About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130608 The 1st day of Ulleungdo(鬱陵島/울릉도) and landing on Liancourt Rocks(竹島/독도)

Date: June 8 (Sat), 2013, fine

Place: Ulleungdo(鬱陵島,울릉도) and Liancourt Rocks(竹島,독도)

Course: Daejeon – Mokho(목호) – Ulleudo ←→ Liancourt Rocks

AhToSan planned to hike on Mt. SeonInBong in Ulleungdo. As an optional course, they planned to go to Liancourt Rocks or Dokdo in Korean and Takeshma in Japanese.

Liancourt Rocks has been the cause of conflicts between Japan and Korea. Japan has been claiming as its territory, while Korea has been administrating since 1953.

I went to Ulleungdo privately about 7 or 8 years ago. I did not visit the disputed islands that time. But this time, I wanted to see the reality of Liancourt Rocks being administered by Korea by myself. So I applied to this optional trip by paying 55000 won extra.

Alex, a Bulgarian mathematician. one of Taejonhiers members, wanted to join the trip. He came from Daegu to Daejeon on previous day and stayed overnight at my small studio apartment.

[AhToSan members at the bus stop, 南門駐車場のアトサン会員、남문 주차장 아토산 회원들]

We woke up at 2:40 am and went to Expo South Get bus-stop. Total number of AhToSan participants was 21. We joined the larger hiking club, Chung-il Hiking Club which chartered a large bus (50 seats) and headed for Mok-ho Harbor from which the ship left for Ulleungdo.

They provided breakfast at Tonghae Seashore at 7 am, and went on board at 8 am.

[Breakfast at Tonghae Service Area, 東海サービスエリアで朝食、동해 휴게소에서 아침 식사]

[Mokho Port Passenger Terminal, 墨湖港旅客ターミナル、묵호항 여객 터미널]

We arrived at Ulleungdo at 11:20 am. We went to a hotel first and had lunch there.

[We arrived at Ulleungdo, 鬱陵島へ到着、울릉도에 도착]

About half of AhToSan members went to Liancourt Rocks while others went to sightseeing tour on Ulleungdo.

["Marina Tourist Hotel" マリナ・ツーリストホテル、마리나 투어리스트 호텔]

[Lunch at the hotel, ホテルで昼食、호텔에서 점심 식사]

The members who went to Liancourt Rocks were: Alenx and Geroge, Alain Delon, Jeongdaun, Yoro, Minju, Gaduk, a Korean couple and Cheonsa.

[On the roof of the port terminal, 独島行き船のターミナルの屋上にて、독도행 선박 터미널의 옥상에서]

There were tree boats a day to go to Liancourt Rocks. We missed the 2nd one and took the last boat leaving at 15:10.

[At the port terminal, 独島行き船舶ターミナルにて、독도 행 선박 터미널에서]

[A drinking party while waiting for the boat, 船を待つ間の飲み会、배를 기다리는 동안 파티]

The name of the boat was The“Dokdo Salang독도 사랑” which means “Love of Dokdo.” We had a drinking party at the terminal.

[We began boading "The Dokdo Salang",『独島サラン号』乗船開始、'독도 사랑 호'승선 시작]

Minju showed a wedding picture of Salangcho who married a male member of AhToSan on that day. She sent the picture to Minju’s smartphone.

While waiting for boarding, I noticed a man selling pieces of clothes on which Korean slogans were printed. I bought one which had less political meaning. Then the man gave another piece to Alex for free. The slogan says “Dokto is Korea’s Territory.” He liked it very much and asked me to take his picture with the slogan.

[We came close to "Liancourt Rocks" 我々は「竹島」に近づいた、우리는 "독도"에 접근했다.]

["The Rock with Cave"?, 「洞岩」?"동굴 바위"?]

Well, the “Dokdo Salang” left the port at 15:10 and arrived at Liancourt Rocks at 17:10. Fortunately the condition of the sea water was good, so we could land on the island.

[We landed on "Liancourt Rocks",我々は「竹島」に上陸した、우리는 '독도'에 상륙했다.]

There were about 150 sightseers. A military personnel was taking video pictures of each peron who landed on the island. We were allowed to stay on the island for 30 minutes. There were more than 20 military staff members, or soldiers guarding the island. The sightseers were taking pictures with them.

[George on "Liancourt Rocks", 「竹島」にて、"독도"에서]

Alex asked me to take a picture with one of the guards with that political slogan. Some other AhToSan joined them.

[At "Liancourt Rocks", 「竹島」にて、"독도"에서]

[At "Liancourt Rocks", 「竹島」にて、"독도"에서]

We were requested to return to the boat after 30 minute of landing. We came back to Ulleungdo at 8 pm.

[Seagulls around the "Dokdo Salang" 『独島サラン号』に群がるカモメ、갈매기들이 '독도 사랑호'에 몰려있다.]

[We left "Liancourt Rocks",我々は「竹島」を後にした、우리는 '독도'를 떠났다.]

[We came back to Ulleungdo at 8:15 pm, 午後8時15分に鬱陵島へ戻った。오후 8시 15 분에 울릉도로 돌아왔다.]

We took a hotel bus to go back to the hotel. We had a late supper, then Alex and I went to our room. Most of other AhToSan members went to the beach to have “sashimi” and drinks to have another drinking party. But Alex and I were refrain from such adventure. We had a good sleep that night.

[Late dinner at the hotel, ホテルで遅い夕食、호텔에서 늦은 저녁 식사]











[Alex at South Gate, 南門駐車場のアレックス、남문 주차장 알렉스]


[Alex at Tonghae Service Area, 東海サービスエリアにて、동해 휴게소에서]


[The Sea Flower bound for Ulleungdo, 鬱陵島行き『シーフラワー号』、울릉도행 '씨 플라워 호']


[We arrived at Ulleungdo, 鬱陵島へ到着、울릉도에 도착]


["Marina Tourist Hotel" マリナ・ツーリストホテル、마리나 투어리스트 호텔]


[Lunch at the hotel, ホテルで昼食、호텔에서 점심 식사]


[Short break after lunch, 昼食後の休憩、점심 식사 후 휴식]


[At the port terminal, 独島行き船舶ターミナルにて、독도 행 선박 터미널에서]



[A drinking party while waiting for the boat, 船を待つ間の飲み会、배를 기다리는 동안 파티]


[A drinking party while waiting for the boat, 船を待つ間の飲み会、배를 기다리는 동안 파티]




[We began boading "The Dokdo Salang",『独島サラン号』乗船開始、'독도 사랑 호'승선 시작]


[We came close to "Liancourt Rocks" 我々は「竹島」に近づいた、우리는 "독도"에 접근했다.]

[The barrack of the Dokdo guards? 独島警備隊の宿舎か? 독도 경비대 숙소?]

[We arrived at "Liancourt Rocks",我々は「竹島」に到着した、우리는 "독도"에 도착했다.]


[A man was taking video of each passenger, 「独島守備隊」が観光客全員のビデオ映像を撮影していた。'독도 수비대'대원이 관광객 모두의 영상을 촬영하고 있었다.]


[We landed on East Island of "Liancourt Rocks" 我々は「男島」の船着場へ上陸した、우리는 "동도"의 선착장에 상륙했다]

["The Rock with Cave"?, 「洞岩」?"동굴 바위"?]

[At "Liancourt Rocks", 「竹島」にて、"독도"에서]

[Alex, Yoro and Jeongdaun on "Liancourt Rocks" アレックスとヨロとチョンダウン、독도에서 알렉스와 여로과 정다운]


[George on "Liancourt Rocks", 「竹島」にて、"독도"에서]

[AhTo Members on "Liancourt Rocks", 「竹島」にて、"독도"에서]

[At "Liancourt Rocks", 「竹島」にて、"독도"에서]


[Seagulls around the "Dokdo Salang" 『独島サラン号』に群がるカモメ、갈매기들이 '독도 사랑호'에 몰려있다.]

[We left "Liancourt Rocks",我々は「竹島」を後にした、우리는 '독도'를 떠났다.]



[Passengers on The "Dokdo Salang"、『独島サラン号』内の旅客たち、'독도 사랑호'내의 승객들]


[Late dinner at the hotel, ホテルで遅い夕食、호텔에서 늦은 저녁 식사]



130605 The 2nd day of Tsushima(対馬대마도) Trip & Climbing Mt. Ariake (558.2m)

Date: June 5 (Wed), 2013, fine

Place: Mt. Ariake, Tsushima, Nagasaki, Japan

Course: Kanaishikan – Mt. Ariake – Kanaishikan – Manzeki-seto – Nagisanoyu (Hot Spring) – Miudahama Beach – Hitakatsu Port – Busan – Daejeon

I left the hotel at 5:12. I arrived at the stone walls of Kanaishi Castle at 5:18. I reached at Point 2 at 5:31.

[The stone wall of Kanaishi Castle, 金石城の石垣、카나이시성의 석벽]

There was a branch point between Point 2 and Point 3. The main trail was to turn left, but I went straight, so I went to the ruins of Shimizu Castle.

[The trail to Mt. Shimizu, 清水山への登山路、시미즈야마의 등산로]

Shimizu Castle was built in 1591 A.D. when Hideyoshi ordered to invade Korea. It was a mountain castle and we could see only stone walls now.

[The stone wall of Shimizu Castle, 清水城の石垣、시미즈성의 석벽]

I could see the bay and the sea from the ruins. But the trail was not clear. I had to walk in the bush for about 10 minutes, then I came to the main trail.

[Looking down the bay, 清水城跡にて、시미즈 성터에서]

I arrived at Point 5 at 5:54, then at Point 6 at 6:02. I saw a man running down from the top. He seemed to do trail-marathon.

[A broad trail near the top, 頂上付近の広い登山路、정상 부근의 넓은 등산로]

I arrived at Point 10 from where, there was only 150 meters to the top of the mountain at 6:30. There were only low trees there. Among these trees, I saw the blossoms of “Chionanthus retusus” or “Hitotsubatago” in Japanese.

[The guidepost on the top, 有明山頂上の里程標、아리아케야마 정상 이정표]

I arrived at the top of Mt. Ariake at 6:33. There was no stone monument, but only a wooden guide post and at the foot of the post, there was a small plate saying “The top of Mt. Ariake.”

Now I began descending the mountain. I came down to Point 1 at 7:12. I came back to Kanaishikan at 7:25. So, I walked 6 km distance for 2 hours and 10 minutes.

I had breakfast at the hotel. It was a buffei style. The guide spoke to me when I was having the breakfast. She guided the rest of all sightseers for shopping. I took a rest at my hotel room and joined them at 10 am.

[Breakfast at the hotel, ホテルの朝食、호텔의 아침 식사]

The bus left the parking lot at 10:10. We headed for the upper island of Tsushima.

We arrived at Manzeki-Seto, a man-made canal made in 1900. The Tsushima Island is separated by this canal; the upper island and the lower island.

[Manzeki Bridge, 万関橋、만세키 교]

We got off from the bus and walked over the bridge. Then we went to a nice restaurant “Kaz” by the beach.

[Manzeki-Seto Canal、万関瀬戸、만재키새토]

It was a Japanese lunch with sashimi and fried food. I was impressed by the big “koinobori” or "carp streamer."

[Restaurant "Kaz", レストラン『和』、레스토랑 '카즈']

[Lunch at "Kaz", 『和』のランチ定食、'카즈'점심 정식]

After having lunch, we went to a hot-spring facilities named “Nagisanoyu.” It was on the hill and could see the sea from the facilities.

[A picture of "Tsushima Yamaneko", ツシマヤマネコ保護のポスター、 대마도 산고양이 보호포스터]

We had 90 minute-rest at the hotsping. Then we went to Miuda Beach. It is a beautiful beach with white sand.

[At Miudahama Beach, 三宇田浜海水浴場にて、미우타하마 해수욕장에서]

Miuda Beach was the last sightseeing spot. We went to Hidakatsu Port, then our ship left at 3:40 pm, arriving at Busan at 4:55 pm.

I took 5:30 KTX and came back to Deajeon at 7:05 pm.

It was a nice trip to Tsushima from Korea. As for the hiking, it was my 26th hike for this year.










[At Mt. Shimizu, 清水山にて、시미즈야마에서]


[A notice from the manager of the woods, 国有林からのお願い、국유림으로부터의 부탁]


[A guidepost along the trail, 登山路の里程標、등산로의 이정표]


[A broad trail near the top, 頂上付近の広い登山路、정상 부근의 넓은 등산로]



[At the top of Mt. Ariake, 有明山頂上にて、아리아케야마 정상에서]



[Kanaishi Castle, 復元された金石城、복원 된 카나이시성]






[The memorial monument for Manzeki-Seto, 万関瀬戸掘削の記念碑、만재키새토 굴착 기념비]

[Manzeki Bridge, 万関橋、만세키 교]

[Manzeki-Seto Canal、万関瀬戸、만재키새토]


[Restaurant "Kaz", レストラン『和』、레스토랑 '카즈']


[Hotspring "Nagisanoyu" 『渚の湯』温泉、"나기사 노유" 온천]

[A picture of "Tsushima Yamaneko", ツシマヤマネコ保護のポスター、 대마도 산고양이 보호포스터]


[At Miudahama Beach, 三宇田浜海水浴場にて、미우타하마 해수욕장에서]



[The beetle to Busan, 釜山行き高速船、부산행 고속선]
