About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


101106 DeokSilSan in Gagodo, JeonNam (可居島・犢実山、全南)

Date: Nov. 6 (Sat) 2010 Dense fog in the morning, then fine

Place: Gagodo (DeokSilSan: 639m), ShinAn, JeonNam Province

Course: Hotel (vehicle) Entrance of the trail to DeokSilSan – Top of DeokSilSan – Crossroad - #2 Area – Abolished School – Small peninsula – (vehicle) – Hotel

Partner: 10 Koreans

[The map of Gagodo, 可居島の地図、가거도(可居島)의 지도 ]

The destination of AhToSan #291 Regular hike was Gagodo Island, 145 km South East from Moppo. The island is the most south east of Korean territory. Since it was an overnight 2 day trip, only 12 members (including Juli, an American lady and myself) joined this trip.

Juli comes from Califonia. She has been working as a proof-reader at several reseach and academic institutes in the past decade. I met her at ETRI when I was working there 8 years ago.

Since AhToSan planned to leave at Daejeon at 4 a.m. Saturday morning, she went to Moppo by public transportation on Friday, and stayed at a hotel there that night. She joined us at Moppo Harbor Saturday morning.

Rest of us went to Moppo from Daejeon by two cars. We left 4 a.m. at Expo South Gate Parking Lot and arrived at Moppo at 7 a.m.

We had “Haejangkuk” at a restaurant called “NamHae” in front of the harbar, then went to the harbar where Juli had been waiting for us.

[Breakfast at NamHae Restaurant,南海食堂で朝食、남해식당에서 아침 식사]

We were on board at 8 a.m., but the ferry boat could not leave the harbar because of dense fog. The ferry boat began its voyage 2.5 hours later.

[On board,フェリーへ乗船、페리에 승선]
[With Juli in the ferry boat,フェリー内でジュリと、페리내에서 쥬리와 함께]

AhToSan members prepared big sheets and lot of food for lunch. We occupied an open space at the top of the boat, and had lunch there.

[Lunch in the ferry boat,フェリー内で昼食、페리내에서 점심]

We arrived at the island a little bit before 3 p.m. The owner of the small hotel called “minpak” was waiting for us by a vehicle. He took us to the hotel facing the harbor, then he took us to the entrance of the trail by the car. Juli stayed at the hotel and did not join our adventure. Actually it was a bit difficult hike with several rocky part.

[Examining the route in front of the hotel、民宿の前でルートを検討、민박 앞에서 루트를 검토]
[At the entrance of the trail、登山路入口にて、등산로 입구에서]

The top of DeokSilSan was very close to the entrance of the trail. There was a military base on the top of the mountain. We saw young soldiers guarding the base there.
[At the top of DeokSilSan,犢実山山頂にて、덕실산 정상에서]

Then we began hiking mostly downward to the villege called Number Two. There were about 600 inhabitants on the island. Most of them are in the main villege called Number One. Some minpak hotels are located in Number Two.

[Looking down the sea, 崖の上から海を見下ろす、벼랑 위로부터 바다를 내려다본다]
[The crossroad in Gagodo,分岐点、갈림길]

We saw an abolished elementary school in Number Two, then we climbed on a hill behind the school. It was a small peninsula, and it was about the time of sunset.

[The abolished school's name is "Sohoksando Elementary School"、廃校の名前は「小黒山島国民学校」と読める、폐교의 이름은 「소흑산도 국민학교」라고 읽을 수 있다]

The sunset was beautiful. We all enjoyed seeing the gorgous sunset. Then we called the hotel and the owner of the hotel came to pick us up.

[The sunset at Gagodo,可居島の日没、가거도(可居島)의 일몰]

We were all hungry, and enjoyed a big table of “sashimi” and other food. Some members brought “chrysanthemum wine” and XO whisky. We all enjoyed the meal and drinks.

[Dinner at "minbak" hotel, 民宿の夕食、민박 저녁 식사]

After the meal, some members went for fishing at the harbor. I saw them fishing, and retreated to my room at around 9 p.m.

[Some members enjoyed fishing at night,数人のメンバーが夜釣りを楽しんだ、몇 멤버가 밤낚시를 즐겼다]

日時:2010年11月6日(土) 濃霧のち晴れ。










[Breakfast at NamHae Restaurant,南海食堂で朝食、남해식당에서 아침 식사]






[Lunch in the ferry boat,フェリー内で昼食、페리내에서 점심]



[The ferry boat arrived at the island at last,フェリーがようやく可居島へ到着、페리가 드디어 가거도(可居島)에 도착]
[The owner of the hotel was waiting for us with this truck,民宿の主人がトラックで出迎え、민박의주인이 트럭에서 마중나가]
[At the entrance of the trail、登山路入口にて、등산로 입구에서]


[With 2 young soldiers, 犢実山頂上の基地の前で、덕실산 정상 군 기지 앞에서]




[At the crossroad,分岐点にて、갈김길에서]


[An abolished elementary school、廃校になった「国民学校」、폐교된 「국민학교]





[Dinner with sashimi、刺身で夕食、생선회로 저녁 식사]


[Some members enjoyed fishing at night,数人のメンバーが夜釣りを楽しんだ、몇 멤버가 밤낚시를 즐겼다]

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