About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130518 Traversal of Mt. Jiri (智異山縦走:지리산 무박종주)

Hiking Date: May 18, 2013 (Sat) Fine, then cloudy, later at night, rain

Destination (mountain): Mt. Jiri (Jeonra-do & GyongNami-do))

Hiking course: Seogsamje – NoGoDan – Dwaejiryong – Norumok – DamDoBong – ToKkiBong – MyongSeonBong – Yonhacheon Shelter – HyongJeBong – ByokSoRyong Shelter - DeokPyongBong – JilSeonBong - YongSinBong – SeSeokDae Shelter – GeoRim Bus Stop – JungSanRi Parking Lot (About 32 km)

Partner: 17 AhToSan members

[Map of Mt. Jiri, 智異山の地図、지리산 지도]

AhToSan planned the traversal of Mt. Jiri. Jeongjeong, one of the staff members, planned this long hike for me, since this is my last summer in Korea.

Total hiking distance is over 30 km, so only strong hikers could apply for this hike. Jeongjeong was kind enough to walk with me from the beginning to the end, so I would never be lost during this hike.

The bus left at 11 pm on Friday. AhToSan chartered a micro-bus with 20 seats, not the regular big size bus. I sat the back seat which turned out to be the worst seat because I could not recline the seat.

[Our micro-bus arrived at SeongSamJe at 2:30 am, ソンサムジェへ2時半に到着した。성삼제에 2시 반에 도착했다.]

The man in front of me reclined his seat up to the largest angle, so I had very little space for my legs. I also felt much jolts because it was the back-end position. Therefore I could not sleep at all.

[Three female members of AhToSan, アトサンの三人の女性会員、아토산 여성 회원들]

[At SeongSamJe before the gate open, 出発前、ソンサムジェにて、출발 전 성삼제에서]

[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전 단체 사진]

However, we arrived at SeongSamJe, the starting point for the long hike at 2:30 am. The gate for the trail was open at 3 am. I hurried to walk ahead as the top among all hikers, until for 5 minutes. 10 minutes later, all AhToSan members got ahead of me!

Anyhow I could manage to arrive at NoGoDan Shelter at 3:36 am. All AhToSan hikers were waiting for me.

[At NoGoDan Shelter, 老姑壇退避所にて、노고단 대피소에서]

It was clear that night and I could see many stars in the sky and many constellations such as the Great Bear, Cassiopeia, Scorpius and the Milky Way, etc.

We had “Suzuki Time” at NoGoDan Pass, so my bag became a little lighter.

The trail from NoGoDan Pass to Doaejiryong was many rocks and difficult to walk. My flashlight became weak because the batteries worn out. Then one of fellow hikers, Tazan, offered his spare light to me. I borrowed it with thanks and it was a great help for me.

It became dawn before I reached at Dwaejiryong. Jeongjeong walked with me so that I would not be lost. Other hikers must be at DamDoDong and could see nice sunrise, I thought. I felt sorry for her.

[At dawn near SamDoBong, 三道峰付近で夜明け、삼도봉 근처에서 새벽]

[[Korean rhododendron、カラムラサキツツジ、진달래]]

[Minju near SamDoBong, 三道峰付近にて、삼도봉 부근에서]

I arrived at SamDobong at 6:06. Other members were already having breakfast there. So Jeongjeong and I joined them.

[George at SamDoBong, 三道峰にて、삼도봉에서]

They gave me two packs of bento which were sticky rice with red beans. I ate one of them and one of toast sandwich I made previous night. I also offered a Japanese can beer (Asahi, 500cc) to my fellow hikers.

[Breakfast at SamDoBong, 三道峰にて朝食、삼도봉에서 아침 식사]

[After Breakfast, 朝食後、아침 식사 후]

After having breakfast, I could enjoy ridge hike. There were many beautiful flowers, especially fawn liliy (or trout lily, dog's-tooth violet, etc.) This flower is called "Yeolleji 얼레지" in Korean and native to Japan, Korea and northeastern China. And I Korea, I saw many in Mt. Jiri.

[Katakuri (Dogtooth violet), カタクリ、얼레지]

[[Korean rhododendron、カラムラサキツツジ、진달래]]

[Jeongjeong at the wooden stairs, 木の階段にて、나무 계단에서]

Besides “Yeolleji” there were many “Jindallae" or “Korean rhododendron” and “Sancheoljjuk” or “Royal azalea.”

[[Royal azalea、クロフネツツジ、산철쭉]]

Usually “Jindallae” blooms early spring and “Sancheoljjuk” booms in May, but at JiRiSan, they bloom at the same time.

I arrived at ToKkiBong at 7:36. The president of AhToSan and J-nim and those who were ahead of me, were waiting for me and encouraged me.

[The guide post at TokkiBong, トッキ峰の里程標、토끼봉 이정표]

“Kkachi” seemed very sleepy and he was taking nap at the side of the trail. Jeongjeong also said, “Oh, I am sleepy” several times. So it was not only I who could not sleep last night.

[Some members were taking nap、昼寝をする会員、회원이 낮잠을 자고있다.]

Actually Jeongjeong stumbled behind me and laughed at herself. She seemed to sleep while walking!

There was a nice facilitated trail with wooden stairs. I saw a rather big cherry tree, and cherry blossoms were in full bloom.

We arrived at YonHaCheon Shelter at 9:06 am. There was a water-supply place, and clean toilet. I joined the middle group and took several pictures with them.

[At YonHaCheon Shelter, ヨンハチョン待避所にて、연하천 대피소에서]

[Katakuri (Dogtooth violet), カタクリ、얼레지]

There were beautiful yellow flowers which reminded me of “Ryukinka” or “kingcup/marsh marigold” around here.

I arrived at HyongJeBong at 10:10. Some of AhToSan members were waiting for me. They climbed HyongJe Bawui, which means “Brothers Rock.” I also climbed this rock.

[At HyongJeBong, 兄弟峰にて、형제봉에서]

[HyongJe Rock, 兄弟岩、형제바위]

There were many beautiful flowers including “Cat’s Eye” which I saw several years ago at Mt. Jiri. I have never seen that flower since then. I found this flower at the same place when I saw it before. This time, I saw many of this flower along the trail.

[[Potentilla fragarioides, キジムシロ、양지꽃]]

[Cat’s Eye, ネコノメソウ、괭이눈]

We arrived at ByongSoRyong Shelter at 11 am. There were nice tables and benches in front of the shelter, so we decided to have lunch there.

[ByongSoRyong Shelter, 碧宵嶺待避所、벽소령 대피소]

I had the 2nd pack of the rice with red beans and another can of beer and sandwiches. While we were having lunch, there was a big sound of “Bang!” just next to our table. It was a gas-explosion of cooking burner which our neighbors were using.

[Lunch at ByongSoRyong Shelter, 碧宵嶺待避所にて昼食、벽소령 대피소에서 점심]

Their cooking utensil was blown away and a hiker got injured by the blast in his arm. Fortunately it was not serious, so they wrapped his arm and that’s it. The lesson is that we should be careful when we use gas and fire.

[After lunch at ByongSoRyong Shelter, 昼食後、碧宵嶺待避所にて、점심 식사 후 벽소령 대피소에서]

From ByongSoRyong Shelter to SeSeokDae Shelter, the last leg of the ridge walking, I really enjoyed the beautiy of “Jindallae”flowers. These “Jindallae” are different from ordinary “Jindallae” but they were “Tol Jindalllae” special kind which broom in high land.

[[Royal azalea、クロフネツツジ、산철쭉]]

[On the ridge trail, 稜線の登山路にて、능선 등산로에서]

When I went through the tunnels of “Jindalle” passing YongShinBong, I happened to see an old AhToSan member who was carrying heavy bag on her.

[Jeongjeong in the "Road of Jindallae" チンダルレの道に立つチョンジョン、정정이 진달래의 길에 서있다.]

Her nickname is “Lion.”She was a strong female hike like “Jeongjeong.” She used to be a hiking leader of AhToSan.

[I happened to see "Lion"、 元アトサン会員、『ライオン』、전 아토산 회원 "라이온"]

Anyway, I have not seen her for a couple of years. But I remember her “nick name.”So I called her and she recognized me, too.

Jeongjeong was also glad to see Lion, so they stopped and began a long chatting. I took their pictures and went ahead.

[Jeongjeong and Lion, チョンジョンとライオン、정정과 라이온]

When I arrived at Seseok Shelter, Jeongjeong caught me up. At this point it was 2:40 am. I thought it was too late to head for CheonWangBong, which required 12 km more, so I decided to go down from the mountain.

[The explanation of "rhododendron mucronulatum var"、トルチンダルレの説明、털진달래 설명]

Jeongjeong accompanied with me. We began descending the mountain and headed for GeoRim village. It was about 6 km from Seseok Shelter.

[SeSeokDae Shelter, セソクデ待避所、세석대 대피소]

There was a bus service available from GeoRim to JungSanRi, the final destination, and it was 4:50 bus. We had to hurry to reach at the bus stop at GeoRim at 4:50. Actually, we almost ran for 6 km.

[We arrived at GeoRim Village, コリム村へ到着、거림 마을에 도착]

We could not take the bus, anyway, but Jeongjeong called a taxi. We went to JunSanRi from GeoRim by taxi and it was just 5 pm we arrived at the final destination.

The most of hikers arrived at the final destination at 6 pm when those who came earlier were having supper at a restaurant. But one person “Kkachi” did not come down even at 8 pm.

[We had supper at a restaurant, 運転手食堂で夕食、기사 식당에서 저녁 식사]

We went to the exit of the trail by micro-bus, and Jeongjeong went into the mountain to support the last hiker.

[We left the restaurant at 7:40 pm、食堂を7時40分に出た。식당을 7시 40 분에 나왔다.]

They finally came to the bus at 9 pm, then we headed for Daejeon. We came back to Daejeon at 11:40. I returned to my studio apartment after midnight. A little bit tired, but I am satisfied with what I had done: more than 30 km hiking successfully.

It was my 23rd hike for this year and my 314th hike as AhToSan regular hike.








[Map of Mt. Jiri, 智異山の地図、지리산 지도]



[Our micro-bus arrived at SeongSamJe at 2:30 am, ソンサムジェへ2時半に到着した。성삼제에 2시 반에 도착했다.]

[A member is pointing the traversal course, 会員が縦走コースを示している、회원이 종주 코스를 가리키고있다.]

[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발전 단체 사진]



["Suzuki Time" at NoGoDan Pass, 老姑壇峠にて『スズキタイム』、노고단 고개에서 "스즈키 타임"]



[At dawn near SamDoBong, 三道峰付近で夜明け、삼도봉 근처에서 새벽]

[Jeongjeong kept accompany of me, チョンジョンが私につきあってくれた。정정님이 나와 함께 걸었다.]

[Jeongjeong near SamDoBong, 三道峰付近にて、삼도봉 부근에서]


[George at SamDoBong, 三道峰にて、삼도봉에서]

[Breakfast at SamDoBong, 三道峰にて朝食、삼도봉에서 아침 식사]


[Katakuri (Dogtooth violet), カタクリ、얼레지]

[[Korean rhododendron、カラムラサキツツジ、진달래]]

[[Royal azalea、クロフネツツジ、산철쭉]]


[Jeongjeong and Minju at TokkiBong, トッキ峰にて、토끼 봉에서]


[Some members were taking nap、昼寝をする会員、회원이 낮잠을 자고있다.]


[YonHaCheon Shelter, ヨンハチョン待避所、연하천 대피소]

[At YonHaCheon Shelter, ヨンハチョン待避所にて、연하천 대피소에서]


[Katakuri (Dogtooth violet), カタクリ、얼레지]


[At HyongJeBong, 兄弟峰にて、형제봉에서]


[[Potentilla fragarioides, キジムシロ、양지꽃]]

[Cat’s Eye, ネコノメソウ、괭이눈]


[ByongSoRyong Shelter, 碧宵嶺待避所、벽소령 대피소]


[Lunch at ByongSoRyong Shelter, 碧宵嶺待避所にて昼食、벽소령 대피소에서 점심]





["Jindallae" on the ridge, 稜線のチンダルレ、능선의 진달래]

[[Royal azalea、クロフネツツジ、산철쭉]]

[On the ridge trail, 稜線の登山路にて、능선 등산로에서]

[Katakuri (Dogtooth violet), カタクリ、얼레지]



[Jeongjeong and Lion, チョンジョンとライオン、정정과 라이온]





[The exit of the trail at GeoRim, コリム売票所、거림 매표소]


[We arrived at Georim Bus Stop, 我々はコリムバス停に到着した、리는 거림바스 정류장에 도착했다]





[We had supper at a restaurant, 運転手食堂で夕食、기사 식당에서 저녁 식사]

[Bibimbap for supper, 夕食のビビンパ、저녁식사 비빔밥]


[The last hiker arrived at the bus, 最後の会員がバスに到着、마지막 회원이 버스에 도착]




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