About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


100925 Mt. SamBongSan (1187m) in Jirisan 智異山の三峰山

Date: Sep. 25 (Sat) 2010 Fine all day

Place: Mt. Jirisan/Mt. SamBongSan (1187m), HamYang, GyongBuk-do/Namwon, JeonBuk-do

Course: The 1st Gate of Mt. Jiri – Mt. ODoBong – Mt. SamBongSan – Mt. KimDaeSan – KimDaeAm Temple – Machon Elementary School (Planned for 12 km/5 hours, actually 16 km 7 hours)

Partners: 44 AhToSan members including “Po” from Thailand.

It was a beautiful day and fine weather of fall. We left Daejeon (Expo South Gate Parking Lot) at 7 pm and arrived at the starting point of #1 Gate of Mt. Jiri at 9:40 am.

[In front of The First Gate of Jirisan,智異山第一門の前で、지리산 제일문 앞에서]

The altitude of the starting point is 773m and the highest peok of this hike was 1187m, therefore the difference is only 414 meters. So, it was not too difficult hike at all. Some members enjoyed picking up some mushrooms and nuts of pinetrees,会員が採ったキノコや松の実、회원이 채집한 버섯이나 솔방울]

I walked mostly with “Po” from Thailand. She must be the youngest among all members. She is a trainee at KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute), the same institute where Bernardo works.

[Beautiful fall sky and Jiri mountains, 美しい秋の空と智異山の山並み、아름다운 가을의 하늘과 지리산봉우리]

We walked along the ridge and arrived at the first peach called “ODoBong” at 10:50 am.

[At Odobong, オドボンにて、오도봉에서]

Then we arrived at the highest peak of the day: SamBongSan at 11:30 am.

[At SamBongSan, 三峰山にて、삼봉산에서]

The place was too narrow to have lunch all together, so we went on hiking until the place where we had enough space to have lunch all together.

[Lunch time, 昼食の時間、점심 시간]

I enjoyed my lunch sharing with other members as usual. It was a clear fall day, and good day to take pictures.

We kept going along the ridge, and came to the rocky place. All members enjoyed climbing up to the rocks and taking pictures each other.

[Rocky part of the hike, この日唯一の岩場で、이날 유일한 암석 지대에서]

Then we climbed the peak called BaekUnSan, then to the last peak called KumDaeSan at 3 p.m. and began decending the mountains.

[A stone mark of BaekUnSan、白雲山の石標、백운산의 돌표]

We came to the temple called KumDaeAm and the trail was splitted into two ways. We asked a man of the temple about the direction, but he indicated the wrong way.[KumDaeAm Temple, 金台庵、금대암]

We walked more than 90 minutes for the course which should be for 20 minutes.

So when we arrived at the destination, it was 4:30 p.m. It took us about 7 hours!

Anyway, we had “Tippuri” party at the ground of a closed elementary school. We usually have the party at parking lot, or just along the street. It was much better to park at the school ground where nobody bothered us at all.

[At the ground of closed elementary school,廃校のグラウンドにて、폐교의 그라운드에서]

The menu were: “Namuru” or seasoned vegitable, “Dotormuk” or acorn-starch jelly paste, and “Makgeolli” or Korean raw rice wine.

The chairman of AhToSan bought extra Makgeolli and we enjoyed the party very much.

On the way back to Daejeon, we stopped at a cosmos field. We enjoyed taking pictures with cosmos flowers. So, we came back to Daejeon at 8:30 p.m. It was another nice hiking trip to Mt. Jiri.

[At the field of cosmos,コスモスの野原にて、코스모스 들판에서]





[At the first gate of Mt. Jiri、智異山第一門にて、지이산제일문에서]
[A Chinese bellflower, キキョウの花、도라지 꽃]


[With Po at ODoBong,「ポ」とオドボンにて、"포"와 함께 오도봉에서]
[At Odobong, オドボンにて、오도봉에서]
[At SamBongSan, 三峰山にて、삼봉산에서]


[Lunch time, 昼食の時間、점심 시간]


[At KeumDaeSan, 金台山にて、금대산에서]



[Rocky part of the trail,この日、唯一の岩場、이날, 유일한 암석 지대]


[Mashrooms,会員が採ったキノコ、회원이 채집한 버섯]



[Gaheung Bridge,カフン橋、가흥교]



[A monument at a ground of closed school, 廃校のグラウンドの彫像、폐교의 그라운드 조상]



[At the field of cosmos,コスモスの野原で、코스모스 들판에서]


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