About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130517 Guryongsan, Daejeon (Hike on Buddha’s Birthday)大田広域市西区「九龍山(구룡산373m)」(灌仏会ハイキング)

Hiking Date: May 17 (Fri) 2013, Fine

Destination (mountain): GuRyongSan, Daejeon

Hiking course: Parking Lot – HyonAmSa Temple – GuRyongSan (A round trip)

Partner: George Furst, Eric, Ayla

Buddha’s birthday is being celebrated by Buddhests all over the world. But the date differs from country to country.

In Japan, it is called “KanButsue” and celebrated on April 8 of Solar Calendar and in Korea, it is April 8 of Lunar Calendar. It was May 17 this year.

In Korea, the birthdays of Jesus and Buddha are national holidays. So, I proposed Taejeonhikers to go hiking that day.

George Furst agreed to offer the rides and besides me, Eric and Ayla agreed to join us.

We met at 10 am at KAIST and George drove us to Lake Daecheong. Ayla sat next to George and she helped him to find the temple called “HyonAmSa.”

She did a good job and we found a parking space just next to the entrance of the trail to Mt. Guryong. (GuRyongSan).

[A group picture before the hike, 出発前の集合写真、출발 전 단체 사진]

It was only 500 meters from the parking lot to the temple. But it was very steep stairs and trail.

[Silverberry or oleaster,登山路のグミの実、등산로 보리수 나무의 열매]

HyonAmSa Temple was very crowded because of the special event. Many Buddhists came to the temple. People who could not get into the temple, were sitting outside on the plastic sheets on the earth.

[We soon arrived at the tempke, われわれは、すぐに寺に着いた。우리는 곧 현암사에 도착했다.]

They were chanting Buddhist sutra together with priests inside of the building.

[There were many people at the temple, 多くの人が寺を訪れていた。많은 사람들이 참배하고 있었다.]

There were several volunteer workers at the temple kitchen that day. They cook a lot of “Bibingpap”and served them to the visitors.

[Volunteers were helping to supply "Bibingpap", 奉仕者たちがビビンパを供給している、봉사자들이 비빔밥을 공급하고있다]

We saw such people eating “bibingpap” along the trail.

Then we went to a tall “tap”or pagoda made of concrete next to the temple. Some people were walking around the “tap” and some were bowing to it.

[Leaving the temple to the tap, 縣岩寺から塔へ向かう。현암사부터 탑으로 ​​향한다.]

It was an observatory space and we could see nice scenery of Daecheong Dam very well.

[We headed for the ridge, 塔から稜線へ向かう、오층탑부터 능선으로 향했다.]

Then again a bit steep slop, we walked for about half an hour. We came to the ridge.

[DaeCheong Dam from the trail, 登山路からみた大清ダム、등산로에서 본 대청댐]

We ate our lunch at one of several “cairns”made of stones. Then we headed for the top of the mountain.

[There were several "cairns" on the ridge,稜線のケルン、능선 케른]

[We ate lunch in front of a Cairn, ケルンの前で昼食、케른 앞에서 점심]

The ridge walk was only for 30 minutes, and then we arrived at the top of the mountain.

[Eric on the top of Mt. Guryong, 九龍山山頂にて、구룡산 정상에서]

[A group picture on the top, 山頂で集合写真、정상에서 단체 사진]

There were three wooden jangseungs or Korean traditional totem poles and a black dragon and a small stone on which the name of the mountain was written.

[A Jangseung and Daecheong Dam, チャンスンと大清ダム、장승과 대청댐]

There was a small hole on the top part of a jangseung, and a small bird flew to the hole having a worm in her beaks.

[A bird with an worm, 虫を咥えた小鳥、작은 새가 벌레를 물고있다.]

[A bird's next on Jangseung, チャンスンの小鳥の巣、장승의 새 둥지]

I found some butterflies flying around on the top of the mountain.

[Tiger Swallowtail、アゲハチョウ(揚羽蝶)、호랑나비]

After having a short rest on the top of the mountain, we went down from the mountain to the parking lot.

[George and Ayla on their down trail, 下山路のジョージとアエラ、조지와 아 에라가 하산하고있다.]

It took us for 2 hours to climb and only one hour to go down.

[Volunteer workers washing dishes at the temple, 奉仕者たちが皿洗いをしている。사자들이 설거지를하고있다.]

[Hydrangea at the temple, 寺のアジサイ(紫陽花),수국(水菊)]

It was only 3 hour-hike, but it was really appropriate for me, because I was going to participate “Over-30 kilometers Big Hike on Mt. Jiri”next day.

I regarded it as a light warming-up hike for the big hike of Mt. Jiri next day.

However it was my 23rd hike for the year of 2013.















[We parked near the entrance of the trail, 登山路入口近くに駐車、등산로 입구 근처에 주차했다.]


[George, picking up his bag from his trunk, トランクからリュックを出すジョージ、조지가 트렁크에서 배낭을 내놓고있다.]


[Silverberry or oleaster,登山路のグミの実、등산로 보리수 나무의 열매]


[There were many people at the temple, 多くの人が寺を訪れていた。많은 사람들이 참배하고 있었다.]

[DaeCheong Dam from the temple, 寺から見た大清ダム、현암사에서 본 대청댐]



[Volunteers were helping to supply "Bibingpap", 奉仕者たちがビビンパを供給している、봉사자들이 비빔밥을 공급하고있다]


[The cement pagoda, コンクリート製の五重塔、콘크리트의 오층탑]


[Short break on the way, 途中で一休み、도중에 휴식]


[Cairn (man-made pile of stones) on the ridge, 稜線のケルン、능선 케른]


[On the top of Mt. GyuRyong, Eric next to the dragon-sculpture, 九龍山山頂にて、구룡산 정상에서]


[A Jangseung and Daecheong Dam, チャンスンと大清ダム、장승과 대청댐]

[Eric and Jangseung, エリックとチャンスン、에릭과 장승]


[A bird with an worm, 虫を咥えた小鳥、작은 새가 벌레를 물고있다.]

[A bird's next on Jangseung, チャンスンの小鳥の巣、장승의 새 둥지]

[Tiger Swallowtail、アゲハチョウ(揚羽蝶)、호랑나비]


[George and Eric on their down trail, 下山路のジョージとエリック、조지와 아 에릭이 하산하고있다.]

[Aquilegia or Columbine at the temple, オダマキ(苧環)、매발톱꽃]



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