About pictures/当ブログ内の写真について/당 블로그내의 사진에 대해서

Most of the pictures in this blog are taken by my camera, yet some of them were downloaded from the website of the hiking club. If you click any pictures, they become the original size.


당 블로그내 사진의 대부분은 필자의 카메라로 촬영한 것입니다만 일부 산악회 공유 사진으로부터 다운한 것도 포함합니다. 모두 각 사진을 클릭하면, 원래 사이즈에 확대합니다.


101107 HweRyongSan, Gagodo, ShinAn, JeonNam (可居島・回龍山)

- The 2nd day of Gagodo Island, ShinAn, JeonNam Province

Date: Nov. 7 (Sun) 2010 Fine

Place: Gagodo (HweRyongSan), ShinAn, JeonNam Province

Course:Hotel (truck) The Pass (Entrance of HweRyongSan) – Mt. HweRyong – Rocky Part – Silver grass field – Hotel//Sightseeing by boat (including the visit of 100-year lighthouse.

Partners: 10 AhToSan members for the hike, and Juli joined us for sightseeing by boat.

[The most south-western land of Korea,「韓国最南西の地」という石碑,「한국 최 서남의지」랑 석비]
[The members caught more fish in the morning,朝釣りの釣果、아침 낚시 과, ]

We were supposed to leave at the hotel at 7:00 a.m. But some members seemed to have drunk a little bit too much on the previous night, so the truck left the hotel at 7:08 a.m.

We were stuck at the first slope because another truck with loading shovel had stopped there. We could not know the reason of trouble, but it took more than 15 minutes to clear the road. So, we started our hike at 7:30 a.m.

[We began hiking at 7:30 a.m. 7時半に登山開始、7시반에 등산 시작]

We climbed the top of HweRyongSan by 10 minutes. We had a great view from the top of the mountain. We could see the red sun through damp haze.

[On the top of HweRyongSan, 回龍山山頂にて、회룡산 정상에서]

Then I noticed some animals on the cliff. They were black and white wild goats. The small peninsula was surrounded by sharp cliffs, so the animals seem to be free from people.

[A family of wild goats,野生のヤギの群れ、야생 염소 무리]

The views were so nice that many of AhToSan members were absorbed in taking pictures (or posing for cameras.)

[After coming down, looked back the HweRyongSan, 下山後、回龍山を振り返る、하산후, 회룡산을 되돌아본다]
[Wild chrysanthemum were just beautiful, 野菊が非常にきれいだった、들국화가 대단히 예뻤다]

I was the first person who came down from the mountain. All of them returned to the hotel by 8:30 a.m. So it was my shortest hike for this year.

[Breakfast after the hike,朝のハイキングの後で朝食、아침 하이킹후에 아침 식사]

After having breakfast, we took a small boat which went around the island. One of AhToSan members stayed on the island, and in stead of her, Juli joined the sightseeing boyage.

[Juli joined the sightseeing trip by small boat,ジュリも島一周観光船に乗船、쥬리도 섬일주 관광선에 승선]

The boat stopped at the other side of the island where there was a lighthouse which was built in 1907.

[In front of the 100 year old lighthouse, 100年灯台の前で、100년 등대앞에서]

When sighseers returned to the boat, we saw a wild sheep being bound to the floor of the boat. The animal accidentally slipped from the cliff, and captain of the boat easily caught it at the beach.

It has big eyes, and from time to time, tried to escape but all vain. It cried sharply, then stopped struggling.

When we landed, the villegers came and picked the animal up to the truck and brought it in front of the hotel. The poor animal must become mutton and cooked by villegers in the evening.

[The ferry arrived but 2 hour-delay, 2時間遅れでフェリーが到着、2시간 늦음으로 페리가 도착]

The ferry was delayed because of dense fog in Moppo same as the previous day. But it came to Gagodo before 2 p.m. Some of the members went fishing while waiting for the ferry boat. They caught more fish than previous night.

[On the breakwater before boarding,乗船前に防波堤の上で、
승선전에 방파제 위에서]

The ferry boat had arrived at Moppo at 6 p.m. Then we went to a restaurant called “InDongJu Maul” which means “Villge of InDong Wine.”

The restaurant is famous for its specialties: sashimi of ray or skate and “indong wine.” The sashimi of ray or skate smells bad for me (smell of ammonia.) This food is the only food which I do not like very much among all Korean dishes.

[The last dinner of the trip,今回の旅の最後の夕食、이번 여행의 마지막 저녁 식사]
[Blue crab "sashimi"、コッケ(花蟹)の刺身、꽃게료리]

Anyway, there were many other dishes beside this sashimi, so I enjoyed the dinner very much.

We left the restaurant at 8 p.m. and returned to Daejeon at 11 p.m.

Thus I am very much satisfied with my 52nd and 53rd hike for this year, and it was my 218th hike with AhTosan in total.


日時:2010年11月7日(日) 快晴。






[A truck with a loading shovel was blocking the road,ショベルカーを積んだトランクが道を阻む、포크레인을 실은 트렁크가 길을 막고 있다]


[At the top of Mt. HweRyong, 回龍山山頂にて、회룡산 정상에서]
[Looking down the Number One Villege where our hotel is located, 民宿のある1区を見下ろす、민박이 있는 1구를 내려다본다]


[Looking down the headland where wild goats live, 野生のヤギが住む岬を見下ろす、야생 염소가 사는 갑을 내려다본다]


特によかったのは 回竜山から半島のようにのびた岬の絶壁のうえに群がる約10頭のヤギたちである。黒ヤギが多かったが中に2頭、白いヤギが混じっていた。

[A family of wild goats,野生のヤギの群れ、야생 염소 무리]

[After coming down, looked back the HweRyongSan, 下山後、回龍山を振り返る、하산후, 회룡산을 되돌아본다]


[Wild chrysanthemum were just beautiful, 野菊が非常にきれいだった、들국화가 대단히 예뻤다]




[We went around the island by a boat,船で島を一周、배로 섬을 일주]

[In front of the century old lighthouse, 百年灯台の前で、100년 등대 앞에서]




[The captain caught a wild sheeo,船長が野生の羊を捕まえた、선장이 야생 양을 붙잡았다]
[They bound the wild sheep in front of the hotel,捕まえた野生の羊を民宿前に繋いだ、붙잡은 야생 양을 민박전에 매어놓았다]


[On the breakwater before boarding,乗船前に防波堤の上で、
승선전에 방파제 위에서]
[The ferry arrived but 2 hour-delay, 1.5時間遅れでフェリーが到着、90분 늦음으로 페리가 도착]



[The last dinner at "InDongJu Maul"、忍冬酒マウルで最後の晩餐、인동주마을에서 마지막 저녁 식사]





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