About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130507 GyeRyongSan (鶏龍山계룡산845m)

Hiking Date: May 5, 2013(Tus) Fine

Destination (mountain): GyeRyong San (Sambulbong and Gwaneumbong)

Hiking course: Bus-stop – Seol Restaurant – Mungol – Keusbaejae – Nammaetap – Sambulbong – Jayonseongseong – Gwaneumbong – Eumseon Waterfall – Donghaksa Temple – Bus-stop (10 km, 7 hours)

Partner: None

I had classes on Monday and Friday for the first semester. So, I can go hiking during the weekdays. It was a fine day and I went to Gyeryongsan again this day.

[A map of GyeRyongSan, 鶏龍山の地図、계룡산 지도]

I took a 704 bus to Yuseong at Shinseongdong, then changed buses at Yuseong to 107 bus which goes to Deonghaksa Temple.

[Arriving at the Donghaksa bus stop before 8:30, 東鶴寺バス停へ到着、동학사 버스 정류장에 도착]

I arrived at the bus-stop at 8:20, and bought a bottle of water and some snacks at a convenient store near the bus-stop. It cost 5800 won and I felt it was expensive. I should buy such things at Shinseongdong.

[Main street to Donghaksa, 東鶴寺への道、동학사에 가는 도로]

I took “Cheonjeonggol” course so that I did not have to pay entrance fee to the national park.

I saw many “Iris rossii Baker” on the previous hike, but I could never seen a yellow Iris rossii Baker. 2 years ago, when I climbed this mountain, I found a beautiful yellow Iris rossii Baker at Cheonjeonggol, so I expected to find the one again this time. But my expectation was in vain.

This trail up to Nammaetap is wide and gentle, so it is one of my favorite trails in Korea. I saw many petals of cherry blossoms on the trail, but no Iris rossii Baker. In stead, I saw a red squirrel along the trail.

[A red squirrel, エゾリス、청솔모]

On the way to Nammaetap, there is a spring in the middle of the course. Originally, I was thinking of taking water from this spring, but I saw a plate next to the spring, it said “No drinking.” Wow, I drank many times before!

While I climbed up and up, I saw some “Jindallae” here and there. When I arrived at Keunpaejae, there were several “Jindallae” trees, and they were in full bloom.

[A guidepost at Keunpaejae, クンペジェの標識、큰배재 이정표]

From this point to up to the first peak, Sambulbong, and all the way to Gwaneumbong, the trails were decollated with beautiful flowers of “Jindallae” and “Sancheolchuk” or “Royal azalea” or even cherry blossoms. So, I could enjoy seeing these flowers.

[The buds of royal azalea、クロフネツツジの蕾、산철쭉 꽃 봉오리]

I arrived at Nammaetap at 10:26. It took me about 2 hours since I began walking at the bus stop.

[Nammaetap, 男妹塔、남매탑]

I visited SangWonAm(上元庵) this time. I noticed that there was a spring called “SeokGanSu(石間水)”as “One Thousand Year Medical Water(千年薬水).”

[SangWonAm, 上元庵、상원암]

In Korea, Yaksu(薬水) means, just drinkable water. Anyway, I could get nice water supply here next time.

Up to Nammaetap, the trail was nice and gentle, but from Nanmaetap to Sambulbong, the trails were rocky and last approach to the peak was a steep iron stairs.

[Gentiana thunbergii, ハルリンドウ(春竜胆) or コケリンドウ(苔竜胆)、구슬붕이]

[Yellow violets, 黄色いスミレの花、노란 제비꽃]

I noticed a warning “Frequent Heart Attack-related Fatal Accident Area.” Wow, I must be careful!

[Steel stairs to Sambulbong, 三仏峰の鉄階段、삼불봉 철계단]

[At the top of Sambulbong, 三仏峰にて、삼불봉에서]

The top of Sambulbong was surrounded by Jindallae blossoms. There was a woman sitting cross-legged, meditating alone. She was facing toward CheonHwanBong(天皇峰), the highest peak of GyeRyongSan.

[At the top of Sambulbong, 三仏峰にて、삼불봉에서]

Then a group of young came with noisy sounds. One of them asked me to take a picture of them with his smartphone. I also took their picture with my camera as well.

[At the top of Sambulbong, 三仏峰にて、삼불봉에서]

They said they were colleagues at the same company. I sent their pictures to one of their emails.

When I asked their course, it was same as mine, but their pace was much faster, like AhToSan hikers, so I said good-bye to them after taking their pictures.

The 1.5 km ridge course from Sambulbong to Gwaneumbong is called “Jayon-Seongreung” but I do not now what Kanji they were. It could be “自然城陵,” but it is only my guess.

[A guidepost at the ridge, 『自然城陵』にて、"자연성릉"에서]

[Jindallae at the ridge, 『自然城陵』にて、"자연성릉"에서]

[Yellow violets at the ridge, 『自然城陵』にて、"자연성릉"에서]

I like this part of the hiking course very much. It is literally the rocky ridge. There are many pine trees on the rock, and at this time of the season, I could enjoy Jindallae, Cheolchuk, or cherry blossoms while walking.

At the end of this trai, there were steep iron stairs again. And when I looked back, I could see peaks of the mountains very well.

[A concrete gazebo on Gwaneungbong, 観音峰のコンクリートの東屋、관음봉 콘크리트 정자]

[Viewing the peaks of Sambulbong, 観音峰から三仏峰を眺める、관음봉에서 삼불봉을 바라본다]

I arrived at Gwaneumbong at 12:30. It took me 4 hours from the bus stop. I had lunch there under the roof of concrete gazebo.

[At GwanEumBong, 観音峰にて、관음봉에서]

I see “Pakse” or “Oriental Tit”whenever I visit here. This time again, I saw some of them flying around hikers. They may expect some food out of hikers.

I took some pictures at the peak of the mountain, then had lunch there and began descending the mountain.

I do not like this part of the course, because it was a steep rocky trail. I could not see many colorful flowers, but I did see blue flowers along the trail.

I arrived at Eunseong Waterfall at 1:43. This waterfall is rather famous and many sightseers come to see from the bus-stop.

[A little water in Eunseng Waterfall, 隠仙瀑布、음선폭포]

[Viewing Ssanlgaebong near the waterfall, サルゲ峰、살개봉]

Actually I saw several groups of people heading toward the waterfall and asked me how long would it be to reach it.

For the first group, I said about 20 minutes, for the 2nd group, I answered it would be about 30 more minutes.

They were not hikers, but sightseers. I could tell by seeing their clothes and shoes.

The water at the waterfall was too little and not very dynamic at all. But the water in the valley was plenty, and I could hear the sounds of running water.

I arrived at Donghaksa Temple at 2:10. The temple was decorated with a lot of colorful lanterns because Buddha’s birthday was just around the corner (5/17).

[Donghaksa Temple, 東鶴寺、동학사]

[Bleeding hearts, タイツリソウ、금낭화(錦囊花)]

[“Kerria japonica”, ヤマブキの花、황매화黃梅花]

The temple is a Buddhist nunnery and their gardens are always full of beautiful flowers. I saw "Bleeding heart" and “Kerria japonica” or “Yamabuki(山吹)” in Japanese or “HwangMaeHwa황매화黃梅花)” in Korean.

At the end of the trail, in front of "Seoul Restaurant" I saw a chipmunk. It is very cute.


I arrived at the bus stop at 2:30 so it took me 7 hours for this hike.

It was my 20th hike for this year.








[A map of GyeRyongSan, 鶏龍山の地図、계룡산 지도]


[A general store "K Mart", 雑貨屋「Kマート」、구멍 가게 "K 마트"]



[[Royal azalea in Gyeryongsan、鶏龍山のクロフネツツジ、계룡산 산철쭉]]


[A red squirrel, エゾリス、청솔모]



[A guidepost at Keunpaejae, クンペジェの標識、큰배재 이정표]

[A coffee break at Geunpaejae, クンペジェでコーヒー休憩、큰배재에서 커피 휴식]


[Gentiana thunbergii, ハルリンドウ(春竜胆) or コケリンドウ(苔竜胆)、구슬붕이]

[Nammaetap, 男妹塔、남매탑]


[“One Thousand Year Medical Water" “SeokGanSu"、千年薬水・石間水、천년 약수 · 돌 사이 물]


[Yellow violets, 黄色いスミレの花、노란 제비꽃]

[Korean azalea near Sambulbong, 三仏峰のチンダルレ、삼 불 봉의 진달래]

[At the top of Sambulbong, 三仏峰にて、삼불봉에서]


[At the top of Sambulbong, 三仏峰にて、삼불봉에서]


[At the top of Sambulbong, 三仏峰にて、삼불봉에서]



[Yellow violets at the ridge, 『自然城陵』にて、"자연성릉"에서]


[Korean azaleas on the ridge, 稜線のチンダルレ、능선의 진달래]



[Viewing the peaks of Sambulbong, 観音峰から三仏峰を眺める、관음봉에서 삼불봉을 바라본다]


[At the top of Gwaneumbong, 観音峰の頂上にて、관음봉 정상에서]






[River in the valley near the temple, 東鶴寺近くの渓谷、동학사 근처 계곡]

[The garden of Donghaksa, 東鶴寺の庭、동학사 정원]






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