About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


130418 Daejeon City Tour (Environment and Ecology)大田シティツアー(環境・生態)

Date: April 18 (Thu) Cloudy, then fine.

Place: Daejeon, Korea

Course: Daejeon Station – Mt. Gyejok – Daecheong Dam Museum – Natural Treasure Center – Daejeon Station

I have been living in Daejeon for 10 years, but I had never taken the city tour of Daejeon. One of my Korean friends, Jina recommended to take some, so I took one of city tours for the first time.

I took a city bus #604 and got off at Government Complex, then took a subway to Daejeon Station. I paid for the bus ride, but the subway ride was free. It is really a good system I never thought of, in Japan. (You have to use a card, either traffic card, or credit card.)

Jina is in charge of Chinese visitors at the information center at Daejeon Station. I saw her at the information counter, and I got enough information about City Tour in Daejeon.

[Information Desk at Daejeon Station, 大田駅の観光案内所、대전역 관광 안내소]

The City Tour of Environment and Ecology left at 9:40 am. It was a big nice bus with a professional guide. The regular fair is 4000 won, but people over 64 get 1000 won discount. There were only 3 passengers including myself. And all of us got that benefit.

[The City Tour Bus, シティ・ツアーバス、시티 투어 버스]

We went to Gyejoksan, first. I came to this mountain several times, mostly with Taejeonhikers. But this time, we walked on “Yellow dust trail” on which people enjoy walking with bare feet.

[The guide is explaining "Red Clay Road," 『黄土の道』案内図を説明するガイド、가이드가 "황톳길"안내도를 설명하고있다.]

The cherry blossoms and “kaenari” or “forsythia” flowers were in full bloom that day. The guide explained about the trail and we could enjoy beautiful scenery along the pond.

[The reservoir and "Jindallae" at Mt. Gyejok, 鶏足山の貯水池とチンダルレ、계족산 저수지와 진달래]

[The reservoir at Mt. Gyejok, 鶏足山の貯水池、계족산 저수지]

[Forsythia at Mt. Gyejok, 鶏足山のレンギョウ、계족산 개나리]

[Walking on Red Clay Road, 鶏足山の黄土の道を歩く、계족산 황톳길을 걷고있다.]

Then the bus headed for Daecheong Dam which is in the suberb of Daejeon city. The guide explained that “Dae” of Daejeong Dam means Daejeon, and Cheong means ChungCheong Province.

[Daechong Dam Museum, 大清ダム『水文化館』、대청댐 "물 문화관"]

I also came around this dam several times, mostly with Taejeonhikers, but I never visited the museum there.

[At Daechong Dam Museum, 大清ダム水文化館にて、대청댐 물 문화관에서]

[Palaemon adspersus, スジエビ、줄새우]

[Sturgeon, チョウザメ、철갑상어]

The museum was a good place to learn the history of the dam and those villages under the water now. Many villagers pictures were on display at the museum.

[A picture of villager before the dam, 水没前の村人の写真、수몰 전 마을 사람 사진]

[The guardians for the community, 水没前の村の道祖神、수몰 전 마을 장승]

I could see a nice mountain from the museum across the dam. The guide told me the name of the mountain as “Guryongsan” which means “The mountain of nine dragons.” I could also see a small temple in the middle of the mountain. I thought Taejonhikers should climb that mountain in the near future.

[Daechong Dam from the roof of the museum, 博物館から見た大清ダム、박물관에서 본 대청댐]

[Mt. Guryong from the dam, 大清ダムから見た九龍山、대청댐에서 본 구용산]

After visiting Daechong Dam Museum, we went to “Natural Treasure Center” at Hanpat Arboretum. I visit Hanpat Arboretum every Saturday, because AhToSan bus stops here, but I never visited “Natural Treasure Center” before.

[The gate of Natural Treasure Center, 天然記念物センター入口、천연 기념물 센터 입구]

Again this was a nice facility to learn natural treasures in Korea. There was a kennel in front of the center. There were two dogs in the kennel. One is a Korean Jindo Dog, a good looking white dog, and the other was a Sapsal dog, both were originated in Korea.

[A Sapsaldog, サプサル犬、삽살개]

[A Jindo dog, 珍島犬、진도개]

[At Natural Treasure Center, 天然記念物センター内にて、천연 기념물 센터 내에서]

[At Natural Treasure Center, 天然記念物センター内にて、천연 기념물 센터 내에서]

The natural treasure center was well facilitated facilitate for educational purpose. I found that “Dokdo” or “Takeshima” in Japanese was a national treasure in Korea.

The enthusiasm for this island by Korean people is far more great than that of Japanese. I really hope the problem will be solved peacefully in the near future.

After the visit of Natural Treasure Center, we came back to Daejeon Station by 12:10.

Jina took me to a nearby traditional noodle restaurant for lunch. The name of the restaurant was “Kimhwa Siktan.”It was a small restaurant with full of customers.

[A traditional Korean noodle restaurant, 伝統的なカルククスの食堂、손칼국수집 김화식당]

["Suyuk" at a traditional Korean noodle restaurant, 伝統的なカルククスの食堂にて、손칼국수집 김화식당에서]

Jina ordered “kalkuksu” and “suyuk”and they tasted very good. It seems very reasonable price since she paid 11,000 won (less than 10 dollars) for two people.

["Kalkuksu" at a traditional Korean noodle restaurant, 伝統的なカルククスの食堂にて、손칼국수집 김화식당에서]

I thanked Jina for introducing this city tour and delicious lunch.

Jina once visited my house and we climbed Mt. Fuji together with two Korean hikers in 2009.








[Information Desk at Daejeon Station, 大田駅の観光案内所、대전역 관광 안내소]



[The City Tour Bus guide, シティ・ツアーバスガイド、시티 투어 버스 가이드]



[The guide is explaining "Red Clay Road," 『黄土の道』案内図を説明するガイド、가이드가 "황톳길"안내도를 설명하고있다.]

[At the reservoir, 貯水池にて、저수지에서]

[The cherry trees at Mt. Gyejok, 鶏足山の桜、계족산 벚꽃]


[The guide is explaining the trails on Mt. Gyejok, 鶏足山の登山路を案内するガイド、가이드가 계족산 등산로를 설명하고있다.]

[Walking on Red Clay Road, 鶏足山の黄土の道を歩く、계족산 황톳길을 걷고있다.]

[This vehicle sprays red clay, 黄土を敷く専用の車、황토를 까는 전용 차량]

次に向かったのは大清This vircle ダムでこれは大田の「大」と忠清道の「清」をとってつけた名前だそうだ。ここも何回も来ているが、博物館に入ったのは初めてで非常にアカデミックであり、またダム湖の下に沈んだ村々の写真も残っていて記録性に優れている。

[At Daechong Dam Museum, 大清ダム水文化館にて、대청댐 물 문화관에서]

[Pseudogobio esocinus (Goby Minnow), スナモグリ; カマツカ(コイ科の淡水魚), 모래무지]

[Sturgeon, チョウザメ、철갑상어]

[A picture of villager before the dam, 水没前の村人の写真、수몰 전 마을 사람 사진]

[The guardians for the community, 水没前の村の道祖神、수몰 전 마을 장승]


[Mt. Guryong and HyonAmSa Temple, 九龍山と懸岩寺、구룡산과 현암사]



[The gate of Natural Treasure Center, 天然記念物センター入口、천연 기념물 센터 입구]


[A Sapsaldog, サプサル犬、삽살개]

[A Jindo dog, 珍島犬、진도개]

[At Natural Treasure Center, 天然記念物センター内にて、천연 기념물 센터 내에서]


[At Natural Treasure Center, 天然記念物センター内にて、천연 기념물 센터 내에서]



[Kimchi at a traditional Korean noodle restaurant, 伝統的なカルククスの食堂にて、손칼국수집 김화식당에서]

[Jina at a traditional Korean noodle restaurant, 伝統的なカルククスの食堂にて、손칼국수집 김화식당에서]


[At a traditional Korean noodle restaurant, 伝統的なカルククスの食堂にて、손칼국수집 김화식당에서]

["Kalkuksu" at a traditional Korean noodle restaurant, 伝統的なカルククスの食堂にて、손칼국수집 김화식당에서]

料金は11000Wだったようだ。ジナに「パパロティ」の最後も場面の歌曲の名前を訊くと「그대 내게 행복을 주는 사람」というらしい。



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