About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100922 The 6th day of the trip to Shikoku & Kyushu 四国・九州旅行第6日目

The 6th day of the trip to Shikoku & Kyushu

Sep. 22, 2010 (Wed) Cloudy, occasionally little rain.

Leg: Kokura Port~JR Kokura Station⇒ Hakata⇒ Futsukamachi ⇒ Dazaifu Station~Dazaifu~Kyushu National Museum ~ Dazafu Station⇒Ftsukaichi⇒Kokura~Kokurajo (Castle)~Kokura Station⇒Shimonoseki→Ferry Boat to Pusan

They turned on the light in the cabin at 4 a.m. We arrived at Kokura Port at 5 a.m. Bernardo and I disembarked on the port and walked to JR Kokura Station in the dark. We put our bags in the coin locker there, and bought a set of discount tickets to Hakata (2400 yen for a round-trip by limited express “Tokkyu.”

We changed trains at Hakata to Futsukaichi, and then Futsukaichi to Dazaifu. We arrived at Dazaifu at 7 a.m. It’s my 4th visit, so I guided Bernardo around Dazaifu, the historical site of shrine.

[We arrived at Dazaifu Station early in the morning,早朝、太宰府駅に到着、이른 아침, 다자이후(太宰府)역에 도착]
["Kitaro" shop on the Dazaifu Street, 大宰府前の通りの「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎ショップ、다자이후앞 대로의 게게게의 귀다로 샵]

There are gigantic trees in the shrine, and many carp in the pond. I bought feed for the fish and we feeded big carp there.

[Bernardo, feeding carp in the pond、池の鯉に餌をやるベルナルド、연못의 잉어에게 먹이를 주는 벨나루도]

[A big tree (more than 1000 years old at Dazaifu, 大宰府境内の大木、다자이후(大宰府) 경내의 큰 나무]

It was a bit early for sightseers, and all people working at the shrine gathered at the main building. The priest was performing some ceremory with such workers there.

["Musha" doll of Heian period at Dazaifu, 大宰府の武者人形、다자이후(大宰府)의 무사인형]
[The priest perfirm the ceremony at the main hall,大宰府の神殿、다자이후(大宰府)의 신전]

After seeing the shrine and had breakfast, we headed for Kyushu National Museum just behind the shrine.

[Bernerdo pretended to pull a special vehicle for Heian nobleman used to be pulled by an ox、平安時代の牛車を引くふりをするベルナルド、헤이안시대의 달구지를 당기는 모습을 하는 벨나루도]

The museum is on the hill, and they facilitated escalator to connect the shrine and the museum. This was my 3rd visit to the museum, yet there were many exhibitions to see. Bernardo borrowed a special gaget with which he could hear explanations about exhibitions, so he showed strong interests and checked each exhibition.

[An escalator which connects Dazaifu and Kyushu National Museum, 大宰府と九州国立博物館を連結するエスカレーター、다자이후와 규슈 국립박물관을 연결하는 에스컬레이터]

Probably because of lack of sleep previous night, I felt exhausted. While seeing “high vision theater” I fell in sleep. But Bernardo never got tired. After seeing exhibitions for 2 hours, finally we got out of the museum.

[Kyushu National Buseum、九州国立博物館、규슈 국립박물관]

On the way back to Kokura, we walked in the city of Futukaichi. I found white spider lilies in a small park. It was a rare chance to see “white” spider lilies, so we took several pictures.

[Red and white spider lilies, 赤と白のヒガンバナ、빨강 석산↑과 흰 석산↓]

We went back to Kokura via Hakata. It began raining a little bit. We had “gyudon” lunch at Yoshinoya in Kokura, then walked to Kokura Castle.

It is rather small castle, compared with Matsuyamajo. And inside of the castle was nothing but a kind of modern museum. Yet, I could enjoy seeing that “museum” including a comical video show explain the old day life.

[Old day "operation" meeting among bushi,等身大の武士の人形による「作戦会議」등신대의 무사 인형에 의한 「작전회의」]

I like the exhibition of “old-day Kokura” set. There was a telescope with which you can see the town. I thought it was a good idea.
[Bernardo is peeping in "old-day Kokura" with telescope,望遠鏡で昔の小倉の街を覗くベルナルド、망원경으로 옛날의 오구라 거리를 엿보는 벨나루도]

Then we went to a building complex. It consists of several unique buildings. We enjoyed seeing each building and after having coffee at Starbucks on the 1st floor, we walked around the inside of the buildings.

[Bernardo treated me a cup of coffee and a Mexican food at Starbucks,スターバックスでコーヒーとメキシコの食べ物を御馳走になる、스타벅스에서 커피와 멕시코 음식을 대접 받았다.]

There was a deck part on the 5th floor. We went to the deck, and took several pictures of the castle from there.
[Bernardo taking a reflection picture、水に反射する風景を撮影するベルナルド、물에 반사하는 풍경을 촬영하는 벨나루도]
[Kokurajo from the 5th floor,城の前のビルからみた小倉城성 앞의 빌딩으로부터 본 오구라조]

Then we walked back to the Kokura Station, picking up our bags, and went to Shimonoseki Station.

[Old day highway called "Nagasaki Kaido"、旧長崎街道の前で、구 나가사키 가도 앞에서]

We arrived at Shimonoseki Port before 6 p.m. We had to pay “using port facility fee” of 600 yen, and extra fuel fee of 800 yen.
[In front of Shimonoseki Terminal, 下関国際ターミナルの前で、시모노세키(下關) 국제 터미널 앞에서]
While making line to get aboard on the ferry boat, we got to know a Vietnam American youth. His name is San. He spent a week in Japan already. He said that he would travel for 10 days in Korea, then he would go to China for a month. Then he would visit Vietnam and Thiland and then would go to Australia to work there.

[With Sam, A Vietnam American, ベトナム系アメリカ人・サム君と、베트남계 미국인·샘군과]

How dynamic his travel plan is! It is a good idea to see the world while he is young. We wished him a good luck.

It was much comfortable in the BuKan Ferry than the previous night ferry from Matsuyama to Kokura. It was cooler and comportable. Thus we returned to Korea comfortably.

四国・九州旅行第6日目 2010年9月22日(水)曇り、一時小雨





[The main hall of Dazaifu,大宰府の主神殿、다자이후의 주신전]

[A big tree (more than 1000 years old at Dazaifu, 大宰府境内の大木、다자이후(大宰府) 경내의 큰 나무]
[Bernardo, feeding carp in the pond、池の鯉に餌をやるベルナルド、연못의 잉어에게 먹이를 주는 벨나루도]

[Rock Garden at a nearby temple of Dazaifu,大宰府横の寺の石庭、다자이후 옆의 절 안의 "돌 정원"]

[Kyushu National Museum, 九州国立博物館、규슈 국립박물관]
[Lotus flower and Kyushu National Museum, ハスの花と九州国立博物館、연꽃과 규슈 국립박물관]




[White spider lilies, 白いヒガンバナ(曼珠沙華)、흰 석산(만주사화)]







[Kokurajo from the 5th floor,城の前のビルからみた小倉城성 앞의 빌딩으로부터 본 오구라조]




[With Sam, A Vietnam American, ベトナム系アメリカ人・サム君と、베트남계 미국인·샘군과]


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