumsusan (531m) in Sutongol. There is a spacious parking lot in Sutongol and it is also a terminal for several bus routes. A lot of Daejeon citizens enjoy hiking there on holidays. Some of Taejeonhikers came directly to the parking lot. At 11 am, all members got together, and we started after taking group pictures.
[On the way to Swegoljae, スェゴルジェへの途中、쇠골제에의 도중에서]
There are several trails available and we took an easy one along the river in Jageun Sutongol. On the way to Swegoljae, I happened to see “Chorongpem” who made 200th hike of AhToSan with me last week. He seemed to enjoy alone hiking on the same mountain.
[Alan explains the course, コースを説明するアラン、를 설명하는 앨런]
I often see aquentances while walking in the mountain in Korea. Anyway, it was a pleasant surprise for both of us.
[On the ridge、錦繍峰稜線にて、금수봉 능선에서]
The trail from Swegoljae to the top of GeumSuBong is rather steep. On the ridge, we would see good view of Mt. GyeRyongSan. It was a clear day, and I could count all peaks of GyeRyongSan from ChonWangbong to JangGunBong.
[Mt. Gyeryong, 鶏龍山の峰々、계룡산 봉우리들]
There is an octagonal gazebo on the top of GeumSuBong. We arrived at the gazebo at 12:30. When we arrived there, there were a foreinger and a Korean lady having lunch there. The foreigner was a New Zea Lander and the lady was a Korean. We all talked in English, exchanging information. We all had lunch here.
[A New Zea Lander, ニュージーランド人、뉴질랜드 사람]
After taking group pictures in front of gazebo, we began decending the mountain to Sutongol valley. Some part of the trail was really steep, but we all came down to the river safely.
[In front of the gazebo,錦繍峰頂上の亭子の前で、금수봉정상의 정자 앞에서 ]
We enjoyed washing our feet with cold water, then we walked along the river and saw Sutong Waterfall, and came back to the parking lot at 4 p.m.
[渓谷で水遊び,계곡에서 물놀이]
[After the hike, ハイキング終了後、산행 완료후]
It was a pleasant hike with fine weather and I enjoyed this hike very much.
[Mt. Gyeryong, 鶏龍山の峰々、계룡산 봉우리들]
[Splash at the river, 渓谷で水遊び、계곡에서 물놀이]
[The Sutong Waterfall, ストン滝、수통폭포]
I like hiking very much. I used to go hiking with a Korean hiking club named “AhToSan.” This blog introduces mostly my hiking activities in Korea and Japan, and Sydney in Australia. As of January 2020, I live in Sydney suburb. I go Blue Mountains and bush walk in Sydney area. 私は2003年から2014年まで韓国の大田(テジョン)に住んだ日本人である。11年間、週末は主に「アトサン山岳会」に参加した。14年4月に帰国したが、2020年以降はおもにシドニーで暮らし、時折、日本へ帰国する程度である。したがって最近の記事はSR(Sydney Report)としてブルーマウンテンのトレッキングを中心に書いている。
About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서
Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.
100515 Mt. Jiri, ChonWangBong (1915m) 智異山・天王峰
May 15 (Sat), 2010, a bit cloudy, occasionally fine.
This was the 266th regular hiking by AhToSan. The destination was Jirisan, ChonWangBong (1915m), the highest peak in the South Korean peninsula.
[Cutting cake for our 200th hike、200回目の登山を祝して、200번째의 등산을 축하해]
It happened to be the 200th hike for Chorongpem and me. So, we had “congratulation” ceremony on the bus. Chorongpem and I also bought everyone the dinner at the local restaurant after the hike.
[The 200th memorial cake, 200回登山記念ケーキ、200번째 등산 기념 케이크]
I got up at 2:30 am and prepared lunch and for hiking. I left my apartment room at 4:30 and arrived at South Gate parking lot at 4:50. Masashi and Bernardo were already there waiting for me. The bus left there at 5 a.m
There was no vacancy this time. 46 members joined this hike. We arrived at Chungsanri at the foot of the mountain before 8 a.m.
I remembered the time when I climbed the same mountain in March 2004. From Chungsanri to Chonwangbong via Bopgesa Temple, it was exactly the same course. We just returned to Chunsanri 6 years ago, but this time, we continued to walk along the ridge to JeSeokbong (1805m) and walked toward the final destination of BaekMuDong via JangToMok Shelter.
Total walking distance was 16 km, and expected walking hours were 8 hours.
As for this hike, I walked with Masashi, the Japanese astronomer who works at Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI).
Bernardo, who also works at KASI walked with his Australian church friend, Brain all the time.
B&B walkded much faster than us, and took a time of sightseeing at Bopgesa Temple. But they were slower on the way down.
[In front of the mountain gate of BeopGyeSa Temple、法界寺の山門の前で、법계사 산문 앞에서]
When we arrived at Rotary Shelter, we heard a senior couple speaking Japanese. The couple came from Osaka to climb Mt. Jiri. They said when say saw a Korean TV drama “Hur Jun (허준, Chinese title: 醫道, also known as "The Way of Medicine: The Epic Doctor Hur Jun" and very much impressed with the scenes of Mt. Jiri. So, they came all the way from Osaka to Mt. Jiri.
[A senior couple from Osaka、大阪から来たカップル、오사카에서 온 노부부]
The man said he had lived in Daegu, but he pronounced the name of the city in old Japanese way “Daikyu.” So, I thought he would have lived in the city during Japanese colonial days (1910-1945.)
I saw them again on the top of the mountain. So they made the hike completely. How nice it is to go hiking together as a man and his wife.
I have never seen any wild animals except small ones like squirrals or insects. But they say there are wild bears in Mt. Jiri. I saw several warning signs of bear on the mountain.
When we had a short break, and had fruits which I brought for “Suzuki time,” I saw clusters of “dog tooth violet” or “fawn lilies.” When I climbed Japanese mountains, I saw several, there it was a big community of the flowers.
[The bud of "dog tooth violet", カタクリの花の蕾、얼레지 꽃의 봉오리]
[A cluster of "fawn lilies"、カタクリの群落、얼레지의 군락]
[A cluster of "fawn lilies"、カタクリの群落、얼레지의 군락]
We finally arrived at the top of Mt. ChonWangBong, it was already 12:30. Many members were already there, having lunch. Bernardo opened a bottle of wine to celebrate my 200th hike. The wine tased very goo.
It was really crowded on the top of the mountain. Geumgang took my picture with Masashi. It proves that we were on the highest point of South Korean peninsula.
[At ChonWangBong with Masashi、天王峰にて、천왕봉에서]
After lunch, I began walking with Masashi, Bernardo and Brian. It was the most leaisurous walk for this hike. The ridge from ConWangBong to JeSeokBong was a nice trail. We could see not only good view of mountains, but also beautiful flowers of jindalle, and wild cholchuk (azalea.)
When we arrived at JangTeoMok Shelter, one of the members, GaRyongBong bought cans of fresh drinks for all of us there.
The final fork to our destination there was a bit difficult to identify. Some members went to the wrong trail, but came back to the appropriate path.
Marin Boy was one of those who mistook the wrong way. But he found some beautiful flowers along the trail near the shelter. Bernardo also saw the flowers and took a picture of them. It was “gwaengnun” in Korean which means “cat’s eye.” I found the Japanese name for the flower later. It’s “Nekonome-sou” which also means “cat’s eye.” The name comes from the shape of its fruit.
["Cat's Eye" ネコノメソウの花、괭이눈(괭이는‘고양이 ’의 준말)]
It took much time from the shelter to the final destination of this hike. Masashi and I arrived at Baekmu Restaurant at almost 5 pm. Bernardo and Brian had arrived even later.
All AhToSan members congratulated me and Chorongpem. Many of them came to me for cheers with AhToSan wine named “pine leave wine.” The party ended at 5:50 and we came back to the Expo South Gate parking lot at 8 pm.
[George eats the 200th cake、200回記念ケーキを食べる、200회 기념 케이크를 먹는다]
[Awarding ceremony, I got 200,000 won coupon! バスの中で表彰式、버스 안에서 표창식]
[46 members all together, 46人で満車、46명으로 만차]
[Bernardo opened wine for me、ベルナルドがワインを開けた。벨날도가 와인을 열었다]
[Jindalle flowers on the ridge,稜線に咲いていたチンダルレ、능선에 피어 있었던 진달래]
["Cat's eye", ネコノメソウ、괭이눈]
{Spicy Chicken Soup, とても辛いタクトリタン、매우 매운 닭도리탕]
This was the 266th regular hiking by AhToSan. The destination was Jirisan, ChonWangBong (1915m), the highest peak in the South Korean peninsula.
[Cutting cake for our 200th hike、200回目の登山を祝して、200번째의 등산을 축하해]
It happened to be the 200th hike for Chorongpem and me. So, we had “congratulation” ceremony on the bus. Chorongpem and I also bought everyone the dinner at the local restaurant after the hike.
[The 200th memorial cake, 200回登山記念ケーキ、200번째 등산 기념 케이크]
I got up at 2:30 am and prepared lunch and for hiking. I left my apartment room at 4:30 and arrived at South Gate parking lot at 4:50. Masashi and Bernardo were already there waiting for me. The bus left there at 5 a.m
There was no vacancy this time. 46 members joined this hike. We arrived at Chungsanri at the foot of the mountain before 8 a.m.
I remembered the time when I climbed the same mountain in March 2004. From Chungsanri to Chonwangbong via Bopgesa Temple, it was exactly the same course. We just returned to Chunsanri 6 years ago, but this time, we continued to walk along the ridge to JeSeokbong (1805m) and walked toward the final destination of BaekMuDong via JangToMok Shelter.
Total walking distance was 16 km, and expected walking hours were 8 hours.
As for this hike, I walked with Masashi, the Japanese astronomer who works at Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI).
Bernardo, who also works at KASI walked with his Australian church friend, Brain all the time.
B&B walkded much faster than us, and took a time of sightseeing at Bopgesa Temple. But they were slower on the way down.
[In front of the mountain gate of BeopGyeSa Temple、法界寺の山門の前で、법계사 산문 앞에서]
When we arrived at Rotary Shelter, we heard a senior couple speaking Japanese. The couple came from Osaka to climb Mt. Jiri. They said when say saw a Korean TV drama “Hur Jun (허준, Chinese title: 醫道, also known as "The Way of Medicine: The Epic Doctor Hur Jun" and very much impressed with the scenes of Mt. Jiri. So, they came all the way from Osaka to Mt. Jiri.
[A senior couple from Osaka、大阪から来たカップル、오사카에서 온 노부부]
The man said he had lived in Daegu, but he pronounced the name of the city in old Japanese way “Daikyu.” So, I thought he would have lived in the city during Japanese colonial days (1910-1945.)
I saw them again on the top of the mountain. So they made the hike completely. How nice it is to go hiking together as a man and his wife.
I have never seen any wild animals except small ones like squirrals or insects. But they say there are wild bears in Mt. Jiri. I saw several warning signs of bear on the mountain.
When we had a short break, and had fruits which I brought for “Suzuki time,” I saw clusters of “dog tooth violet” or “fawn lilies.” When I climbed Japanese mountains, I saw several, there it was a big community of the flowers.
[The bud of "dog tooth violet", カタクリの花の蕾、얼레지 꽃의 봉오리]
[A cluster of "fawn lilies"、カタクリの群落、얼레지의 군락]
[A cluster of "fawn lilies"、カタクリの群落、얼레지의 군락]
We finally arrived at the top of Mt. ChonWangBong, it was already 12:30. Many members were already there, having lunch. Bernardo opened a bottle of wine to celebrate my 200th hike. The wine tased very goo.
It was really crowded on the top of the mountain. Geumgang took my picture with Masashi. It proves that we were on the highest point of South Korean peninsula.
[At ChonWangBong with Masashi、天王峰にて、천왕봉에서]
After lunch, I began walking with Masashi, Bernardo and Brian. It was the most leaisurous walk for this hike. The ridge from ConWangBong to JeSeokBong was a nice trail. We could see not only good view of mountains, but also beautiful flowers of jindalle, and wild cholchuk (azalea.)
When we arrived at JangTeoMok Shelter, one of the members, GaRyongBong bought cans of fresh drinks for all of us there.
The final fork to our destination there was a bit difficult to identify. Some members went to the wrong trail, but came back to the appropriate path.
Marin Boy was one of those who mistook the wrong way. But he found some beautiful flowers along the trail near the shelter. Bernardo also saw the flowers and took a picture of them. It was “gwaengnun” in Korean which means “cat’s eye.” I found the Japanese name for the flower later. It’s “Nekonome-sou” which also means “cat’s eye.” The name comes from the shape of its fruit.
["Cat's Eye" ネコノメソウの花、괭이눈(괭이는‘고양이 ’의 준말)]
It took much time from the shelter to the final destination of this hike. Masashi and I arrived at Baekmu Restaurant at almost 5 pm. Bernardo and Brian had arrived even later.
All AhToSan members congratulated me and Chorongpem. Many of them came to me for cheers with AhToSan wine named “pine leave wine.” The party ended at 5:50 and we came back to the Expo South Gate parking lot at 8 pm.
[George eats the 200th cake、200回記念ケーキを食べる、200회 기념 케이크를 먹는다]
[Awarding ceremony, I got 200,000 won coupon! バスの中で表彰式、버스 안에서 표창식]
[46 members all together, 46人で満車、46명으로 만차]
[Bernardo opened wine for me、ベルナルドがワインを開けた。벨날도가 와인을 열었다]
[Jindalle flowers on the ridge,稜線に咲いていたチンダルレ、능선에 피어 있었던 진달래]
["Cat's eye", ネコノメソウ、괭이눈]
{Spicy Chicken Soup, とても辛いタクトリタン、매우 매운 닭도리탕]
100508 GyeRyongSan (鶏龍山), AhToSan Irregular Hike
May 8 (Saturaday) 2010, fine
Irregular hike by “AhToSan”
Destination: GyeRyongSan
Course: Cheonjanggol – Nammetap – SamBulBong – Jayong Seongreung – Eunseong Waterfall –Donghaksa Temple (12 km – 6 hour hike)
May 8th is “Parents’ Day.” Many Koreans visit their parents on May 8th every year. So AhToSan planned no regular hike. In stead, they planned irregular hiking to Mt. GyeRyong.
The course was exactly the same as my alone-hiking on April 30. So when people gathered at 9 a.m., I explained the course using the big map in front of the restaurant.
Total number of participants were 20 including 3 foreigners (Bernardo, the Mexcian, Brian, the Australian, and myself.)
[About 20 participants、約20名が参加、약20명이 참가]
We began climbing the mountain at 9:15. The trail at Chonjanggol is gentle and broad. It is easy to walk.
We arrived at “NanMeTap” at 10:40. We saw a “makgeoli막걸리” peddler at the fork before SamBulBong. The old lady was selling a bowl of Korean unrefined wine by 3000 won.
[The makgeol peddler and her customer, マッコリ売りのおばあさんと客、막걸리 판매 할머니와 손님]
It was only 2000 won when I saw at SamBulBong last time. So, I thought it was expensive. One of my AhToSan friends bought the bowl of wine for me. I shared it with him by half, and it tasted good.
We took group pictures on the peak of SamBulBong. The ridge between SamBulBong and GwanEumBong was called JayonSeongreun (Natural Castle Wall). This part of the trail is most exciting and beautiful. I saw many pain trees on the rocks, and Jindalle was in full bloom.
[Gruop picture at SamBulBong, 三佛峰でグループ写真、삼불봉에서 단체사진]
[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線の途中で昼食능선 도중에 점심]
The peak of GwanEumBong is too rocky to use tripod. So, it was difficult for me to take a self-portrait. With my hiking friends, it was easy for me to take one.
[Top of GwanEumBong、観音峰山頂、관음볼정산]
The trail from GwanEumBong to Donghaksa Temple via Eunseong Waterfall, it took another 2 hours.
We returned the entrance of the trail at 3 p.m. Then we had “Tippuri” or after-the-hike party at a restaurant called “PaekEunJang.”
We had “totorimuk” or acorn-starch jelly paste and “sea-food pajeon” and makgeoli and enjoyed eating, drinking and talking for one hour.
["Totorimuk" or acorn-starch jelly paste, トトリムク(ドングリの澱粉で作った寒天状の食べ物、도토리묵]
To my surprise, one of AhToSan members whose nice name is “Marin Boy” paid the whole price for all of us.
Actually this is not unusual for Korean people. I often experienced this kind of practice several times before. But it is impossible to follow suit for me, because my income is too small now.
Anyway, we all thanked Marin Boy for this treatment and finished the party at 4 p.m.
2010年5月8日(土)快晴 アトサンの不定期登山、目的地:鶏龍山
コース:チョンジャンゴル(천장골) – 男妹塔(ナンメタプ:남매탑) – 三佛峰(サンブルボン삼불봉) – 自然城稜(チャヨンソンルン자연성릉) - 観音峰(관음봉) – 隠仙瀑布(ウンソンポクポ은선폭포) - 東鶴寺(トンハクサ동학사) – 駐車場(12km、6時間)
[I explained the course, 私がコースを説明、내가 코스를 설명]
[Group picture at NamMeTap、男妹塔前でグループ写真、남매탑앞에서 단체사진]
[Gruop picture at SamBulBong, 三佛峰でグループ写真、삼불봉에서 단체사진]
[The view from the ridge、稜線からの風景、능선으로부터의 풍경]
[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線の途中で昼食능선 도중에 점심 ]
[Top of GwanEumBong、観音峰山頂、관음볼정산]
[Lantran decoration at the temple, 東鶴寺のぼんぼり、동학사의 등롱]
[Bleeding Heart, ケマンソウの花、금강화]
[Pajeon, イカ入りパジョン、해물파전]
[After the hike party at PaekEunJang, 白雲荘にてティップリ、백은장에서 뒷풀이]
Irregular hike by “AhToSan”
Destination: GyeRyongSan
Course: Cheonjanggol – Nammetap – SamBulBong – Jayong Seongreung – Eunseong Waterfall –Donghaksa Temple (12 km – 6 hour hike)
May 8th is “Parents’ Day.” Many Koreans visit their parents on May 8th every year. So AhToSan planned no regular hike. In stead, they planned irregular hiking to Mt. GyeRyong.
The course was exactly the same as my alone-hiking on April 30. So when people gathered at 9 a.m., I explained the course using the big map in front of the restaurant.
Total number of participants were 20 including 3 foreigners (Bernardo, the Mexcian, Brian, the Australian, and myself.)
[About 20 participants、約20名が参加、약20명이 참가]
We began climbing the mountain at 9:15. The trail at Chonjanggol is gentle and broad. It is easy to walk.
We arrived at “NanMeTap” at 10:40. We saw a “makgeoli막걸리” peddler at the fork before SamBulBong. The old lady was selling a bowl of Korean unrefined wine by 3000 won.
[The makgeol peddler and her customer, マッコリ売りのおばあさんと客、막걸리 판매 할머니와 손님]
It was only 2000 won when I saw at SamBulBong last time. So, I thought it was expensive. One of my AhToSan friends bought the bowl of wine for me. I shared it with him by half, and it tasted good.
We took group pictures on the peak of SamBulBong. The ridge between SamBulBong and GwanEumBong was called JayonSeongreun (Natural Castle Wall). This part of the trail is most exciting and beautiful. I saw many pain trees on the rocks, and Jindalle was in full bloom.
[Gruop picture at SamBulBong, 三佛峰でグループ写真、삼불봉에서 단체사진]
[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線の途中で昼食능선 도중에 점심]
The peak of GwanEumBong is too rocky to use tripod. So, it was difficult for me to take a self-portrait. With my hiking friends, it was easy for me to take one.
[Top of GwanEumBong、観音峰山頂、관음볼정산]
The trail from GwanEumBong to Donghaksa Temple via Eunseong Waterfall, it took another 2 hours.
We returned the entrance of the trail at 3 p.m. Then we had “Tippuri” or after-the-hike party at a restaurant called “PaekEunJang.”
We had “totorimuk” or acorn-starch jelly paste and “sea-food pajeon” and makgeoli and enjoyed eating, drinking and talking for one hour.
["Totorimuk" or acorn-starch jelly paste, トトリムク(ドングリの澱粉で作った寒天状の食べ物、도토리묵]
To my surprise, one of AhToSan members whose nice name is “Marin Boy” paid the whole price for all of us.
Actually this is not unusual for Korean people. I often experienced this kind of practice several times before. But it is impossible to follow suit for me, because my income is too small now.
Anyway, we all thanked Marin Boy for this treatment and finished the party at 4 p.m.
2010年5月8日(土)快晴 アトサンの不定期登山、目的地:鶏龍山
コース:チョンジャンゴル(천장골) – 男妹塔(ナンメタプ:남매탑) – 三佛峰(サンブルボン삼불봉) – 自然城稜(チャヨンソンルン자연성릉) - 観音峰(관음봉) – 隠仙瀑布(ウンソンポクポ은선폭포) - 東鶴寺(トンハクサ동학사) – 駐車場(12km、6時間)
[I explained the course, 私がコースを説明、내가 코스를 설명]
[Group picture at NamMeTap、男妹塔前でグループ写真、남매탑앞에서 단체사진]
[Gruop picture at SamBulBong, 三佛峰でグループ写真、삼불봉에서 단체사진]
[The view from the ridge、稜線からの風景、능선으로부터의 풍경]
[Lunch on the ridge, 稜線の途中で昼食능선 도중에 점심 ]
[Top of GwanEumBong、観音峰山頂、관음볼정산]
[Lantran decoration at the temple, 東鶴寺のぼんぼり、동학사의 등롱]
[Bleeding Heart, ケマンソウの花、금강화]
[Pajeon, イカ入りパジョン、해물파전]
[After the hike party at PaekEunJang, 白雲荘にてティップリ、백은장에서 뒷풀이]
100505 YangSonSan(297m), ChungBuk 忠北・養性山
May 5 (Wed) 2010 Fine
Destination: YangSeongSan (297m), ChungBuk Province)
Course: Moonwi Culture Vellage Parking Lot – Youth Training Center – Eagle Rock - Two-story octagonal gazebo called “PalGakJeongJa” – Two-way Fork – ChungBong (YangSeongSan) – Parking Lot.
I joined the Teajeonhikers’ hiking planned by Alan. We met at the main gate of KAIST at 10 am.
On my way to KAIST main gate, I passed by the colony of herons on the campus. There must be more than a hundred herons make their nests here and hunt fish at Gapchon River nearby.
[A colony of herons at the campus of KAIST、KAISTキャンパス内のシラサギのコロニー、KAIST캠퍼스내 백로의 콜로니]
To my surprise, I saw Juli who established the Teajeonhikers 8 years ago and left Korea 6 years ago. I could not recognize her at first, but she remembered me.
Just like Gyeryongbong whom I met at AhToSan hiking 4 years ago, and I could not remember him at the hiking last week.
Other members beside July were; Alan, Ken the German, Bigor the Russian and his 3 small kids, GF the Ameridan and his pet, PiPi, T from Australia, Ai from Indonesia, Dr. Chen from China, Dr. Yoon the Korean and his elementary school kid, and one more Korea, total 12 adults and 4 kids and one dog.
[12 adults, 4 kids and a dog、大人12人、子供4人、犬一匹、어른 12명, 어린이 4명, 강아지 한마리]
We left KAIST at 10:15 by 4 cars. We arrived at the parking lot of Mooni Cultural Vellage at 11:05. We began hiking at 11:25.
The course is a bit different from last time when I came here with AhToSan last time. First, we walked to the Youth Training Center, then we climbed toward “Dok-suri-pwawi” or “Eagl Rock .”
[CheongWon Youth Traning Center、清原青少年修練院、청원청소년수련원]
To my surprise, Ken climbed the rock. I dare not try climbing, because it seemed difficult to get down from the rock.
[Ken climbed on the Eagle Rock、ケンが鷲岩に登る、켄이 독수리바위에 오른다]
The twin boys asked me to use my sticks, but I told them that they were not for kids. The sticks are inevitable for me to walk on the mountains to keep balance.
Hiking is a very popular past time for many Koreans. So it is well developed including the related businesses. One of such business is selling foods/drinks.
I saw ice-candy seller on one of the peaks at the mountain. The baby kid of Vigo, Sarsha, asked one of “adult hikers.” He got what he asked for, and enjoyed it happily.
There were beautiful flowers such as “San chol-chuk” or wild azalea and chindalle along the ridge.
We arrived at the top of 378 hights called “SangBong" where a two-story octagonal gazebo at around 12:30.
[The 2-story octagonal gazebo、二階建ての八角亭子、이층구조의 팔각정자]
There were many people at the gazebo, and we arrived there one by one, according to our hiking pace. So we had lunch there separatedly on the 1st floor and 2nd floor.
I had lunch with Dr. Chen, Ai from Indonesia, Alan, Vigor, and Dr. Yoon. Others had lunch upstairs.
It was really a good weather. We took nice pictures there with the scene of Lake DaeChongHo.
[You can see DaeChong Dam,後ろに大青ダムが見える、뒤에 대청댐이 보인다]
We walked down toward YangSongSan and arrived at the two-way fork. One leads to the top of YangSongSan (ChungBong 297m) and the other way to the parking lot.
[A "Tea-house" at the 2-way fork、分かれ道の「茶屋」、갈림길의 매점]
It was only I who climbed ChungBong. All others went down to the parking lot directly.
It took us nearly 4 hours for 4 km hiking. But it was an easy hike and we could enjoy talking and seeing the beautiful nature.
[A colony of herons at the campus of KAIST、KAISTキャンパス内のシラサギのコロニー、KAIST캠퍼스내 백로의 콜로니]
[The Eagle Rock & Pipi and Sasha、鷲岩とピピとサーシャ、독수리바위와 비비와 사샤]
[A group picture on the ridge、尾根で記念撮影、산등성이에서 기념 촬영]
[An Ice-candy peddler on the peak, 山頂のアイスキャンデー屋、정상 아이스 캔디(ice candy)장수]
[A lunchbox of the Indonesian student, インドネシアの学生の弁当、인도네시아 학생의 도시락]
Destination: YangSeongSan (297m), ChungBuk Province)
Course: Moonwi Culture Vellage Parking Lot – Youth Training Center – Eagle Rock - Two-story octagonal gazebo called “PalGakJeongJa” – Two-way Fork – ChungBong (YangSeongSan) – Parking Lot.
I joined the Teajeonhikers’ hiking planned by Alan. We met at the main gate of KAIST at 10 am.
On my way to KAIST main gate, I passed by the colony of herons on the campus. There must be more than a hundred herons make their nests here and hunt fish at Gapchon River nearby.
[A colony of herons at the campus of KAIST、KAISTキャンパス内のシラサギのコロニー、KAIST캠퍼스내 백로의 콜로니]
To my surprise, I saw Juli who established the Teajeonhikers 8 years ago and left Korea 6 years ago. I could not recognize her at first, but she remembered me.
Just like Gyeryongbong whom I met at AhToSan hiking 4 years ago, and I could not remember him at the hiking last week.
Other members beside July were; Alan, Ken the German, Bigor the Russian and his 3 small kids, GF the Ameridan and his pet, PiPi, T from Australia, Ai from Indonesia, Dr. Chen from China, Dr. Yoon the Korean and his elementary school kid, and one more Korea, total 12 adults and 4 kids and one dog.
[12 adults, 4 kids and a dog、大人12人、子供4人、犬一匹、어른 12명, 어린이 4명, 강아지 한마리]
We left KAIST at 10:15 by 4 cars. We arrived at the parking lot of Mooni Cultural Vellage at 11:05. We began hiking at 11:25.
The course is a bit different from last time when I came here with AhToSan last time. First, we walked to the Youth Training Center, then we climbed toward “Dok-suri-pwawi” or “Eagl Rock .”
[CheongWon Youth Traning Center、清原青少年修練院、청원청소년수련원]
To my surprise, Ken climbed the rock. I dare not try climbing, because it seemed difficult to get down from the rock.
[Ken climbed on the Eagle Rock、ケンが鷲岩に登る、켄이 독수리바위에 오른다]
The twin boys asked me to use my sticks, but I told them that they were not for kids. The sticks are inevitable for me to walk on the mountains to keep balance.
Hiking is a very popular past time for many Koreans. So it is well developed including the related businesses. One of such business is selling foods/drinks.
I saw ice-candy seller on one of the peaks at the mountain. The baby kid of Vigo, Sarsha, asked one of “adult hikers.” He got what he asked for, and enjoyed it happily.
There were beautiful flowers such as “San chol-chuk” or wild azalea and chindalle along the ridge.
We arrived at the top of 378 hights called “SangBong" where a two-story octagonal gazebo at around 12:30.
[The 2-story octagonal gazebo、二階建ての八角亭子、이층구조의 팔각정자]
There were many people at the gazebo, and we arrived there one by one, according to our hiking pace. So we had lunch there separatedly on the 1st floor and 2nd floor.
I had lunch with Dr. Chen, Ai from Indonesia, Alan, Vigor, and Dr. Yoon. Others had lunch upstairs.
It was really a good weather. We took nice pictures there with the scene of Lake DaeChongHo.
[You can see DaeChong Dam,後ろに大青ダムが見える、뒤에 대청댐이 보인다]
We walked down toward YangSongSan and arrived at the two-way fork. One leads to the top of YangSongSan (ChungBong 297m) and the other way to the parking lot.
[A "Tea-house" at the 2-way fork、分かれ道の「茶屋」、갈림길의 매점]
It was only I who climbed ChungBong. All others went down to the parking lot directly.
It took us nearly 4 hours for 4 km hiking. But it was an easy hike and we could enjoy talking and seeing the beautiful nature.
[A colony of herons at the campus of KAIST、KAISTキャンパス内のシラサギのコロニー、KAIST캠퍼스내 백로의 콜로니]
[The Eagle Rock & Pipi and Sasha、鷲岩とピピとサーシャ、독수리바위와 비비와 사샤]
[A group picture on the ridge、尾根で記念撮影、산등성이에서 기념 촬영]
[An Ice-candy peddler on the peak, 山頂のアイスキャンデー屋、정상 아이스 캔디(ice candy)장수]
[A lunchbox of the Indonesian student, インドネシアの学生の弁当、인도네시아 학생의 도시락]
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